What did you accomplish today?

I run an ad blocker and an outgoing firewall. It worked fine for me, served the text and blocked the bullshit. I'm sure there are a lot of other pages that will help with Groove Music removal.
you can also disable it at boot via task manager in win 10 startup tab or if older windows in msconfig. you can also simply associate another music player as the default music app in setrtings in win10
if i am not mistaken the groove monitor part of it you can actually uninstall via the old add/remove programs program not the new win10 uninstaller. the old way still exists in 10 but i forget it's ame atm or how to get there 1005 of the time
you can also disable it at boot via task manager in win 10 startup tab or if older windows in msconfig. you can also simply associate another music player as the default music app in setrtings in win10
if i am not mistaken the groove monitor part of it you can actually uninstall via the old add/remove programs program not the new win10 uninstaller. the old way still exists in 10 but i forget it's ame atm or how to get there 1005 of the time
Yeah I PMed him how to change the default music program.

Anyway I never bothered to install a Windows 10 VM since I retired. So maybe you can help him with the music metadata being blocked by Groove Music. It's my understanding that the metadata resides in the music file's headers and that removal of a player should not remove the metadata. Then again I have no easy way to test.
Yeah I PMed him how to change the default music program.

Anyway I never bothered to install a Windows 10 VM since I retired. So maybe you can help him with the music metadata being blocked by Groove Music. It's my understanding that the metadata resides in the music file's headers and that removal of a player should not remove the metadata. Then again I have no easy way to test.
i jumped in the middle i actually didnt know what his issue was other than he didnt like the way groove music was behaving. you are correct metadata is in the music file, but it may also be retrieved via a link i think, and it isnt that standardized or at least wasnt in the past. it could be empty, or read wrong, sorta like being under the wrong header or tag. the only standard i have noticed for meta data is within the same entity you get your music from. like if it is all from one source the meta data will be consistent, if not then all bets are off. i think it is xml or like xml in that you can customize the tags etc
didnt know what his issue was
It was that the album info wouldn't show up on WMP and showed a bunch of unidentified files. I had no idea there was a second music player app loaded to my OS. I assumed that it is what is preventing the proper identification of the info. I'll find out later. Thanks to everyone for helping. I had visions of sitting for days ripping all my CD's over again.
It was that the album info wouldn't show up on WMP and showed a bunch of unidentified files. I had no idea there was a second music player app loaded to my OS. I assumed that it is what is preventing the proper identification of the info. I'll find out later. Thanks to everyone for helping. I had visions of sitting for days ripping all my CD's over again.
if this album info has shown for you in the past then i would try some of the things mentioned like associating wmp as the default or associating that file type with wmp directly. if you never saw the album data before and you didnt actually pay for the song then it literally may not exist, be corrupted or simply in a format your player of choice doesnt understand, for example uses custom tags not the same ones as wmp

ppl dont realize many players attempt to get this data oinline not from the file when it doesnt exist things like cover art for example. this is not a perfect ssytem nor standardized unless shit changed from when i ammassed my p2p library of music
if this album info has shown for you in the past then i would try some of the things mentioned like associating wmp as the default or associating that file type with wmp directly. if you never saw the album data before and you didnt actually pay for the song then it literally may not exist, be corrupted or simply in a format your player of choice doesnt understand, for example uses custom tags not the same ones as wmp
The music is off original CD's, and prior to the reload of the OS all the data was on WMP.
The music is off original CD's, and prior to the reload of the OS all the data was on WMP.
then i would say it is groove being the default if all he did was refresh win10 via the built in refresh utility. there is a remote possibility tho there are other files involved that held the meta data that werent seen as personal files during the refresh and were hence removed. if you dont see the data anywhere or on another pc this may be the case. try to put the file on a usb and play it on another computer, maybe in win7 or from a live llinux cd if you dont have a second pc
then i would say it is groove being the default if all he did was refresh win10 via the built in refresh utility. there is a remote possibility tho there are other files involved that held the meta data that werent seen as personal files during the refresh and were hence removed. if you dont see the data anywhere or on another pc this may be the case. try to put the file on a usb and play it on another computer, maybe in win7 or from a live llinux cd if you dont have a second pc
He reloaded, not refreshed. The songs are on a separate hard drive.
Watered the girls this morning and gave the runoff to my tomato plants, they seem to like it a lot. Filled the beer shelf and it looks like burgers and fries for dinner with a little tincture and smoke on the side. I have been tweaking my camera trying to get better pics under the CMH lights, not there yet. I'm bad about letting the camera do the work because I'm lazy. I'll figure it out, or not. At least I can adjust the pics after I download them. I'll post more on my grow tomorrow.
finished work, pretty good day. honestly though im just hoping i get offered a job here. im going to really regret turning down that restaurant job otherwise. i wont know until next week though. my old boss is on a business trip only 1 boss is here but i guess all 3 of them will have to talk it over. picked up another shift tomorrow though.

other then that busy weekend for me starting tomorrow lots of stuff going on 2 graduations, sister coming, work, renovations/move in for my sister and her bf. he put up the side moldings and i think thats all he did today tbh idk if he went to work or what. i think he slept all day.

i started a pork shoulder in the slow cooker making kalua pig. instructions said to put it on low and our damn cooker has weird functions. cooked it for 20 hours on the lowest setting and damn the shit is still tough. now i got it cooking on blast in the slow cooker it's full cooked but tough im tryna just braise it to soften the meat up and shred it.
my kalua pig is looking good. figured out what i did wrong. i didn't shred it so basically the top out of the juices kept drying out. had to shred it so everything soaks up the juices. added cabbage in to cook should be done in about an hour. hopefully it's not too salty and not too smokey.

kalua pig is just pork shoulder + salt + liquid smoke. we don't make it the traditional way in the ipu but some people still do.
Eight years ago this week mom passed. The 26th is dads birthday, rough time of year for him, and this year he plans to move. Tried to last year but they still arent done building the place that was supposed to be done last spring. Major construction shit show, drywall was done before plubing, and a pipe broke this winter making the entire facility uninhabitable. Glad hes not going there.

When mom met tucker for the first time she said "I saw him with one eye".
She never met pirate. Pirate found me.