The Politics of Truck Drivers Urinating in Public..

Yeah, we live in similar areas. I am very familiar with yours.

These rural Trumper farmers are some assholes, I have pictures I'll post later of what this idiot farmer did to my yard last Friday. He has a Trump sticker on his tractor, that son of bitch was damn lucky I was at work and not home and seen him do this. I would've yanked him out of his tractor and proceeded to rearrange his face.

I'll post pictures later when I get time, I'm about unloaded and have to roll to my next appointment

You can clearly see where this asshole has driven his tractor across my yard, about every other year he tries to inch over on my property. This is a 160 acre field for him to farm, does he really need to steal my property?

I don't bother anyone out here and keep to myself and keep my yard and house nice and tidy, I take pride in a nice kept yard. No loud music no traffic in and out, I'm a good neighbor.

Why this asswipe thinks he can drive on my yard and encroach my property, I don't know. I see it as complete disrespectful. There's no reason he can't stay 4-6 inches away from the property line. His cows won't starve because he missed a 4inch strip 50yards long.

I'm thinking about dumping a few gallons of Roundup on that first row next to my yard when he plants. See how he likes those apples. Hopefully it's alfalfa this year as I understand that is an expensive crop to plant
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You can clearly see where this asshole has driven his tractor across my yard, about every other year he tries to inch over on my property. This is a 160 acre field for him to farm, does he really need to steal my property?

I don't bother anyone out here and keep to myself and keep my yard and house nice and tidy, I take pride in a nice kept yard. No loud music no traffic in and out, I'm a good neighbor.

Why this asswipe thinks he can drive on my yard and encroach my property, I don't know. I see it as complete disrespectful. There's no reason he can't stay 4-6 inches away from the property line. His cows won't starve because he missed a 4inch strip 50yards long.

I'm thinking about dumping a few gallons of Roundup on that first row next to my yard when he plants. See how he likes those apples. Hopefully it's alfalfa this year as I understand that is an expensive crop to plant
Looks like he's using a lot of herbicide too.

Those are some nice trees you have lining your property. Maybe some boulders marking your property line would keep him from encroaching?
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You can clearly see where this asshole has driven his tractor across my yard, about every other year he tries to inch over on my property. This is a 160 acre field for him to farm, does he really need to steal my property?

I don't bother anyone out here and keep to myself and keep my yard and house nice and tidy, I take pride in a nice kept yard. No loud music no traffic in and out, I'm a good neighbor.

Why this asswipe thinks he can drive on my yard and encroach my property, I don't know. I see it as complete disrespectful. There's no reason he can't stay 4-6 inches away from the property line. His cows won't starve because he missed a 4inch strip 50yards long.

I'm thinking about dumping a few gallons of Roundup on that first row next to my yard when he plants. See how he likes those apples. Hopefully it's alfalfa this year as I understand that is an expensive crop to plant
Roundup is bad for the environment. Use anti-tank landmines. They're kid-safe.
Looks like he's using a lot of herbicide too.

Those are some nice trees you have lining your property. Maybe some boulders marking your property line would keep him from encroaching?
Yeah, the herbicide flows like water out here. I keep hearing them say, "we're tired of city people telling us country folk how to live" and then they use used motor oil to paint their barn polluting their own, and everybody else's water table with heavy metals leeched out of engine blocks.

John Wayne shit. Rugged. Individual.
I have a reefer filled with 45 crates 40,960lbs of Granny Smith apples from Yakima, WA

I can smell these apples outside of my trailer and they smell really really good, can't wait to open the doors and get blasted with some more apple goodness
I'm at Fanuc America right now in Pontiac, MI scooping up some robots headed to Idaho
IMG_20190618_115746219_HDR.jpg IMG_20190618_115836136.jpg IMG_20190618_120004420.jpg IMG_20190618_120016118.jpg
The robots are made in Japan then shipped here and assembled and programmed

These robots are really expensive, I get nervous hauling them around, I'm always happy to get these back to the yard and off my truck