Help! Stalk split!!!!

I'm happy as ever for ya, Man, and yet sad for you as well... The tragedy of losing 1/3 of your crop or more to bug-poop or to mold-- after finding the joy and love in growing your own medicine, & possibly (at best, in rare cases, if you're fortunate enough) even getting to "know" the individual plants as their own unique "persona" and living entity; dare I say almost "spiritually"... After the money, the time, the precious energy, and the care, blood, sweat, tears, & heartsong you devoted to this, plus the blessings of wisdom gained through it all... It's just heartbreaking when loss inevitably befalls.

I feel like a rickety old fart, watching the purity of innocence, like a young Eagle, boldly leave it's nest to joyously soar into the great, vast unknown... Congrats, ColaCody-- you've successfully grown healthy green girls through the first half of their life and into flowering! But now...

The Autumn is dark and full of terrors...

:shock: ;):leaf:
I'm happy as ever for ya, Man, and yet sad for you as well... The tragedy of losing 1/3 of your crop or more to bug-poop or to mold-- after finding the joy and love in growing your own medicine, & possibly (at best, in rare cases, if you're fortunate enough) even getting to "know" the individual plants as their own unique "persona" and living entity; dare I say almost "spiritually"... After the money, the time, the precious energy, and the care, blood, sweat, tears, & heartsong you devoted to this, plus the blessings of wisdom gained through it all... It's just heartbreaking when loss inevitably befalls.

I feel like a rickety old fart, watching the purity of innocence, like a young Eagle, boldly leave it's nest to joyously soar into the great, vast unknown... Congrats, ColaCody-- you've successfully grown healthy green girls through the first half of their life and into flowering! But now...

The Autumn is dark and full of terrors...

:shock: ;):leaf:

Hahahaha that's so true. I was prepared the whole way through for the ultimate loss. But I knew it was my first time and that the flowering would be my test. So far....I've avoided disaster. I found wooly aphids through out the year and have killed them. I see these as my children and care for them best I know as weird as it is. But let's do the next stage! When do they start to stink? Lol I'm guessing in a week or 2...? Once the resin starts to produce
So I got my bloom fert.
What do you guys think? Better than my banana death tea
:lol: LOL! Yeah, I think so! Brands of ferts & thier numbers & individual ingredients are just as varied as the opinions of those who use them, so... My personal opinion of ferts, here, is pretty much this:
  • Whatever you use, follow the directions,
  • Err on the side of caution (less is more), and
  • Always, always, always flush (water only) for the last 21 days before harvest.
That said, I'd also do 3 more things:
  • Supplement weekly with a nice homemade AACT (Activated Aerated Compost Tea: Sounds "advanced", but is truly an easy & reasonably inexpensive investment, and your plants will looooove you for it!),
  • Use Superthrive sparingly & whenever "needed" as a de-stressor, including after heavy pruning & defoliating,
  • Get & use "Sledgehammer" by Foxfarm to flush the mineral salts & nasty residue that's a byproduct of using fertilizers. It kind of "unclogs" the "circulatory system" of the plant's root-structure, & helps it absorb future nutrients even better. It's like giving your plant a good & healthy cleanse, if you can swing the $16.00 (or whatever the cost at your local grow-shop).
Oftentimes, I don't like to spend money without good reason, and I know that the AACT sounds like a costly project, but dig this: A 5-gallon bucket that you prolly already have lying around somewhere, or else buy a new one for 5 bucks. A cheap little air-stone might be 4 or 5 bucks-- or a bigger one for $7 - 8. Not sure what your set-up would be, but say 6, maybe 8 feet of air-tubing: 2 bucks or so. Now the pump would be the killer on the wallet, but a strong(-ish) pump that's adjustable and'll feed four separate tubes might cost $25 or 30 or so, but you can get a single-tube air-pump that does it's job well-enough for a 5-gallon bucket for maybe 15 or 18 dollars, IDK. But-- when you invest $20 or so towards some bat guano, your adding rocket-fuel to your flowering! That stuff is crazy. Dig it: You got 2-4-4 ferts there. That middle 4 is what affects flowering... And bat guano skyrockets that number (my personal stash of bat-poop is .5-12-.2). And by making a tea of it (perhaps with other compost goodies, like your banana peels or my egg-shells), it feeds the soil good healthy bacteria & fungus that make the plant strong & productive, without over-fertilizing it because tea isn't a fertilizer. (Instead of steeping a "tea-bag" of bat guano that you'd then dispose-of, if you conversely poured the powdery bat-poop into the soil directly, it would continuously feed the plant because it's just existing there atop & within the soil itself, and then this might over-fertilize your plant... But teas are awesome because they're light & quick without messing-up your nute-cycle)

Something to note, however, is that teas are amazing for feeding living soil... And although I'm not scientist, I do play one on the internet :wink:, and my theories are that organics support soil ecology a lot better than chemical ferts do, and it looks like you're already on the right course. (Do remember, now, that Superthrive is not a fert, but it's also not organic. That's why I foliar-feed that, on those rare instances that I use it. It preserves the soil a bit while administering it via the best nutrient-delivery system the plant has: It's leaves.)

I wish I could share in some of that tasty stuff when it's good & ready.

I'm unsure exactly how your own elevation & longitude-line factors-in to your outdoor grow-cycle (versus my own, here in New England). She should be starting to stink up about this time for you...
Lol I'm guessing in a week or 2...? Once the resin starts to produce
Yeah, maybe a week or two... I'm unsure what's happening microscopically on the plant, & when resins are produced, but mine usually start smelling sweet & fine a few weeks before the first signs of real trichomes, but this may also vary from strain to strain, I'm unsure. For me, my little green girl-- my "Rella99"-- is just starting to whaft her first little stinky pheremones.
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:lol: LOL! Yeah, I think so! Brands of ferts & thier numbers & individual ingredients are just as varied as the opinions of those who use them, so... My personal opinion of ferts, here, is pretty much this:
  • Whatever you use, follow the directions,
  • Err on the side of caution (less is more), and
  • Always, always, always flush (water only) for the last 21 days before harvest.
That said, I'd also do 3 more things:
  • Supplement weekly with a nice homemade AACT (Activated Aerated Compost Tea: Sounds "advanced", but is truly an easy & reasonably inexpensive investment, and your plants will looooove you for it!),
  • Use Superthrive sparingly & whenever "needed" as a de-stressor, including after heavy pruning & defoliating,
  • Get & use "Sledgehammer" by Foxfarm to flush the mineral salts & nasty residue that's a byproduct of using fertilizers. It kind of "unclogs" the "circulatory system" of the plant's root-structure, & helps it absorb future nutrients even better. It's like giving your plant a good & healthy cleanse, if you can swing the $16.00 (or whatever the cost at your local grow-shop).
Oftentimes, I don't like to spend money without good reason, and I know that the AACT sounds like a costly project, but dig this: A 5-gallon bucket that you prolly already have lying around somewhere, or else buy a new one for 5 bucks. A cheap little air-stone might be 4 or 5 bucks-- or a bigger one for $7 - 8. Not sure what your set-up would be, but say 6, maybe 8 feet of air-tubing: 2 bucks or so. Now the pump would be the killer on the wallet, but a strong(-ish) pump that's adjustable and'll feed four separate tubes might cost $25 or 30 or so, but you can get a single-tube air-pump that does it's job well-enough for a 5-gallon bucket for maybe 15 or 18 dollars, IDK. But-- when you invest $20 or so towards some bat guano, your adding rocket-fuel to your flowering! That stuff is crazy. Dig it: You got 2-4-4 ferts there. That middle 4 is what affects flowering... And bat guano skyrockets that number (my personal stash of bat-poop is .5-12-.2). And by making a tea of it (perhaps with other compost goodies, like your banana peels or my egg-shells), it feeds the soil good healthy bacteria & fungus that make the plant strong & productive, without over-fertilizing it because tea isn't a fertilizer. (Instead of steeping a "tea-bag" of bat guano that you'd then dispose-of, if you conversely poured the powdery bat-poop into the soil directly, it would continuously feed the plant because it's just existing there atop & within the soil itself, and then this might over-fertilize your plant... But teas are awesome because they're light & quick without messing-up your nute-cycle)

Something to note, however, is that teas are amazing for feeding living soil... And although I'm not scientist, I do play one on the internet :wink:, and my theories are that organics support soil ecology a lot better than chemical ferts do, and it looks like you're already on the right course. (Do remember, now, that Superthrive is not a fert, but it's also not organic. That's why I foliar-feed that, on those rare instances that I use it. It preserves the soil a bit while administering it via the best nutrient-delivery system the plant has: It's leaves.)

I wish I could share in some of that tasty stuff when it's good & ready.

I'm unsure exactly how your own elevation & longitude-line factors-in to your outdoor grow-cycle (versus my own, here in New England). She should be starting to stink up about this time for you...

Yeah, maybe a week or two... I'm unsure what's happening microscopically on the plant, & when resins are produced, but mine usually start smelling sweet & fine a few weeks before the first signs of real trichomes, but this may also vary from strain to strain, I'm unsure. For me, my little green girl-- my "Rella99"-- is just starting to whaft her first little stinky pheremones.

Good info and yes for sure about the tea. Learned an overload about fertilizing and nutrition. Next year will be better.

The plant is starting to get stinky. Not sure how far along she is but thinking 2 weeks ish. Resin is starting and a bird shit on the leaf!!! Watching very closely for PM and had 1 wooly aphid leave a mess but his ass is squished. Looks to be doing ok. Final push. It rained here yesterday and I will check today how heavy the pot is. 1 more only water feeding to finish rinsing the banana overload out and will begin feeding. Going to use a 1/3 strength solution for that first time and see how she responds. It IS beginning to be more green again slowly which is good and the leaves are stopping the yellowing. Some of the leaves were brown and curled UP which is a CLEAR indicator of potassium excess (now I know this lol). She loved the flush. I'll look into that AACT set up too.

As for the break in the stalk the sum bitch doubled in size. Dont even think it missed a beat lol. Tough plants.

Especially considering some of the broken stalks some of you guys had compared to mine.

Will update photos soon.
Awesome! Yeah, I kinda questioned if the split in my own plant (last year) somehow gave benefit to the plant, LOL... I'm sure it didn't, as trauma is always-- well-- traumatic, & therefore very bad, but yeah-- if the plant is fortunate enough to have a strong recovery, the accident can seem like it was a blessing in disguise.
So here it is. I waited until she was thirsty to water prevent any chance of root rot and flush again with water and she is significantly doing better. Sad today from thirst but overall doing good.....I think. I watered today with
1tsp bloom (its 4 tsp per gallon so went 1/4 strength)
1 tbsp epsom salts
Made some calcium tea with baked egg shells and hardboiled egg water.....was a bitch lol.
Ph 6.8 (no adjustment)

Here is the pic before and will update how she looks in a few hours when I'm back home. 2nd pic is durban poison.
20190819_180310.jpg 20190819_180316.jpg
She's not lifting the leaves but I'm pretty sure the pot is too small too support the growth she needed and could have used. I mean the durban has almost 2 months less and she is BIG. Lesson learned.

The stalks on the gorilla glue are incredibly strong tho. I tied the durban down a bit to open her up too.20190821_202225.jpg
Absolutley was going to support that joint more. I have more duct tape but not sure if there is a better option and how bad duck tape would be for it??? I'm guessing it's fine lol
Thicker garden twine will work great. Just have it tied above a branch on both ends and it wont slip down
Soooooo i was tying the branches out and it split at the stalk but only a small amount. What can I do other than tape it together so its closed? I've supported it together so it's not having that stress on the joint and learn for next time to watch out for that.

I have minimal resources and was just wondering what to look for?
So the girls are doing well. I removed the tie downs on the gorilla glue and pruned the fan leaves. I also did something that made me cringe but I stabbed the soil with a 1 cm thick pole 7 times around the pot. I could feel the roots tearing apart because they are so bound up....BUT....IT LOVED IT! I was up at my uncle's and he suggested it.....hes been growing weed for longer than I've been alive so I tried it. The leaves are lifting more and it shows to be less stressed. Hopefully it helps.

The downward tips and mildish yellow show maybe it could use a TOUCH of nitrogen so I will add a small amount to the next feeding via my fish fert I have. The fert I got is perfect for bloom tho. Will be buying the veg part for next year.

This poor thing I've put through hell but it's my first and it was bound to happen lol.

The Durban poison I also defoliated and is responding well. Heres some pics of the ladies so far.

Yes yes I know the gorilla isn't trellised yet but honestly these stalks are beyond strong. I'm monitoring the drop on them every day but as far as trellising....the durban is getting done for sure because thos branches are not as sturdy.

I'm hoping the weather holds out for the durban poison but we will see. What is the lowest temp I should be watching out for at night....I think 7 degrees Celsius no?
Yours looks like it will need some staking. Those buds are gonna get heavy..

Man....I thought the same thing.....those branches are like steel....which is bad I heard but it takes some force to move them. I untied it from when I had it spread and it is so much happier!

In hindsight....when it split I should have untied it I think and it would have recovered a lot more. I think I stressed it and then thought way too hard about how to fix it....but in doing that I learned a lot. She's making a DAMN nice recovery so far after the defoliation and untying.