What did you accomplish today?

first day of work pretty nervous not so much about like what to do cause really 1st day lets be real i aint gonna know wtf im doing for a good 1-2 weeks at least. nervous because well whenever i go in people are just starring at me they dont really assist me. today i gotta sign paper work then get to work nervous about the usual that they ALWAYS seem to "forget" like how to clock in and out, etc.. it's w.e. though imma just ask idk why but i ger nervous and anxiety over little shit like that every time lol.

tonight should be dead tbh it's monday, people tired as shit after there weekend. wednesday and thursday likely to be busy mid week/closer to weekend
ok, ok. what was I thinking.o_O


A family plays in the snow at Polipoli State Park in Hawaii. Photo courtesy of Penny Thomas/Facebook

Snow in Hawaii
Mind you, there's only snow forecast for three of Hawaii's tallest mountain peaks: Haleakala on Maui and Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa on the Big Island. Winter storm warnings have been posted for the areas. ... Snow on Hawaii's mountain peaks is not uncommon in the colder months because they are nearly 14,000 feet high.
Hawaii snow: Winter storm warnings for Haleakala, Mauna Kea ...USA Today

Throw in a as a substitute - Volcanic eruption. <- in this event I suspect any mode of transportation away from the area is up for grabs.:-P
this is the only snow we get on Oahu https://nypost.com/2015/08/26/hawaiis-legendary-waikiki-beach-deserted-after-sewage-spill/ brown snow XD

i find it funny how they say sewage spill in "ala moana" when the sewage spill happened in the ala wai in waikiki the poop pipes bursted causing shit to be leaked into the canal which basically runs off into the beaches. couldn't go to the beaches for a while due to flesh eating bacteria. 1 guy fell in the water contracted the bacteria had to get his leg amputated. everytime i walk pass by the ala wai it smells like straight up poop.
watered my sunflowers and damn 1 head is popping up already. the rest shouldn't be too far along i give um a few days/week max except the baby one. these plants are growing pretty fast. cant wait until the heads start getting bigger now. hoping to get 3ft as stated height. im guessing imma get 2ft only though.
got a text from my ex coworker at the beef jerky place asking me if i want the job again. told her yea im still interested but only if you can offer me full time and let me know right NOW!. given if she could offer me full time i can just work there for now and save up. kinda want that job mostly because in tweaking out on this anxiety with a new job that i have no idea who people are or wtf im doing but i've been there many times i know it will get better over time. if she textes me back within the next 2 hours i can just work with her for now full time. if not fuck it gonna stick to plan A.
Need some URGENT advice. so i got the 2 job offers and start the cooking job today but didn't sign any papers yet so technically im not even hired yet.

Do i work at this cooking job 3pm-11pm which might be meh.. for $12/hour or do i hold off and work at the beef jerky place where i am almost certain i'd get better benefits. $10.10/hour only ( minimum wage ) but it's 6am-2pm. i get paid holidays off ( we have a lot of state only holidays as well; if i were to work these holidays else where we dont get 1.5x pay they are not seen as important enough unlike say new years day or christmas day ) i also have the opportunity to work saturdays ( 6 days a week ) for another 8 hour shift for extra cash if i wanted to. also with this beef jerky job i could do all the work for the day fill out the quota and then go home despite it's like 12pm only i'll still get paid the full day.

any advice is helpful. i mean it's not a kitchen job but at the same time a kitchen job won't help me in my future i'd have to transfer careers to make a decent living at $12 an hour even $15 i'd be homeless here working full time. figure i go back to college in a field i enjoy more and make more money.

EDIT- thinking imma turn it down; the restaurant job that is. if i can work my way up in this beef jerky place ( only got 3-4 employee's and 3 ceo's we work with ) then i can get paid more faster. i mean technically i turned down a $17/hour job for the sushi place paying $10 at the time worked my way up real quick. if she doesn't respond by the end of memorial weekend imma just start looking again i guess ). still interested in what you guys think did i fuck up? did i make a good decision, etc.. i've been thinking of ditching the culinary field for years.. now actually went back to school for IT but that was when my mom got diagnosed with cancer so i stopped from then that was about 2 years ago i believe.
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Need some URGENT advice. so i got the 2 job offers and start the cooking job today but didn't sign any papers yet so technically im not even hired yet.

Do i work at this cooking job 3pm-11pm which might be meh.. for $12/hour or do i hold off and work at the beef jerky place where i am almost certain i'd get better benefits. $10.10/hour only ( minimum wage ) but it's 6am-2pm. i get paid holidays off ( we have a lot of state only holidays as well; if i were to work these holidays else where we dont get 1.5x pay they are not seen as important enough unlike say new years day or christmas day ) i also have the opportunity to work saturdays ( 6 days a week ) for another 8 hour shift for extra cash if i wanted to. also with this beef jerky job i could do all the work for the day fill out the quota and then go home despite it's like 12pm only i'll still get paid the full day.

any advice is helpful. i mean it's not a kitchen job but at the same time a kitchen job won't help me in my future i'd have to transfer careers to make a decent living at $12 an hour even $15 i'd be homeless here working full time. figure i go back to college in a field i enjoy more and make more money.

EDIT- thinking imma turn it down; the restaurant job that is. if i can work my way up in this beef jerky place ( only got 3-4 employee's and 3 ceo's we work with ) then i can get paid more faster. i mean technically i turned down a $17/hour job for the sushi place paying $10 at the time worked my way up real quick. if she doesn't respond by the end of memorial weekend imma just start looking again i guess ). still interested in what you guys think did i fuck up? did i make a good decision, etc.. i've been thinking of ditching the culinary field for years.. now actually went back to school for IT but that was when my mom got diagnosed with cancer so i stopped from then that was about 2 years ago i believe.
Id work and go to school I’m currently doing a business management diploma also tier 1 and tier 2 certificate of competency. I need it to be a supervisor and I run my own business. Think of in 10 years where will you be, maybe family who knows but sometimes the hard road is the right road going back to schools what I’d do might be hard on the pocket and you will be mentally drained at the start but at the end it will be worth it.
Id work and go to school I’m currently doing a business management diploma also tier 1 and tier 2 certificate of competency. I need it to be a supervisor and I run my own business. Think of in 10 years where will you be, maybe family who knows but sometimes the hard road is the right road going back to schools what I’d do might be hard on the pocket and you will be mentally drained at the start but at the end it will be worth it.
thanks yea i always think of it that way but my family are negative feel like going to culinary school was a waste of time but in reality i can cook better then anyone in my family and that is an important life skill imo.

yea i am thinking of going back to school long term wise cooking for now makes an income but what happens when i have a wife, kids, etc.. that income wont be enough i'd have to sacrifice spending time with them to work 2 jobs wouldn't be able to afford my own house one day yet alone an apartment i'd be renting all my life.

hopefully i made the right decision though dropping that restaurant job. out of a job again well for now until my friend decides to answer back.
View attachment 4336481
Woke up to 30 and a mix of snow and freezing rain.
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Aint no belly button high corn but they'll make it if I been hard enough on em.

Weather forecasts in Colorado are for comic relief.
That is crazy. We got up to 92F today.

Did you see where my kiddie pool corn was a dud? I had two ears out of pack of seeds. I may try again, just use a lot less seeds.

{It's all mulch now anyway, so knee high corn is all I have to brag about atm}

I played in the garden again. Rigged up sprinklers. The spigots in the garden were broken in the hurricane, and I'm still running hoses from the orchard. Need to get the plumbing sorted.

Got peas and green beans plowed and hoed. Also worked on the grapevines. Everything on that side of the garden needs cleaning out, ferts or mushroom compost added and worked in, and new pinestraw put down.

I played in the garden again. Rigged up sprinklers. The spigots in the garden were broken in the hurricane, and I'm still running hoses from the orchard. Need to get the plumbing sorted.

Got peas and green beans plowed and hoed. Also worked on the grapevines. Everything on that side of the garden needs cleaning out, ferts or mushroom compost added and worked in, and new pinestraw put down.

View attachment 4336794
How many bottles of wine do you think you'll get from those?
That is crazy. We got up to 92F today.

Did you see where my kiddie pool corn was a dud? I had two ears out of pack of seeds. I may try again, just use a lot less seeds.

{It's all mulch now anyway, so knee high corn is all I have to brag about atm}

View attachment 4336780
Bummer on the corn. Thought density was the key to hormones/phermones in corn?

My grape vine, this is good as it has looked in the 4 years it has been alive.
20190520_195118.jpg Snow is accumulating now.