Why are moderates pretending to be progressive?

To clarify, my point was not what party he was affiliated with, Bernie I mean. I really don’t give a fuck who is with who, Trump would be an asshole no matter who he aligned with, but the fact Tty stated it was not a team sport, yet Bernie, who was an independant, joined the Dem team to run for president as opposed to running as an independant (still waiting to hear how I got that wrong?). Seems that would be going against all Tty is for re, and I quote “what got you guys into this mess”. Seems there are not a whole lot of scruples being displayed but again maybe I’m missing something here, it’s obvious Tty is of a higher intellect than most ...... cough cough.

tty shaming others for lack of scruples.

It's like when @schuylaar slut shames other women. LOL

I hope they never leave. Their cluelessness gives endless laughter.

tty shaming others for lack of scruples.

It's like when @schuylaar slut shames other women. LOL

I hope they never leave. Their cluelessness gives endless laughter.

you know when you get to them when they resort to calling you names..i know you can't understand this, but your SMALL-MINDED IGNORANCE is showing..
you know when you get to them when they resort to calling you names..i know you can't understand this, but your SMALL-MINDED IGNORANCE is showing..
Speaking the truth about tty is not calling him names. It is calling him out. He is an unrepentant woman beater and brutalized her then sent her out to whore for him. If he had said he was dealing with his being an abuser, sought help and was never going to do so again, it would be one thing. But he doesn't. Like any unrepentant sociopath, he lies and accuses others of doing wrong when it is him who is at fault.

Come to think of it, you do the same things.

Birds of a feather it seems.
Speaking the truth about tty is not calling him names. It is calling him out. He is an unrepentant woman beater and brutalized her then sent her out to whore for him. If he had said he was dealing with his being an abuser, sought help and was never going to do so again, it would be one thing. But he doesn't. Like any unrepentant sociopath, he lies and accuses others of doing wrong when it is him who is at fault.

Come to think of it, you do the same things.

Birds of a feather it seems.


Birds of a feather. No remorse, no explanations. Instead denial and directing aggression in response to people who call them out and flat out say that beating a woman much less pimping is wrong. In your case, covering for tty when you knew what he did was totally fucked up.

Directing aggression at the people who truthfully call them out. Narcissist sociopaths do that.
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Speaking the truth about tty is not calling him names. It is calling him out. He is an unrepentant woman beater and brutalized her then sent her out to whore for him. If he had said he was dealing with his being an abuser, sought help and was never going to do so again, it would be one thing. But he doesn't. Like any unrepentant sociopath, he lies and accuses others of doing wrong when it is him who is at fault.

Come to think of it, you do the same things.

Birds of a feather it seems.
Bold and caps ...... seems you’ve hit a nerve lol
Bold and caps ...... seems you’ve hit a nerve lol
They are fucking narcissist sociopaths. Like Trump. Trump has given us a lesson on these people.


Grandiose sense of self-importance
Lives in a fantasy world that supports their delusions of grandeur
Needs constant praise and admiration
Sense of entitlement
Exploits others without guilt or shame
Frequently demeans, intimidates, bullies, or belittles others

Yup, those two along with Trump fill the bill.

As you say, proof of who they are is shown by their replies when my on point comments sting. eff em Narcissists deserve only the boot.
No, he registered as an independent.

He caucuses with the Democratic party.

This is pretty basic stuff. Do you do any research on your own?

Furthermore, I support those politicians who support the same issues I do. Whether they sport an R or a D behind their name is less relevant than where they stand on issues that matter to me.

Perhaps you can explain why you think differently?
I’m still waiting for you to educate me after I posted that he had registered as a Dem. you seem to have crawled back under your self loathing rock..... you sure do get it wrong a lot :(. Perhaps your training a new recruit? Is this true Tty? Do you pimp out and beat women? Grow consulting not going well?
I’m still waiting for you to educate me after I posted that he had registered as a Dem. you seem to have crawled back under your self loathing rock..... you sure do get it wrong a lot :(. Perhaps your training a new recruit? Is this true Tty? Do you pimp out and beat women? Grow consulting not going well?
He also registered as an independent in 2024 Senate race.
Fuck Sanders