What did you accomplish today?

I hate Monday’s feel like the was no weekend. I’m off to work it’s supposed to rain I wouldn’t mind that lol . My stomach is doing back flips even making me sweaty I shouldn’t of had ice cream last night it doesn’t like me
Monday nights are usually my Fridays. But I have something on the schedule for Tuesday night, so the weekend is down to one day this week.

Almost forgot my wife's friend's husband is going under the knife on Tuesday, so I have to get someone on standby in case I don;t make it back from Tally in time. I would rather work than spend the day in surgery waiting rooms by a ratio of 100:1.
trying to enjoy my last day off before i go back to work. tired as shit lately sick, it's hot as fuck again despite the weather man said there is wind. WHAT WIND?! cooked some corn beef hash and eggs for lunch was alright the brand i had was not very tasty had to drown it in some salt and ketchup. fell asleep and took a nap again woke up to some guy yelling at people on a farm saying " LOOK AT ME WHEN IM TEACHING YOU HOW TO GARDEN!" lmfao. overall a decent day just ready to get the next 4 days over with so i can have a few days off again. friday my sister comes in from san fran to visit and also my cousins graduation. no idea what we are doing on saturday and sunday. sister told me to take off that weekend and come to find out she didn't even take off.

dad is finishing up the bathroom doing the boarders. think they plan to finish it off by this week already. really hope my sister started to pack her shit

With more on the way...
so after some researching and thinking i have decided. im going to get my motorcycle license NOW rather then later as i planned. cost for courses is fairly cheap $200 only for the entire course which is 3 days only. this way i can buy my own motorcycle versus a car which i'd much prefer to begin with anyways. think imma get it next year though. work on saving some money for now buy out a motorcycle

think imma do it. cheapest option atm that way at least i'd only have to wait about 1 year max less if i buy used. my moms boss rides and my uncle does as well so they can help me out purchasing one if i need to likely the one imma prolly get will fetch me the same price of a damn car though. but we'll see when we get down that road. need to purchase my own helment and gloves just to take the damn class and im not tryna take the classes until i have enough to buy a bike dont want to sit on a license not being used.
so after some researching and thinking i have decided. im going to get my motorcycle license NOW rather then later as i planned. cost for courses is fairly cheap $200 only for the entire course which is 3 days only. this way i can buy my own motorcycle versus a car which i'd much prefer to begin with anyways. think imma get it next year though. work on saving some money for now buy out a motorcycle

think imma do it. cheapest option atm that way at least i'd only have to wait about 1 year max less if i buy used. my moms boss rides and my uncle does as well so they can help me out purchasing one if i need to likely the one imma prolly get will fetch me the same price of a damn car though. but we'll see when we get down that road. need to purchase my own helment and gloves just to take the damn class and im not tryna take the classes until i have enough to buy a bike dont want to sit on a license not being used.
Get the license now. Being used or not it will be one less worry when the time comes to make a purchase.

So many variables can hinder saving for a future purchase.

What will you do when there is $$$$ in your pocket and something not
planned for happens in your world and needs $$$ attention?
Who will know you are saving Bengermans? What happens when they fall short?

Other questions that come to mind are:
Have you considered the cost of insurance?
Will a motorcycle be your main transportation? or Only transportation?
If only, then what happens when it's FREEZING cold, snowing, or raining?(for days)
A bike license is a good thing to have. It does get old being your only mode of transport but Australia is a big country takes an hour to get somewhere. Hawaii is probably much more suited to it and you will get around the island quicker then a car.
It’s also much more fun I hate riding high though lol
Two of those are highly unlikely on Oahu.
ok, ok. what was I thinking.o_O


A family plays in the snow at Polipoli State Park in Hawaii. Photo courtesy of Penny Thomas/Facebook

Snow in Hawaii
Mind you, there's only snow forecast for three of Hawaii's tallest mountain peaks: Haleakala on Maui and Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa on the Big Island. Winter storm warnings have been posted for the areas. ... Snow on Hawaii's mountain peaks is not uncommon in the colder months because they are nearly 14,000 feet high.
Hawaii snow: Winter storm warnings for Haleakala, Mauna Kea ...USA Today

Throw in a as a substitute - Volcanic eruption. <- in this event I suspect any mode of transportation away from the area is up for grabs.:-P
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ok, ok. what was I thinking.o_O


A family plays in the snow at Polipoli State Park in Hawaii. Photo courtesy of Penny Thomas/Facebook

Snow in Hawaii
Mind you, there's only snow forecast for three of Hawaii's tallest mountain peaks: Haleakala on Maui and Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa on the Big Island. Winter storm warnings have been posted for the areas. ... Snow on Hawaii's mountain peaks is not uncommon in the colder months because they are nearly 14,000 feet high.
Hawaii snow: Winter storm warnings for Haleakala, Mauna Kea ...USA Today

Throw in a as a substitute - Volcanic eruption. <- in this event I suspect any mode of transportation away from the area is up for grabs.:-P

LOL I think the difference is you have to find the snow, it doesn't find you.
gets a bike
I rode my bike past the sheriff that was telling cars to put their chains on. I had done some construction work with him that summer and he knew me and the bike. It was a street bike, but I put a tire capable of working in the snow on it. He shook his head and didn't stop me. I made it up to the firehouse where I was a volunteer a couple miles farther up the hill. My neighbor showed up and we stashed the bike in one of the bays and he gave me a ride the rest of the way up to my house. He gave me some schnapps to warm up and we went and played in the snow for a bit in his 4X4.
Get the license now. Being used or not it will be one less worry when the time comes to make a purchase.

So many variables can hinder saving for a future purchase.

What will you do when there is $$$$ in your pocket and something not
planned for happens in your world and needs $$$ attention?
Who will know you are saving Bengermans? What happens when they fall short?

Other questions that come to mind are:
Have you considered the cost of insurance?
Will a motorcycle be your main transportation? or Only transportation?
If only, then what happens when it's FREEZING cold, snowing, or raining?(for days)

well i meant like when i get closer to being able to afford one. yea i take insurance into consideration, rain, doesn't really get cold here. im not looking to switch jobs any time soon either so for now work wise i'd be catching the bus no way in hell can i find parking. that would just add to another fee. still trying to save up it will be my main mode of transportation for now eventually plan on buying a car as well. it rains fairly frequently here depending how far i have to go more then likely traffic is gonna be bad during the rain. i gotta get things situated first though