Why are moderates pretending to be progressive?

You actually believe what you just wrote?
You've just lost all my respect for you.(not that it matters), because that shows to me that your morally bankrupt.
Biden is not a solution.

He's part of the problem, 'with a firm handshake and an easy smile'...

Better the tyrant you know.

The DNC needs to be exposed as the nest of criminals they are.
You called for people to commit acts of terror by firebombing people but it’s everyone else who’s the criminal

Fuck you tty
The DNC needs to be exposed as the nest of criminals they are.

The DNC? It's an office to help the Democratic presidential nominee after the election. Before then, it provides office and telecommunications infrastructure for primary candidates. Also coordinates activities between the various state Democratic Parties. They help all presidential primary candidates. Their charter and mandates are set during the national convention. There is supposed to be cost-sharing between the primary campaigns. Something that Bernie agreed to do but welched on. later. Talk about being a divisive leader.

For somebody who speaks with such confidence, you don't know much.
Bernie, Warren or Gabbard. The rest are stuffed shirt establishment puppets.
That Bernie guy. His health care plan sucks. Also not a good leader on civil rights issues.

Warren's plan is not Bernie's. She is quite reasonably offering up a plan to shore up and improve the ACA. It's not public option for Medicare, it's just plans to increase coverage and reduce costs to people who buy insurance on federal exchanges.

Tulsi Gabbard's health care plan is the same as Bernie's.. See above. Her past statements against abortion and gay rights make her odious. Not to mention her connection to Putin.

Other than Warren being too old, of the three, Warren is clearly the best. Gabbard and Bernie are out of the running because their health care plans make them unelectable.

Harris, Booker, Cruz Castro all are better than Ber-bard.
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That Bernie guy. His health care plan sucks. Also not a good leader on civil rights issues.

Warren's plan is not Bernie's. She is quite reasonably offering up a plan to shore up and improve the ACA. It's not public option for Medicare, it's just plans to increase coverage and reduce costs to people who buy insurance on federal exchanges.

Tulsi Gabbard's health care plan is the same as Bernie's.. See above. Her past statements against abortion and gay rights make her odious. Not to mention her connection to Putin.

Other than Warren being too old, of the three, Warren is clearly the best. Gabbard and Bernie are out of the running because their health care plans make them unelectable.

Harris, Booker, Cruz all are better than Ber-bard.
That Bernie guy. His health care plan sucks. Also not a good leader on civil rights issues.

Warren's plan is not Bernie's. She is quite reasonably offering up a plan to shore up and improve the ACA. It's not public option for Medicare, it's just plans to increase coverage and reduce costs to people who buy insurance on federal exchanges.

Tulsi Gabbard's health care plan is the same as Bernie's.. See above. Her past statements against abortion and gay rights make her odious. Not to mention her connection to Putin.

Other than Warren being too old, of the three, Warren is clearly the best. Gabbard and Bernie are out of the running because their health care plans make them unelectable.

Harris, Booker, Cruz all are better than Ber-bard.
are you aware that Bernie went to the MLK speech ?
Bernie Sanders is the most viable candidate to defeat Trump in 2020

If he wins the Democratic primary, he'll defeat Trump by winning Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin
The key to winning in 2020 will be who garners the Independent voters, and I don't see many mainstream Americans who are not aligned with any particular party voting for Sanders, or any other pie in the sky Progressive policies that are being espoused.
That said though, however meritorious the ideas are, they are not going to be accepted by the majority voters today because they simply don't give a fuck
Too fast & too furious, and that's a bad thing in politics usually (unless your AOC)
I say again, once the WH is won by a Democrat,(any one will do) then we can move, incrementally probably, but at least move in the right direction.
They changed it to the thing he actually said?

It said sleazy and they changed it within 30 seconds..I know what I saw..I read it and was shocked as shite. You never see what the left hand is doing because they have you focus on the right hand- the pure unadulterated magic of teevee and Trumpy tweets.

If I said it happened, it did.

Just like HR going into the network and cutting out selective EMs from a thread when their HR rep couldn't control her temper- a total no-no.

She was gone shortly thereafter for some unknown reason..
Bernie, Warren or Gabbard. The rest are stuffed shirt establishment puppets.
And everyone would lose to Trump in a heartbeat in todays economy.
To win the Dems have to attack Trumps morality and lack of leadership, and the one to do that is Biden.
Is he the best?
Maybe not, but throughout his career he been more right than wrong on most issues, and I think most Americans think the same way.
It said sleazy and they changed it within 30 seconds..I know what I saw..I read it and was shocked as shite. You never see what the left hand is doing because they have you focus on the right hand- the pure unadulterated magic of teevee and Trumpy tweets.

If I said it happened, it did.

Just like HR going into the network and cutting out selective EMs from a thread when their HR rep couldn't control her temper- a total no-no.

She was gone shortly thereafter for some unknown reason..
Nobody believes you. You show bad judgement. Unless you can corroborate it you are just a delusional liar.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account@realDonaldTrump
Welcome to the race Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign. It will be nasty - you will be dealing with people who truly have some very sick & demented ideas. But if you make it, I will see you at the Starting Gate!

5:22 AM - 25 Apr 2019

At the very least you should be able to show that Trump called him sleazy when he announced his run for President. I mean, that would be kind of central to your claim, wouldn't it? Did MSNBC change Trump's tweet too?

What does "extra cheese" mean?

Just like HR going into the network and cutting out selective EMs from a thread when their HR rep couldn't control her temper- a total no-no.

She was gone shortly thereafter for some unknown reason..

Ummm, what the living fuck are you even talking about? Why do you think we care? Besides, what does it matter... you have a killer book of business and several homes in gated communities.

How's that employment lawsuit going? I haven't seen it on the docket at all. Did they get to the judge?


If you need extra money, @ttystikk can help you out. You're a "smokin' hot BLONDE ready to party!" If not now, then when you are ready.


I mean, shit, both of your eyes are on the same relative plain. Ka-ching. Plus, you've got daddy issues. Tty likey!

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