What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I grew up in So Cal. My spanish teacher was Castillian. I got my ass handed to me on the street regularly.
when i was in HS is where i first learned spanish. I though i was a bad ass cause i passed......nope.....people on the SS and SA handed my ass to me. What even made it worse we took a field trip to laredo, boy did i get my ass handed to me.....took me a while to get the hang of it. Got better when i started going to mexico regularly for trips.

Learned that they're are alot of different forms of the language, the more interior you go the more it changes cause of the mix of the native and spanish combination. The further south you go it's a mix of inca/aztec dilect with spanish influence.

i still suck at it though.....


Well-Known Member
I grew up in So Cal. My spanish teacher was Castillian. I got my ass handed to me on the street regularly.
I could speak Italian before I started school; start school and met Mexican kids and we could kinda understand each other via Italian/Spanish and they gave me no shit. Later,Jr high I took spanish and got shit from teachers cuz I spoke Mexican spanish vs Castillian. Adapt to that, then Mexicans gave me shit about Castillian. I can't fuckin win lol

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Nice and cool this morning, all the windows open and fan in the patio door. Only headed to 86 today. Maybe I can finish dead heading roses (if there is enough room in the green waste can) and get them all sprayed today.
Only 86???
We break out the portable AC when it's 80+. 8)

Forecast today: Showers, high = 68, Low = 51

My outdoor plants are starting to stretch from lack of light... :sad: