Why are moderates pretending to be progressive?

I'm not defending people who make false accusations and I'm not a left winger or a right winger.

As you admitted, Sanders does have 3 houses.
I don't care if Bernie Sanders has 3 houses. It's none of my business.

It's ironic that Bernie claims to be a socialist, but he's a millionaire and has 3 houses.
That's like a 500 pound guy in stained XXXXXXXXL sweat pants holding a box of donuts, greeting you at the door of his weight loss clinic, saying "welcome" with his mouth full of a chocolate cruller.

All Politicians are my enemy, because no politician will refrain from using initiatory force to do things to people that would be wrong if you or I did the same things. Some are worse than others and some would spend the stolen money differently, but every one of them is willing to violate people. Every one.
What a shitty, stupid, lies-filled post
So he's a socialist, who disavows capitalism, but uses capitalism to enrich his life, but feels guilty about it and in order to justify his 3 houses, is willing to say he'll pay more money to assuage his guilt?

Bernie is free to donate his houses to people RIGHT NOW, even if higher taxes aren't imposed on people right?

What's ironic is Bernie claiming to be supportive of peace and voting to fully fund the Pentagon. Not to mention he's a gun lover, as all Democrats are. This is evidenced by the mechanism used to enforce their edicts...A GUN.

If their ideas were suggestions, no gun would be needed, but since their ideas become laws...a gun is necessary to ensure people will obey these confiscatory laws. Bernie is willing to use guns to force people to adopt his ideas. That is an indisputable fact.

It's also ironic that Bernie claims to be "against big banks", yet he's consistently voted for expanding the money supply when he votes to extend the debt ceiling. That is a pro "big bank" move.
“You day the air is too polluted yet you’re breathing the air. Hypocrite!”

You have the worst arguments in the fucking world
Here are two ways to interact with people.

1) On a voluntary and consensual basis

2) on an involuntary and nonconsensual basis

Bernie can call himself what he wants to, but his actions put him in category #2 , with all the other politicians of every stripe.
You’d like him better if he blamed Jews for terrorist attacks they had nothing to do with though. Because you are a neo nazi
Meaning what? He wouldn't compromise his principles to bend to corporate interests?
I can like anyones policies even some of tRumps but that isn't obligating me to vote for you
I'm voting for the strongest Democrat ...nothing will change that for me till Republicans are out of office
A lifetime of being a Republican but now I am cured
I can like anyones policies even some of tRumps but that isn't obligating me to vote for you
I'm voting for the strongest Democrat ...nothing will change that for me till Republicans are out of office
A lifetime of being a Republican but now I am cured

in 2016, we were TOLD Clinton was the strongest even when she was holding rallies in high school gyms and hotel lobbies, while Sanders was filling stadiums..

be tribalistic and always go with the MOST popular (well-known) and you're sure to win because they're ELECTABLE..amirite?!
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Shouldn't you vote for who you actually support who supports the policy positions you support in the Democratic primary?
in 2016, we were TOLD Clinton was the strongest even when she was holding rallies in high school gyms and hotel lobbies, while Sanders was filling stadiums..

be tribalistic and always go with the MOST popular and you're sure to win!
Well now you two have convinced me
I will never vote for Bernie
Well done