Don't fk with China, you'll lose

The Han are already on those shores by the millions, with growing ethnic enclaves in every city, economic and political clout that rivals the domestic variety of colonial invaders (yourself included) and a covetous eye upon Australian resources. They're already aggressively hacking and spying out any strategic/industrial secrets and bribing politicians of all creeds at every echelon.
o for sure, Chinese have been part of the aussie culture since the gold rush. Most Chinese looking people in Australia speak with an aussie accent. Locality of Australia means we will have Asians of all descriptions living and visiting here.
Of cause the Chinese govt spies on us as we spy on them, of cause they lobby politicians just like the Israelis do and the Christian and the "insert country/race/religion/ multinational/etc here". Im sure we lobby them as well- in fact I know so. Trade between the two countries has been mutual beneficial.
Of much more concern is the buying of land by the Chinese, Americans and other countries but that's another topic.
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The Han are already on those shores by the millions, with growing ethnic enclaves in every city, economic and political clout that rivals the domestic variety of colonial invaders (yourself included) and a covetous eye upon Australian resources. They're already aggressively hacking and spying out any strategic/industrial secrets and bribing politicians of all creeds at every echelon.

So what? When is the last time China invented anything? They are pretty good at stealing innovations, secrets etc., but what real invention and innovation other than the 1984 totalitarian surveillance state tech have they contributed? They are good copiers but it doesn't seem like they lead the pack in innovation?
So what? When is the last time China invented anything? They are pretty good at stealing innovations, secrets etc., but what real invention and innovation other than the 1984 totalitarian surveillance state tech have they contributed? They are good copiers but it doesn't seem like they lead the pack in innovation?
Actually the surveillance apparatus was designed by Cisco, at least partially. However, the CCP has used state run enterprise to innovate in several ways. For one thing, they lead the world in organ transplantation. They actually invented the radar absorbing skin for stealth aircraft. Oh -- and vaporizers.

There are a bunch of scary medical innovations from China too but I agree with your premise overall. Most of their gdp comes from the cheap shit they produce which were developed by the western companies (who poured vast capital to into R&D) that are in turn undercut by the companies owned by the Chinese communist party. That's why Kawasaki isn't getting any contracts to build high speed rail. That's why I have a Xiaomi phone.
So what? When is the last time China invented anything? They are pretty good at stealing innovations, secrets etc., but what real invention and innovation other than the 1984 totalitarian surveillance state tech have they contributed? They are good copiers but it doesn't seem like they lead the pack in innovation?
They steal, they co opt, they send students here to carry back as much info as they can.

They also are at the forefront of many sciences because of it.
Quantum computing comes to mind as something the Chinese lead in.
So what? When is the last time China invented anything? They are pretty good at stealing innovations, secrets etc., but what real invention and innovation other than the 1984 totalitarian surveillance state tech have they contributed? They are good copiers but it doesn't seem like they lead the pack in innovation?
Read and learn. If you TRULY want to know the information is out there. You sound like an American idiot. The kind who pictured the Japanese as little men with thick glasses who excelled in landscaping. The Americans laughed at them. For a minute at the beginning of our involvement in WWII.
The ONLY thing that has held China back was the lack of amoral capitalists looking to invest. That’s it! Please note the hybrid government there now. All for capitalism even if the government is a partner. This is a major point of contention between them and us. The subsidizing that our government is not about to get into. So it’s like a fight between two fighters with each using a totally different style. One where the winner takes all.
So what? When is the last time China invented anything? They are pretty good at stealing innovations, secrets etc., but what real invention and innovation other than the 1984 totalitarian surveillance state tech have they contributed? They are good copiers but it doesn't seem like they lead the pack in innovation?
Let's say for a minute that you are right - which I don't believe for a minute. Do you not see the advantages that copying can offer? You can skip years and trillions of invested time and money by just stealing ideas. That is a perfect complement to their last twenty years of national development. Do you not understand how they can now leverage that into both international competitive advantage and consolidation of their own political power by using the things that they have copied into original applications?

Or is this about the "inferiority of people with yellow skin" to you?
The ONLY thing that has held China back was the lack of amoral capitalists looking to invest. That’s it! Please note the hybrid government there now. All for capitalism even if the government is a partner. This is a major point of contention between them and us. The subsidizing that our government is not about to get into. So it’s like a fight between two fighters with each using a totally different style. One where the winner takes all.
And one of them has opted to use a referee while the other has not.
And one of them has opted to use a referee while the other has not.
All the complaints about IP theft and etc - none of this is new. Not at all. It was like Robert Johnson at the Crossroads. The wealthy saw nothing but profits ahead using sweatshop and prison labor. So what if some company in Shint-Zu was making Ray Ban knockoffs? I’m an amateur musician. Starting in 1997 I was leading an effort to force eBay to stop allowing sales of counterfeit Shure microphones. The Chinese were selling them by the container load. The microphones were total junk yet every day I wrote at least 10 messages to the Chinese sellers that they were in violation of American and international law by selling counterfeit items. That had to be followed by submitting this to eBay. Then having to follow up with both the seller and eBay to kill the listing. At the same time the Feds I went with twice to different markets to examine these mics all bought counterfeit Ray Bans and Gargoyles and Oakleys etc. This is not going to go away.

By the way you can easily identify the Chinese counterfeit microphones. Open it and look at the voice coil. The genuine have “Shure” written on them. The knockoffs don’t.
Let's say for a minute that you are right - which I don't believe for a minute. Do you not see the advantages that copying can offer? You can skip years and trillions of invested time and money by just stealing ideas. That is a perfect complement to their last twenty years of national development. Do you not understand how they can now leverage that into both international competitive advantage and consolidation of their own political power by using the things that they have copied into original applications?

Or is this about the "inferiority of people with yellow skin" to you?
You also have the advantage of stealing only ideas that work.
Where’s a single serious proposal about inspecting freight entering the USA to check for counterfeit shit? I’m well aware of the volume of just containers. Counterfeit includes almost every item you can buy. Not just sunglasses. Coach purses for example. Counterfeit all day on eBay. Ralph Lauren and Izod etc - same thing. Where’s the prosecutions of Americans selling the crap here? Don’t tell me none of the businesses are aware that they’re buying and selling counterfeit. When you buy a microphone that easily sells for $150 for $50? A Coach counterfeit you can buy for $200 when the real deal sells for over $2K?
Where’s a single serious proposal about inspecting freight entering the USA to check for counterfeit shit? I’m well aware of the volume of just containers. Counterfeit includes almost every item you can buy. Not just sunglasses. Coach purses for example. Counterfeit all day on eBay. Ralph Lauren and Izod etc - same thing. Where’s the prosecutions of Americans selling the crap here? Don’t tell me none of the businesses are aware that they’re buying and selling counterfeit. When you buy a microphone that easily sells for $150 for $50? A Coach counterfeit you can buy for $200 when the real deal sells for over $2K?

Lol, i still remember having to buy Nike and Reebok shoes from a proper shoe store. Anywhere else they were fakes.

Have to hand it to the clever bastards the way they're running factories too. I purchased a grow tent on ebay last year. EXACTLY the same as the brand name one, just with no label and a quater of the price. Goes to show how little it costs to mass produce said item, and just how much the brands are charging for a label.

Amazing how dependent on China the world is becoming if Australia is anything to go by. Damned without them, most of us wouldn't have food for the table, or clothes on our backs. Let alone everything else.

We're all doomed here without them.
Lol, i still remember having to buy Nike and Reebok shoes from a proper shoe store. Anywhere else they were fakes.

Have to hand it to the clever bastards the way they're running factories too. I purchased a grow tent on ebay last year. EXACTLY the same as the brand name one, just with no label and a quater of the price. Goes to show how little it costs to mass produce said item, and just how much the brands are charging for a label.

Amazing how dependent on China the world is becoming if Australia is anything to go by. Damned without them, most of us wouldn't have food for the table, or clothes on our backs. Let alone everything else.

We're all doomed here without them.
What goes out the front door of the Chinese factories is name brand products. What goes out the back door is generic. Same product
Lol, i still remember having to buy Nike and Reebok shoes from a proper shoe store. Anywhere else they were fakes.

Have to hand it to the clever bastards the way they're running factories too. I purchased a grow tent on ebay last year. EXACTLY the same as the brand name one, just with no label and a quater of the price. Goes to show how little it costs to mass produce said item, and just how much the brands are charging for a label.

Amazing how dependent on China the world is becoming if Australia is anything to go by. Damned without them, most of us wouldn't have food for the table, or clothes on our backs. Let alone everything else.

We're all doomed here without them.
Try buying a replacement alternator for an American vehicle. If the unit is not entirely made in China from Chinese components it’s assembled someplace else but still using Chinese electronic components. I have not had to replace the starter yet but I will assume it’s the same deal. We all know that it’s the Holy Land for cellphones. This has been slowly building for many years. I’m old enough to remember when Sam Walton was alive and running Wal Mart. American any time it was possible. By his preference. Once he was out of the picture the family was on the plane to China and exorbitant profits. People just kept buying. Trump decries globalization while building Trump properties worldwide. Thank the 1% for it all. They own it all so they run it all.