What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone....it's another balmy 73F this morning, high is gonna be in the upper 80's this afternoon with a high RH, yeah it's gonna feel hotter than what it actually is....owe well....welcome to texas.....

on a better note...we might have some rain coming this way....fingers crossed

well coffee is ready and nice and hot.....

gotta get ready to take the Mrs's to her new doctor.....see what going on....

still haven't figured out where to put the new plants at, sat in the garden and looked around....hard to find spots for the these beauties...me and local mockingbird had a discussion about it...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
our summers haven't hit yet, but they're getting there, next week gonna be in the low 90's, in fact they are predicting, that sunday will be 93, but because of the humidity it will feel like 100....ugh....

glad we got the pool going again....:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
woke up tired af but i had a decent sleep. tried to stay up because i haven't eaten anything since tuesday. thinking about going to the fish market down the street buy some poke. if you dont know what poke is it's raw cubed fish usually ahi ( yellow fine tuna ), salmon, cooked octopus, sword fish, crab. basically one of those proteins marinated in some sort of sauce. sauces are typically made with soy sauce base and various herbs and spices. very popular here in Hawaii and typically only made with the freshest fish. if your buying salmon though 100% it's been frozen, if buying hamachi 100% it's been frozen. crab and octopus same thing.

i was thinking of buying some spicy ahi poke it's super popular so the shit sells out real quick. idk why this place never makes a lot of it either. other then that yea not much im doing today. might help my sisters bf with the room idk i think he is off today. if not tomorrow for sure. very hungry though. wish i had a car might end up just buying sushi tbh


Well-Known Member
Got my food shopping done. On the way home I hit home depot and grabbed some plants, 3 different grape varieties and 4 different strawberries, then went to the local plant stand for some bell pepper plants and a flat of marigolds. Hoping the rain let's up so I can get them planted and be done with it. I think the grapes are going into pots for now, I still need to dig the beds and set up trellising. I'm hoping to hit the big nursery a few towns over next week for some more berry/fruit plants, just not sure what yet. Smoking on some green crack and blueberry dabs. Maybe a nap before I go out to work, it's that kinda day.