Help! Stalk split!!!!


Active Member
Soooooo i was tying the branches out and it split at the stalk but only a small amount. What can I do other than tape it together so its closed? I've supported it together so it's not having that stress on the joint and learn for next time to watch out for that.

I have minimal resources and was just wondering what to look for?
I use zip ties...tape, garden string, just about anything that will hold it together.

The plant stalk will grow over it eventually if you don't take it off.
Hey it seems ok right now but what should I look for as the days pass?

I've never had a stalk break before
Just make sure the tape stays in place. You really don't have to do anything else. Last year I discovered a broken branch with big nugs on it, taped it, buds didn't miss a beat. This year I planted a sunflower for my neighbor's daughter. The stalk broke, and I braced it against a fence without tape. That thing is still fucking growing!!
Just make sure the tape stays in place. You really don't have to do anything else. Last year I discovered a broken branch with big nugs on it, taped it, buds didn't miss a beat. This year I planted a sunflower for my neighbor's daughter. The stalk broke, and I braced it against a fence without tape. That thing is still fucking growing!!

That's awesome. Ya it doesnt seem stressed or anything and it was just a little crack. The tops have all turned towards the sun already and looks healthy still.

Any idea why the larger leaves are yellowing?20190730_173455.jpg
That's awesome. Ya it doesnt seem stressed or anything and it was just a little crack. The tops have all turned towards the sun already and looks healthy still.

Any idea why the larger leaves are yellowing?View attachment 4372471
Looks really healthy, actually. Just keep an eye on the larger fan leaves, but we are into August tomorrow, so maybe sun is lessening in that spot?
I wouldn't over think it. If it becomes problematic, time to be proactive.
The sun is totally in full force in that spot. I think I may have over fed with the fish fertilizer and it has too much nitrogen. Is that something? And if the larger fan leaves get more yellow what does that mean?
The sun is totally in full force in that spot. I think I may have over fed with the fish fertilizer and it has too much nitrogen. Is that something? And if the larger fan leaves get more yellow what does that mean?
You should give that plant more overall support. Some kind of cage or trellis or something to support the plant as it grows for the leaves you might try giving the plant a shot of epsom salts. It's pure magnesium and MJ is a heavy Mg user. Best of luck they are looking good.
You should give that plant more overall support. Some kind of cage or trellis or something to support the plant as it grows for the leaves you might try giving the plant a shot of epsom salts. It's pure magnesium and MJ is a heavy Mg user. Best of luck they are looking good.

Right on man. And for a shot of Epsom salts you mean like a table spoon in a gallon sort of shot?