Sanders booed at She The People conference


Well-Known Member
Just putting this out there. Cite all the polls you want showing how well liked Sanders is by not just this country but well liked ever, for all time by every person who lived and will live, ever. In all the universe for all time.

But, he's not a good leader when it comes to women's rights, civil rights and especially issues that affect African Americans.

Combine being a divisive and tone deaf leader for women's rights with being divisive and tone deaf leader for issues that affect African Americans and you get this:

HOUSTON — The groans erupted halfway through Bernie Sanders’s appearance Wednesday at a presidential candidates’ forum sponsored by She the People, a group that aims to drive up voter participation among women of color.

Before an audience of about 1,700, many of them African American and Hispanic women, the moderator asked Sanders (I-Vt.) how he would handle the rise in white supremacy. Sanders spoke of fighting discrimination and running a campaign “to bring our people together around an agenda that speaks to all people” — then returned to a familiar message on universal health care.

For many in the audience, that was insufficient. “Come on!” a woman shouted from the back, as others began to jeer and boo.

The reception reflected Sanders’s struggle to win support from minority voters, a problem that dogged his 2016 primary campaign against Hillary Clinton. Sanders has taken steps since to improve his outreach, including meeting with black leaders and talking more frequently about the difficulties facing minorities, but Wednesday’s event suggested the senator still faces challenges.

Sanders gets tough reception at minority women’s event, signaling challenges ahead

This is entirely Bernie's making. After having his ass handed to him in 2016, rather than reaching out and building relationships with the groups that gave him practically no support, he doubled down with division and color blind politics throughout 2017 and 2018.

jeers, boos and "Come On!", Bernie. He's reaping what he sowed.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it's legal, but did anybody catch the story about Bernard spending $444,000 of campaign contributions to buy his less successful book, and use it as campaign merchandise?

Again, I'm sure it's legal but it does help contextualize that 645 page campaign violation letter Bernie got the first time around.



Well-Known Member
Asked how he would deal with the raise in white supremacy .

“I know I date myself a little bit here, but I actually was at the March on Washington with Dr. King back in 1963,”...along with 250,000

Bernie tried to do a name drop and got booed.


Well-Known Member
Asked how he would deal with the raise in white supremacy .

“I know I date myself a little bit here, but I actually was at the March on Washington with Dr. King back in 1963,”...along with 250,000

Bernie tried to do a name drop and got booed.
He's been a US Senator -- one of the most powerful people in the world -- for last 14 years and all he say about what to do with the rise in white hate crimes today is talk about 1963.

Booooo! COME ON!!!


Well-Known Member
Fake Capitalism,He must have learned that trick from the mayor of Baltimore
Unlike the B'more Mayor's deal with the hospitals, corporations and non-profit groups, apparently, Bernie is legally selling his books to his campaign. In this regard, Sanders is not different from Trump booking his campaign events at his company's hotels.


Well-Known Member
I identify as African American, and the next candidate I vote for must have reparations as part of their platform!


Well-Known Member
I identify as African American, and the next candidate I vote for must have reparations as part of their platform!
Sorry it does not work that way. Your level of suntan usage begs to differ. I'm thinking you just want some BBC.
DNA must say you are AA.
Tell you what spend two days unprotected in the sun and let me know how it turns out. No sunburn we will let you be a honorary black chick like WhoaVicky or Rachel Dolezal



Well-Known Member
Maybe America, definitely not the world.
Yes if we are listing top ten most powerful, US Senators aren't among them.

Among the 7 1/2 billion people alive today, those 100 senators would be near the top in terms of ability to effect change. With all that power and influence available to him, Sanders hasn't accomplished anything of note. My guess is because Senators have to work with others to get things done and Sanders isn't that kind of person.


Well-Known Member
He has one vote in the Senate, and that wasn't even enough to stop Trump from building a ridiculous fence.

How does one act in the presence of such concentrated power?