What did you accomplish today?

My mrs loves crystals and stones, she married the wrong guy if she wants diamonds. Well I got here a diamond engagement ring and she has one necklace with a horse shoe pendent with like little ones. Most of her necklaces are like crystals in raw form with feathers and crap. If it’s a good luck charm in any culture she will buy three and wear it lol
It's been more than 20 years since I presented my wife with jewelry.:sad:

More than a few precious metal and gemstone pieces have been lost.>:(

Rings and earrings were bad enough to lose. :?
I made the decision not to buy any more jewelry the day I was told the
second tennis bracelet had been lost. :(
1 diamond and 1 emerald. POOF!! :wall:

She has never asked me about not getting more as gifts and I don't bring it up either.:?


I hate jewelry. I'm allergic to flowers. I dislike gifts of most types. The greatest gift to me is if I ask you to do something (which is pretty damn rare), please just fucking do it NOW. The rest of the time leave me alone and we are good.
My computer guy is going to fix my laptop Wed. All my grow pics are on it among other pics, and no I haven't backed them up...yet. It's messing up our evening routine of Amazon music and Youtube music videos. We are catching up on recorded shows though.
The neighbor hired some people to trim their hedge so I talked to them and they took care of the side that was in my yard also, less work for me. Nice listening to the branch grinder first thing in the morning.
I woke up yesterday feeling fine so I didn't go to the walk in. I had a couple coughing spells and no more pain, maybe I just pulled a muscle. Told the wife if it flairs up again I'll go in. I'm not a huge fan of doctors, especially with a $4k deductible.
They really can't do shit for pleurisy unless it's caused by a bacterial infection and if you're young and healthy they won't bother with a sputum sample. Best thing you can do is to take a very effective cough syrup for a couple of days. Codeine is one of the best.
They really can't do shit for pleurisy unless it's caused by a bacterial infection and if you're young and healthy they won't bother with a sputum sample. Best thing you can do is to take a very effective cough syrup for a couple of days. Codeine is one of the best.

I've been eating cough drops like candy, luckily it happened at the end of being sick so I'm really only coughing when I smoke. Which I guess is still kind of a lot but worth it, lol.
Chocolate Syrup.
I don't like chocolate syrup, although I did love Bosco as a child. I tend toward salt and heat and beer. I have to stay away from it because of anasarca. But I love that shit, especially with some smoking hot wings and blue cheese and pool. I forgot how much I enjoyed drinking beer and playing pool, Brazilian rules were hilarious.