Bernie Sanders goes to Canada with group to buy insulin

Bernie wants to give us one-size-fits-all coverage but you get it for free and my taxes go up by 30%.
Where did you get this Republican talking point? Evidence please!

And what's wrong with taxing the wealthy and corporations proportional to their income and profits? Or should they get a free pass?

You sound more Republican with every post.
Hope you like Trump, cuz you're voting for him.
This is why you're so reviled here. You're the one who said that Trump getting elected was the best thing to happen in your life. You're the one who said that you would rather see him reelected than to see Joe Biden win. You're the one who spent 2016 badmouthing Clinton. You're the white male who was convicted of felonies by pimping women out.

Just stick to the thread topic.
Where did you get this Republican talking point? Evidence please!

And what's wrong with taxing the wealthy and corporations proportional to their income and profits? Or should they get a free pass?

You sound more Republican with every post.
It's in his bill, dumbfuck.

He wants to raise taxes on everyone making over 30k to pay for it. However, he estimates the cost at 32 trillion for the first 10 years. Experts say that the actual cost will be 49 trillion.
By getting everyone covered, premiums go down for all insurance groups. Regulating pharma and taxing products like tobacco and sugar will lower them even more AND pay for some of the bigger costs.

Instead of focusing on personal attacks and ignoring the arguments being presented you just come off as a complete moron.

Since you're an unemployed trust fund fat ass you pay nothing. You can eat any junk food you want and have the tax payers cover your insulin. At least the women who went with him to Canada have jobs but I doubt they know how much he wants to raise their taxes.

Bernie wants to give us one-size-fits-all coverage but you get it for free and my taxes go up by 30%.

And you're at it, maybe you can explain how Thailand can offer excellent medical care for 20% of the cost of America's? It's not like that country is rolling in cash or anything.

And don't try to weasel out by saying it isn't good healthcare; Americans fly there every day to get care- and they save so much it pays for the rest of the vacation!
This is why you're so reviled here. You're the one who said that Trump getting elected was the best thing to happen in your life. You're the one who said that you would rather see him reelected than to see Joe Biden win. You're the one who spent 2016 badmouthing Clinton. You're the white male who was convicted of felonies by pimping women out.

Just stick to the thread topic.

You just repeat shitheaded comments by an idiot talking head on MSDNC and then get butthurt when I call you on it.

Do try to grow up. Your Republican is showing.
And you're at it, maybe you can explain how Thailand can offer excellent medical care for 20% of the cost of America's? It's not like that country is rolling in cash or anything.

And don't try to weasel out by saying it isn't good healthcare; Americans fly there every day to get care- and they save so much it pays for the rest of the vacation!
20% of the total price tag. That's 70 million people. That's a country with the healthiest nutritional habits on earth. That's a country where kids learn scuba and muay Thai. I'm in Thailand currently.

You haven't presented a single premise based on the the actual facts regarding US demographics and costs. You're comparing apples to oranges. M4A can't happen until costs come down and Americans are healthier.

You just repeat shitheaded comments by an idiot talking head on MSDNC and then get butthurt when I call you on it.

Do try to grow up. Your Republican is showing.
No, those are based on YOUR comments. You said those things on this forum and many of us remember it. Stop making up shit about me just because I tell the truth about you.
Where did you get this Republican talking point? Evidence please!

And what's wrong with taxing the wealthy and corporations proportional to their income and profits? Or should they get a free pass?

You sound more Republican with every post.
You speak with false confidence. As usual. Bernie's bill does not specify who will pay for it or even how it will be paid for.

If his bill had contained enough detail so that the OMB COULD put a price tag on it, if his bill had said how it would be paid for, if his bill HAD covered how it would ensure the medical system would be ready for the volume of people expected to use it, the maybe I'd support it. Then again, maybe I wouldn't, depending on how much it would cost me. I don't want to pay an additional $10k over what I'm already paying.

Then again, Sanders wrote it and he's not capable of that kind of good legislation.
You want to complain about personal attacks? Maybe you should stop making them.

I pointed out that TRI CARE is an example of socialised medicine that's all American and works fine.

You got all butt hurt about your military status- that wasn't me, sunshine.
I got all butthurt about HUGE TAX HIKES for something I don't want. You have distorted every argument that I have made about this and made personal attacks.
20% of the total price tag. That's 70 million people. That's a country with the healthiest nutritional habits on earth. That's a country where kids learn scuba and muay Thai. I'm in Thailand currently.

You haven't presented a single premise based on the the actual facts regarding US demographics and costs. You're comparing apples to oranges. M4A can't happen until costs come down and Americans are healthier.
No, numbnuts; 20% to the end user, where it counts.

You play more games with statistics than Bitch McConnell. Go lick his toes or something.
I got all butthurt about HUGE TAX HIKES for something I don't want. You have distorted every argument that I have made about this and made personal attacks.
When in a hole, it's best to stop digging.

You can not want the same healthcare for all Americans that you're entitled to a a veteran, but then I get to call you a hypocrite.

At least, while it's still a free country.
No, numbnuts; 20% to the end user, where it counts.

You play more games with statistics than Bitch McConnell. Go lick his toes or something.
When taxes go up by 30% it sure feels like the end user is paying more. Not for your unemployed ass though. Thailand has one of the most robust regulatory systems. They regulate environmentally, nutritionally and financially, then they regulate the health care industry. You're comparing apples to dogshit.

In bernie's braindead bill it clearly states that he thinks it will raise taxes on everyone making over 30k by 10k and that he thinks it will cost 32 trillion for the first 10 years. Experts say that won't even cover half of the cost. Some experts even say that the total cost is 49 trillion dollars for the first 10 years.

That is why it never had a chance. In fact, he likely made it more difficult to get universal healthcare in the future by drafting such a braindead bill.

Lastly, I will say it again, I support ACA, that's universal healthcare we call Obama care. Stop twisting it up.
same healthcare for all Americans
I don't want the same. I want everyone to get the coverage they need. I don't want Medicare. I want bare minimum coverage and a high deductible for myself. That way I can pay less every month. I want Medicare for the people who need coverage.

I have been off veterans benefits for years. I work hard and pay for myself. I go to great lengths to stay healthy.

Of course you don't mind if taxes go up, you don't even work.
When taxes go up by 30% it sure feels like the end user is paying more. Not for your unemployed ass though. Thailand has one of the most robust regulatory systems. They regulate environmentally, nutritionally and financially, then they regulate the health care industry. You're comparing apples to dogshit.

In bernie's braindead bill it clearly states that he thinks it will raise taxes on everyone making over 30k by 10k and that he thinks it will cost 32 trillion for the first 10 years. Experts say that won't even cover half of the cost. Some experts even say that the total cost is 49 trillion dollars for the first 10 years.

That is why it never had a chance. In fact, he likely made it more difficult to get universal healthcare in the future by drafting such a braindead bill.

Lastly, I will say it again, I support ACA, that's universal healthcare we call Obama care. Stop twisting it up.
Sources for your numbers?

Someplace other than Fix News, please.
I don't want the same. I want everyone to get the coverage they need. I don't want Medicare. I want bare minimum coverage and a high deductible for myself. That way I can pay less every month. I want Medicare for the people who need coverage.

I have been off veterans benefits for years. I work hard and pay for myself. I go to great lengths to stay healthy.

Of course you don't mind if taxes go up, you don't even work.
I want the rich to pay their share, without which nothing else works in this country.

Maybe you should stick to the water.