What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I made some tomato cages because mine get so big they topple the little ones. 6' of 3' tall hog fence type stuff. I need to cut access holes in the two new ones I made still. I stake them down with some 1X steel fence tubes.
Last year I kept adding cages beside the cages and wiring them together.

Those are just the starters for now. I have a stack of them. And lots of that hollow plastic clothesline.

It took over an hour to cut all that shit down last October. It gets to be a mess in there.


Well-Known Member
38 minutes on hold with the tax board trying to find out where my money is and "Britney" answers. I click off the speaker and talk to her and all I get is hung up on because for some reason she could not hear me. I'll call again tomorrow, too late now.
had that shit happen to me for past 2 months now dealing with the car insurance/rental car. everytime they cannot hear me and im shouting lmfao. pretty sure it was the phone companies fault though cause when they talk it cuts in and out. i have verizon. same issue with my ISP as well for the past 2 weeks since i moved into my new room my internet has been fucked. it goes offline 5-20 times in a single day. i need to constantly restart my modem unhooking the coax cable and if i don't unhook that it won't reboot properly for some reason. it seemed to stop as of yesterday though. i have spectrum for ISP and tv though. spectrum kinda shitty imo for ISP

too larry

Well-Known Member
Morning everyone......it's a balmy 66F this morning....gonna hit the mid 80's today....sheesh it's a humid @#$%%^&& out there.....

Coffee is up and it's hot.......so if anyone needs any...

Figured out what that mystery plant was......it's a lantana, got some wild ones but they have a more of a minty smell to them, this one doesn't hmmm guess it's still to young of one.....the butterflies are gonna love me though...

now i just gotta figure out where to plant them......decisions decisions...
I've pulled my share of lantana in my younger days. As a kid, one of my chores was to pull any before a cow found it.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I had two nights off, so spent a good deal of the last two days at the pond. Got a tarp stretched, and a cot, chair and stool moved from my old camp. Plus remembered the 2 1/2 gallons of water this time.


Worked in the garden every morning though. This morning I got the last few trees cut that were in the way of putting up the fence. I had to make a brushpile. The debris removal folks said that I might could get away with putting more dead trees at the road, but nothing green. I had hoped they would hold off on my stuff for a few more days so I could ease around and add more, but they got the last of my crap this week.


Well-Known Member
I have 4,284 media files on my portable hard drive. I burned all our CD's to it at CD quality. After the fix on my laptop Windows media has decided it can't figure which song goes with which album or even who made them. Downloaded realplayer free version and it is in the process of sorting everything out (which is how I found out how many files are there). Keep your fingers crossed.


Ursus marijanus
I have 4,284 media files on my portable hard drive. I burned all our CD's to it at CD quality. After the fix on my laptop Windows media has decided it can't figure which song goes with which album or even who made them. Downloaded realplayer free version and it is in the process of sorting everything out (which is how I found out how many files are there). Keep your fingers crossed.
Something tells me that is the precise current quantitty of Finnish amputee dwarf porn available on the Internet.



Well-Known Member
finished my stage early at around 930pm so it was about 5 hours 30mins long. tired as shit expected it to be slow but not it was fairly busy the entire area was pretty damn busy at that hour. good news is i got hired; i start on monday. i still dont know exactly what to do i tried my best to help out do as much as i could. more good news LOTS of hot girls at that place. i was kind of expecting the food to be subpar when i walked it it's your usual the food prepped out doesn't look anything amazing but actually when it's done cooking it looks really fancy. they got me on pantry which pretty much does the salads and appetizers but they said only 3 people usually work the line most weekdays but i think there will be 4 for now since im new and training at least for a good week or 2.

might go to bed i didn't eat dinner yet but im pooped been up since 6am. off for the next 3 days renovations on saturday and sunday