Wow! She looks great, Broseph! ->Shwing!<- Definitely may need supports there, but really do make sure that beast heals fully and ASAP. Having a good, hard, secure "joint" there at the split-site (sort of like a hardened "knuckle") will take a lot of energy but really needs to happen (and happen
ASAP, since it's Early-Flowering Season right now, and the plant is diverting less energy to stem/stalk repair & is beginning to focus on bud-production). Having that site
fully secured & repaired (ideally even
better than before the split occurred) is most important (get that Superthrive TODAY, Son!

). I think your idea of twine from the outside sorta holding the branches together sounds pretty good, but it IS providing a crutch for the plant. Frankly, I love the little beast you've got there. As each year passes, I find myself trying more & more to get my plants as sprawled as yours is, Bro.
If I were you, I'd focus on gently bending/ shaping those side branches out from each of your main stalks. I like seeing a single plant that's been shaped & groomed to be like several mini-plants, each with it's own cola & side-branches. This
is sorta how weed grows anyways, but if you "turn into it" a bit I think it can be kinda awesome.
Generally, I like to use only a handful of products, I try to stick to Organic, or at least biologically-derived or whatever. Foxfarm (for example) is a company that I like, because their soil mixes are one of the best you can buy, and I love their trio of liquid nutrients: Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, & the organic staple Big Bloom. I feed them Foxfarm's prescribed nute cocktail, then I let them get somewhat thirsty (let the soil dry out to avoid root-rot!) and feed them only water (and as much direct sunlight as possible) for 3 or 4, sometimes 5 days in-between fert-feedings. However, during each of these in-between periods, I'll usually give the girls a drench with an Activated Aerated Compost Tea that I've made, using Boogie-Brew (pre-made organic good stuff for living soil) & a bit of blackstrap molasses (plus maybe sometimes I'll randomly add some egg-shells I've dried & ground-up [for extra Calcium] & a little extra bat-guano for flowering season). This feeds the soil, and in-turn the plant, and although it's nutrient-dense, it's technically
not a fertilizer, so I can still abide by Foxfarm's two-times-a-week guideline while giving the girls a bonus boost of a healthy yummy tea they & the soil microbes just love... And I love the simplicity. I used to get all caught-up in making my own combination of nutrients, trying to split the atom while reinventing the wheel, and it just didn't pay-out; it just wasn't worth all the time, energy, research, etc. I don't need to be a botanist to love my plants when there's some highly reputed companies & products out there that already did the math for me. It's easier & offers fewer mistakes.
Thanks for posting your results. She looks maahty puurty!