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Well-Known Member
was doing some car research not sure how i went to just browsing cars to finally deciding what i want to get. i was debating on getting a cheap ass old car at first something reliable wont break down so i was thinking of a civic then i was thinking if imma get a civic at that year like early 2000's or 90's even i might as well get into modding and since everyone here has a damn modded civic i try to be different. looked at my options and prices and decided to go with integra's problem with that is they are a lot harder to find here i only found about 3-4 all cheap but 1 has been slightly modded and not worth it, the other 2 are more recent models being 01's and one is a 95 but it's a sedan. not a bad thing but when you think of modding you don't think of sedans tbh. it's possible but im sure there is a good reason such as sedans are slightly heavier if your into racing.

cost wise is about $4-6k that means i can buy a car this year and spend the rest of it on upgrades. would likely fix it up first make sure everything is working as intended then start to actually mod it. since i still have to save up and all that imma just wait it out and see what is available when i scrape up the cash. if i have to buy manual i'll buy manual given idk how to even drive manual but im sure my dad can teach me. then he can also teach me how to maintain my car as well which is why i want to get a beater as well.
Fuck doing it up just drive it to work and get yourself a real project car later


Well-Known Member
Fuck doing it up just drive it to work and get yourself a real project car later
well that is a real project car for me. i don't want barebones type shit cause idk anyone that knows how to do body work so i'd be paying someone just to do the body work for me. even if i bought it just to get to work i'd still need to invest money into maintenance at that point i might as well mod it if i plan to keep it for many years which i do. idk though i got a LONG time to think about it either way i at least can get a car sooner then later and will teach me something useful that i don't know anything about. if i want to mod it i can down the road if not can sell it and get something else. i just like how the integra's look all modded for something that isn't so classic and more around my era. civics are nice too but they are so popular that unless i was desperate i likely wouldn't get one. civics prolly the #1 modded cars here in Hawaii then probably subaru's

was looking at project cars like your talking about well given we thinking of the same thing but im sure insurance is expensive af on those cars due to weight. i seen a few but all mustangs and they not really project cars either they are more fully restored but not modded out the ass


Well-Known Member
Those are assholes. Had one try to attack my dive mask.
they trigger fish thats why. i had one as a pet in my sw tank not the same sub species though but it was an asshole too ripped chunks out of my rock work luckily i can't legally keep corals otherwise that would of been an expensive ass mess. they are similar af to puffers though but more aggressive i believe


Well-Known Member
they trigger fish thats why. i had one as a pet in my sw tank not the same sub species though but it was an asshole too ripped chunks out of my rock work luckily i can't legally keep corals otherwise that would of been an expensive ass mess. they are similar af to puffers though but more aggressive i believe
Why can’t you keep corals is there a lot of thieves causing environmental damage? I used to have a salt water tank was pretty hard work but fun. We had coral but I paid someone to design it due to my inexperience and the fact that I didn’t want to kill beautiful creatures. Lol
well that is a real project car for me. i don't want barebones type shit cause idk anyone that knows how to do body work so i'd be paying someone just to do the body work for me. even if i bought it just to get to work i'd still need to invest money into maintenance at that point i might as well mod it if i plan to keep it for many years which i do. idk though i got a LONG time to think about it either way i at least can get a car sooner then later and will teach me something useful that i don't know anything about. if i want to mod it i can down the road if not can sell it and get something else. i just like how the integra's look all modded for something that isn't so classic and more around my era. civics are nice too but they are so popular that unless i was desperate i likely wouldn't get one. civics prolly the #1 modded cars here in Hawaii then probably subaru's

was looking at project cars like your talking about well given we thinking of the same thing but im sure insurance is expensive af on those cars due to weight. i seen a few but all mustangs and they not really project cars either they are more fully restored but not modded out the ass
If I was in your shoes I’d just get back on the road and stop side tracking with the modification stuff just more money down the drain but that’s just me bro.


Well-Known Member

How To Cook Triggerfish In The Most Delicious Way: 3 Options You Can Try

For something so small, triggerfish doesn’t limit in taste. It carries a clean white meat that tastes sweet when cooked, almost similar to crab meat. The fillets are usually thin and light, so they’re amazing in almost any standard fish recipe.
We catch lots of trigger while bottom fishing in the gulf of Mexico. At the dock we usually fillet everything and bag it for travel but we cut the throats out and deep fry them for supper.... the throats are delicious but don't pack well because of the pec fins still being attached. As for as my favorite way to prepare the fillets , gilled after a 1/2 soak in some zesty Italian dressing.


Well-Known Member
How do they taste?
honestly idk most people here don't eat triggerfish but i know they are edible. i see unicorn fish at the fish market up the road from my house once in a while not sure if they are classified as triggerfish though. i would assume they taste good.

most people here mainly eat ahi ( tuna ), mahimahi, and hamachi. locals typically branch out and eat manpachi ( squirrel fish ), and akule but idk what the actual name for akule is. akule is pretty fucking good though just fry it up with some salt and pepper eat with rice and pour some soy sauce with chili pepper/chili pepper water ( just red chili peppers soaked in water ) and some lemon juice. think it's thai chili peppers it's the small red ones grows on a tiny ass plant almost everyone in Hawaii has a plant at there home otherwise they sell the water in stores or the chili peppers.


Well-Known Member
Why can’t you keep corals is there a lot of thieves causing environmental damage? I used to have a salt water tank was pretty hard work but fun. We had coral but I paid someone to design it due to my inexperience and the fact that I didn’t want to kill beautiful creatures. Lol

If I was in your shoes I’d just get back on the road and stop side tracking with the modification stuff just more money down the drain but that’s just me bro.
when i researched it they claim it's due to "invasive species" or like "lost of habitat" type of shit like when people let animals go in the wild such as catfish or goldfish it can fuck up the ecosystem. ironically though we have coral issues in general due to climate changes and habitat loss and all that shit. this is why idk why they don't allow us to keep corals local to the state. this is the main reason why i decided to quit saltwater tanks. fish are cool but being in the hobby for 15+ years it only gets so fun keeping fish. zoa's are illegal as well but you can find some people that will ship them to Hawaii on aquarium websites like this site but for aquariums. inverts are also fairly hard to find in stores here only 1 store on Oahu sells inverts and the selection isn't good. that store is actually insanely priced as well i buy most of my salt water fish from there 1 fish goes for around $20-30 alone.

as for the car yea i mean idgaf to mod it tbh it's not like i will race it but i want to at least.. fix it up so it looks new thus why i said i at least plan to do maintenance on it for sure and i will go from there. it's not like im dead set on modding it the most i want to do to the car if it's old like that outside of maintenance is redo the interior cause the interior is likely fucked for sure and then get a new paint job nothing special just a plain white one. main concern right now is to get my ass on the road again and in safe conditions. as much as i want a new car i think i won't be able to qualify for a loan due to how much income i make i might not be able to get qualified for a loan and no way in hell can i wait 2+ years just to afford a new car including regristration, safety check, insurance, etc..

either way you look at it though i still need to save up a good chunk won't be able to buy the car until maybe november/december given i should save up for insurance. by then hell the car i want right now probably won't be available so i'd end up looking at other cars. really doesn't bother me as long as it runs and likely wont have any major issues down the line i'd buy it if i can see myself driving it daily. it's like with women you need to have some sort of attraction to your lady right? plus integra's are kinda hard to find here at least the models i want so imma probably be looking at other cars. i have a friend from the sushi shop that has an integra hopefully it's from the 90's but idk if he is willing to part with it.