When taxes go up by 30% it sure feels like the end user is paying more. Not for your unemployed ass though. Thailand has one of the most robust regulatory systems. They regulate environmentally, nutritionally and financially, then they regulate the health care industry. You're comparing apples to dogshit.
In bernie's braindead bill it clearly states that he thinks it will raise taxes on everyone making over 30k by 10k and that he thinks it will cost 32 trillion for the first 10 years. Experts say that won't even cover half of the cost. Some experts even say that the total cost is 49 trillion dollars for the first 10 years.
That is why it never had a chance. In fact, he likely made it more difficult to get universal healthcare in the future by drafting such a braindead bill.
Lastly, I will say it again, I support ACA, that's universal healthcare we call Obama care. Stop twisting it up.