What did you accomplish today?

Honda Fit sounds like it should have bike pedals at everyone's feet and and no motor.

Otherwise, be honest in your advertisement, just call it the Lazy, but it's efficient!
I'll have you know, Sir (faint harrumphing noise) that I have drag-raced professionals in my Fit and won.

Their extra 14 wheels did them no good whatsoever against the War-Hamster.
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I'm with you although having had both Honda and Toyotas I'm partial to Hondas but it doesn't matter either works. Because the kids mod them there are tons of parts. You also can get low miles used engines from Japan (in Hawaii). But he's not about to listen. He should also learn to drive a stick, yesterday. They are the cheapest of used cars because few kids today have a clue how to drive them.
Hyundai’s are pretty reliable too. I have a 2011 Hyundai Tucson, 100,000 miles and no tuneup, no issues. Great warranties.
eh i don't wanna adult today, my hangover won't allow me....ah just kidding....

howdy from balmy texas, we're supposed to expect more rain today.....like my grass needs it, looking like a forest out there sheesh

coffee is on, or shall i say been on since about 8:30 this morning

@Lethidox get yourself in endo cross motor cycle, that fucker can go anywhere, cheep on gas, great for 2 people and or 1 person with a package.....