What did you accomplish today?

We had AC, when the power was on. There were always rolling blackouts. The locals weren't very good at keeping up with the maintenance of the power plants. Even then there wasn't enough power to go around. After Typhoon Omar we did rotating shifts fueling and checking the oil in the neighbors generator so we could have coffee in the morning. I washed my hair in the rain water coming off our building where the gutter was torn off, my wife wanted to know where I took a shower.
awe you just made my day! Thank you. :oops: Sounds like you had an awesome day in the sun. I'd like to go rollerblading on that path. It didn't look like anyone was using it until the very end of the video. You can't safely ride a bike or rollerblade on the paths here when it's nice out. Too many unsupervised kids and dogs running all over the place. My day sounds kinda lame in comparison. I took the dog to a park not far from my house. It has a really cool fountain that has dog sculptures with water shooting out of their mouths. I brought a blanket with me and sat on the grass and read my book and played with people's dogs. It beats being indoors on a day like this.

this is the fountain. not my pic

That's true here, too. I would not take that path during the day on a weekend, way too many people. I've seen kids with negligent parents get smashed by cyclists, and dogs get hit or run over by all sorts of things. It is amazing how unaware people can be, and how little regard they seem to have for their kids and pets. I'm a very vocal cyclist with a booming baritone voice - ''On Your Left!!!' 'Coming Through!' Almost obnoxiously. Sounds like you had a nice day, that fountain is adorable...
awe you just made my day! Thank you. :oops: Sounds like you had an awesome day in the sun. I'd like to go rollerblading on that path. It didn't look like anyone was using it until the very end of the video. You can't safely ride a bike or rollerblade on the paths here when it's nice out. Too many unsupervised kids and dogs running all over the place. My day sounds kinda lame in comparison. I took the dog to a park not far from my house. It has a really cool fountain that has dog sculptures with water shooting out of their mouths. I brought a blanket with me and sat on the grass and read my book and played with people's dogs. It beats being indoors on a day like this.

this is the fountain. not my pic

Nuts to that! Can you do anything outdoors when it's that hot?

Lovely fountain, and here it's only comfortable outdoors before sun up and well into night.
That's true here, too. I would not take that path during the day on a weekend, way too many people. I've seen kids with negligent parents get smashed by cyclists, and dogs get hit or run over by all sorts of things. It is amazing how unaware people can be, and how little regard they seem to have for their kids and pets. I'm a very vocal cyclist with a booming baritone voice - ''On Your Left!!!' 'Coming Through!' Almost obnoxiously. Sounds like you had a nice day, that fountain is adorable...

I've done the on the left thing a few times and for some reason people most often turn to their left. Almost better to say on your left and go to their right, or say nothing and whiz by. I've startled an off leash dog when rollerblading who gave chase. Nothing gets the heart beating and gives you super human speed like a huge german shepherd barking and nipping at your heels. After that I stopped using shared paths for anything but walking.

Lovely fountain, and here it's only comfortable outdoors before sun up and well into night.

That really isn't much different than winter here. Three or four months of a crappy weather where you have to hide indoors. I think I could live with that if it meant nine months of beautiful weather.