What did you accomplish today?

too larry

Well-Known Member
Sister, the wife and I came into town to take care of the deeds for the land swap. The title office had screwed up one of them, and we didn't catch it until it had been recorded and we took it to the tax office. {The mess up deeded Sister's half of the river land to the wife and I. That was 2-3 miles from the piece of land we were actually trying to do} We went back in time for them to unrecord it, and we ran to the title office and they fixed it. Ran back to courthouse and got it recorded and filed with tax office.

And I found out something that is scary. Since the timber is wrecked, we might not be able to get agriculture exemptions on the land next year. I could not afford to pay market price taxes. Lots on the river go for $1K a foot of riverfront. Our taxes on the river field {1/4 mile of riverfront} is a couple hundred dollars.


Well-Known Member
got some coffee had to buy the beans so i can build up my vermicompost with that good shit. finally started to move some stuff into the new room. moved everything in my closet in there which really wasn't a lot my closet is pretty much empty. depending when my sisters bf's next day off is im going to move my computer in there on my day off. i need someone to help me move the bed though because the computer can only go in 1 location due to the plug. then my tent can also only go in 1 location as well. sucks though because we can't even take apart the bed frame it's pretty much more work to do that then it is just to move it around.

hopefully we got days off lined up soon cause these weeks gonna come flying by we need to get this renovation going asap.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Sister, the wife and I came into town to take care of the deeds for the land swap. The title office had screwed up one of them, and we didn't catch it until it had been recorded and we took it to the tax office. {The mess up deeded Sister's half of the river land to the wife and I. That was 2-3 miles from the piece of land we were actually trying to do} We went back in time for them to unrecord it, and we ran to the title office and they fixed it. Ran back to courthouse and got it recorded and filed with tax office.

And I found out something that is scary. Since the timber is wrecked, we might not be able to get agriculture exemptions on the land next year. I could not afford to pay market price taxes. Lots on the river go for $1K a foot of riverfront. Our taxes on the river field {1/4 mile of riverfront} is a couple hundred dollars.
Can you plant some saplings, would that work?


Well-Known Member
It's finally dried out here. Made two more tomato cages today and tried to pick up some zucchini plants but the store couldn't get any in, so I bought seeds. Hooked up a duct to my window in the garage and the intake fan I installed. I can pump in cool air now at night.
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Well-Known Member
Sister, the wife and I came into town to take care of the deeds for the land swap. The title office had screwed up one of them, and we didn't catch it until it had been recorded and we took it to the tax office. {The mess up deeded Sister's half of the river land to the wife and I. That was 2-3 miles from the piece of land we were actually trying to do} We went back in time for them to unrecord it, and we ran to the title office and they fixed it. Ran back to courthouse and got it recorded and filed with tax office.

And I found out something that is scary. Since the timber is wrecked, we might not be able to get agriculture exemptions on the land next year. I could not afford to pay market price taxes. Lots on the river go for $1K a foot of riverfront. Our taxes on the river field {1/4 mile of riverfront} is a couple hundred dollars.
Try for the exemption; if denied make a calm but epic stink with publicity via TV,radio and print media. This would be classic David vs Goliath; gov't teaming with land barons to screw a victim of natural disaster. You'd win. Always escalate


Well-Known Member
A well
i usually smoke a cig or nicotine product after i smoke my weed. idk why but i find that it makes me feel more awake plus to kinda drown out the smell of the weed. pretty much just smoke cigs now cause it's cheaper then vaping when i vape i go through about $50 a week buying the coils and juice as making my own coils and juice is very time consuming used to do it for years it's cheaper but time consuming and that is if the juice even comes out good.

quitting does suck i found a nifty trick that if i stop smoking for a long period and smoke a cig the nicotine hit is much better kind of like a weed tolerance. im a chain smoker though i can smoke about 3-4 back to back by the 3rd one i slow down though. i might buy 1 more pack try and help me get by this stupid car issue phase then quit once all that is situated
quiting under stress never works a packet of 25 smokes in Australia cost $34. That’s why I quit and my kids but every time I tried to quit under stressful like your situation, I would start back up I quit cold turkey it was one angry mofo hahahahaha.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Can you plant some saplings, would that work?
The tax lady said usually there is a five year window to get it replanted, and there are laws in the works for some kind of extension. So I should get it done in time. The cost of clearing the 20 acres of longleaf behind the house for planting would be $40K. My most likely plan of action is to let them sit 3 years, then burn. I'll replant after that. We are not sure if we are going to do as many pines as before. I'm getting old, and need something that will have a return while I'm still around.

The lady also said that I might loose the exemption on the natural woods. Since there is not a money making crop there. With all the big trees down, there is no saw logs, so no way to make a profit. The 40 at the pond is only woods woods. I may have to buy a couple of goats.


Well-Known Member
Harvest week is over. Thank you, jesus. Newly planted clones look happy in Tray #1. My iphone filters like, 90% of the HPS. Much prettier irl...


Plants in Tray #2 looking perky. The ladies are LOVING this cold weather, as the grow room is the perfect temp/humidity, and there is fresh air pumping through constantly.

Tray #3 at week 5, freshly tied up and staked. They like rough like that...

Tray #4 with about 9 days until chop. Gettin' fat, just the way I likes 'em.


Smells yummy...


too larry

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a "Wildlife Conservation Area" to me, lol. A place for the natural flora and fauna.
I think we will be alright. When she was explaining what the procedure was after the hurricane, she said, "we are supposed to go out and look at the land and make a new evaluation." Raise taxes on too many folks, and a new tax appraiser might be there next time.

The longleaf's behind the house were actually on a national conservation program. Out of row-crops into the local trees. They paid for 3/4's of the seedlings and all the planting. {since we did it ourselves, we made a few bucks} And my parents got $1K a year for 15 years. But there were restrictions on what we could do. No summertime burning, no thinning or raking straw.


Well-Known Member
A well

quiting under stress never works a packet of 25 smokes in Australia cost $34. That’s why I quit and my kids but every time I tried to quit under stressful like your situation, I would start back up I quit cold turkey it was one angry mofo hahahahaha.
Yea i mean its not just about cost but healthier lifestyle as in the future i want kids. That is true stress never helps any situation well nit this one at least. Its just the money issue that pushes it. Hopefully good news comes just been taking things day by day but tired of all the bad news back to back as if im unlucky


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Harvest week is over. Thank you, jesus. Newly planted clones look happy in Tray #1. My iphone filters like, 90% of the HPS. Much prettier irl...

View attachment 4325248

Plants in Tray #2 looking perky. The ladies are LOVING this cold weather, as the grow room is the perfect temp/humidity, and there is fresh air pumping through constantly.
View attachment 4325249

Tray #3 at week 5, freshly tied up and staked. They like rough like that...
View attachment 4325251

Tray #4 with about 9 days until chop. Gettin' fat, just the way I likes 'em.

View attachment 4325252

Smells yummy...

View attachment 4325266