What did you accomplish today?

What will be your approach?








My bet is on this technique.

lmfao this is what i would actually say jokingly of course but she doesn't have a great sense of humor imo. i told her something last night and she just shot me down. as expected she claimed " a lot of guys tell her that " the usual "all guys are the same" bullshit. me and her friend think she is low key lesbian or bi but heavily leans towards women. never dealt with a woman this stubborn before. it's hard just to have a normal conversation with her feels very awkward.

i try to be polite and a gentleman to her though i have a theory that she dated a guy before and he just fucked her over maybe verbally abusive or something idk.
Been uneventful day. got up late, messed around on the PC, went to vote, went shopping, had a nap, changed the reservoirs out and pHed them, made a braai, and now I'm just lazy again
lmfao this is what i would actually say jokingly of course but she doesn't have a great sense of humor imo. i told her something last night and she just shot me down. as expected she claimed " a lot of guys tell her that " the usual "all guys are the same" bullshit. me and her friend think she is low key lesbian or bi but heavily leans towards women. never dealt with a woman this stubborn before. it's hard just to have a normal conversation with her feels very awkward.

i try to be polite and a gentleman to her though i have a theory that she dated a guy before and he just fucked her over maybe verbally abusive or something idk.

nothing wrong with a bi lady, just saying.......just be a gentlemen...and everything will work out on it's own...
supposed to go to work today but called in sick. got about 2 hours of sleep last night and idk why but i am feeling like i have to barf. few days ago i ate some food that i am pretty sure was spoiled but i dont eat from that restaurant. it was like a spicy chicken dish sauteed with vegetables ( some chinese restaurant ) the day i ate the dish it already smelled funky like sour/spoiled but i know my aunty just bought it so it must have been alright. heated it up the next day and it smelled super funky. took a few bites and told myself it wasn't supposed to smell like this. as a cook i used my best judgement despite it tasted fine.

had the runs since monday though. thats why i like my current job they don't care if we call in sick or got personal things going on they are understanding. at other jobs they would of j
nothing wrong with a bi lady, just saying.......just be a gentlemen...and everything will work out on it's own...

yea nothing wrong with bi women i've dated a few. the problem is we don't know if she is bi or straight up lesbian and i think she is lesbian and she knows it but hasn't come out yet or doesn't want to tell anyone cause she is unsure. her friend told me she is very picky and shallow when it comes to dating though. been chasing after her for a while now and i usually give up cause it feels like a lost cause
Found this looking for another dentist, I just don't think I want this guy in my mouth: XUAN DUONG DENTAL CORP
Years ago....
So. my dentist send me to this orthodontist cause I needed wisdom teeth out. I went for the appointment, but the fucker had only one eye.
being disabled myself I don't like to discriminate, but, I phoned my dentist and said, no fucking way, find me someone else.

You guys have fucked up labour laws.. It is pretty hard to fire someone here.
I actually had a dental hygienist that messed up my hair with her breasts when she was cleaning them (they were on the small side but I have no problem with that). I think she was a little masochistic because she did an EXTENSIVE cleaning, it freakin hurt. When I was in the military this dental tech was saying her and another tech were talking about doing toplesss teeth cleaning. I almost said she could start right then but she was an Airman, I was a SSgt. and I had visions of Leavenworth breaking rocks.
yea nothing wrong with bi women i've dated a few. the problem is we don't know if she is bi or straight up lesbian and i think she is lesbian and she knows it but hasn't come out yet or doesn't want to tell anyone cause she is unsure. her friend told me she is very picky and shallow when it comes to dating though. been chasing after her for a while now and i usually give up cause it feels like a lost cause

who cares? just be her friend everything will work out in the end......

i remember one of my first girl friends, i didn't know if she was or wasn't. One day we made a road trip to the beach, we both get out, she gets comfy in what she was wearing. We sat back had some lunch and decided to take a walk along the beach......then i hear "oh she looks cute" :shock:...made me pause for a moment and i had to ask "who?" and she pointed at a lady we just pass....that's when i kinda knew and how the conversation came up on her being bi or lesbian......told her it didn't bother me, we stayed friends for a while, and eventually we bacame lovers.....all worked out in the end....
who cares? just be her friend everything will work out in the end......

i remember one of my first girl friends, i didn't know if she was or wasn't. One day we made a road trip to the beach, we both get out, she gets comfy in what she was wearing. We sat back had some lunch and decided to take a walk along the beach......then i hear "oh she looks cute" :shock:...made me pause for a moment and i had to ask "who?" and she pointed at a lady we just pass....that's when i kinda knew and how the conversation came up on her being bi or lesbian......told her it didn't bother me, we stayed friends for a while, and eventually we bacame lovers.....all worked out in the end....

yea that is what i plan to do this time i mean i've known her for a while from culinary school but haven't gotten to really know her. i told her friend that though idgaf she interested or not in the end my feelings wont get hurt. shes not like a girl i see myself just fucking more like someone i could possibly see myself marrying if it went that way but who knows.
yea that is what i plan to do this time i mean i've known her for a while from culinary school but haven't gotten to really know her. i told her friend that though idgaf she interested or not in the end my feelings wont get hurt. shes not like a girl i see myself just fucking more like someone i could possibly see myself marrying if it went that way but who knows.

just take your time...

shit just take her to one of the water falls, take a lunch, smoke a J, and just have fun.....
I actually had a dental hygienist that messed up my hair with her breasts when she was cleaning them (they were on the small side but I have no problem with that). I think she was a little masochistic because she did an EXTENSIVE cleaning, it freakin hurt. When I was in the military this dental tech was saying her and another tech were talking about doing toplesss teeth cleaning. I almost said she could start right then but she was an Airman, I was a SSgt. and I had visions of Leavenworth breaking rocks.
Wise choice, when my son was an MP in the Army stationed at Ft Riley KS, he did some duty at Leavenworth. He said EVERYTHING shined like bootcamp polished boots. Everything from floor to ceiling in the entire prison was polished to a high shine. He said he thought even the rocks lining the driveway were waxed. Inmates stand for a full military cell inspection every morning and must adhere to military hair and dress code at all times....
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supposed to go to work today but called in sick. got about 2 hours of sleep last night and idk why but i am feeling like i have to barf. few days ago i ate some food that i am pretty sure was spoiled but i dont eat from that restaurant. it was like a spicy chicken dish sauteed with vegetables ( some chinese restaurant ) the day i ate the dish it already smelled funky like sour/spoiled but i know my aunty just bought it so it must have been alright. heated it up the next day and it smelled super funky. took a few bites and told myself it wasn't supposed to smell like this. as a cook i used my best judgement despite it tasted fine.

had the runs since monday though. thats why i like my current job they don't care if we call in sick or got personal things going on they are understanding. at other jobs they would of j

yea nothing wrong with bi women i've dated a few. the problem is we don't know if she is bi or straight up lesbian and i think she is lesbian and she knows it but hasn't come out yet or doesn't want to tell anyone cause she is unsure. her friend told me she is very picky and shallow when it comes to dating though. been chasing after her for a while now and i usually give up cause it feels like a lost cause
I doubt she'd even bother going on a date with you if she was a confirmed lesbian. Just ask her out straight up; she'll say yes or no. Problem solved one way or the other
Years ago....
So. my dentist send me to this orthodontist cause I needed wisdom teeth out. I went for the appointment, but the fucker had only one eye.
being disabled myself I don't like to discriminate, but, I phoned my dentist and said, no fucking way, find me someone else.

You guys have fucked up labour laws.. It is pretty hard to fire someone here.

Could make for a good children's dentist.
