So folks, I see we had a miscommunication, and acted like adults and solved it. Great work. There is a lot to learn in this field, a lot of passed down knowledge, and a lot of new science and technology behind cannabis. Let’s keep an open mind and work together. We all have had bad days, myself included, and berated some poor dude for not typing what we want to see!
Moving onward about honey oil, I agree with the idea that opaque/black/dark green/cloudy are indicators of a lower quality extraction, including oxidation of various organic molecules. Any percentage of chlorophyll, anthos and carotenes, non-psychoactive waxes and other lipids extracted will dilute your cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. This can be avoided by increasing the polarity of the solvent, decreasing its temperature, reducing contact time, decreasing open cell well exposure (larger particular in wash) and/or a combination of these things.
Even variations in your technique can have changes in terpene/cannibinoids balance, as they have differing interactions with solvents and evaporative qualities once extracted. You want to extract cleanly, purge carefully and store sealed and cool.
ISO or Eth washes done quickly can make excellent honey, as can butane and other more volatile solvents. It’s all technique. Cheers
(PS my darkest batch of honey yet I powdered in a grinder and a quick butane wash. Yuck!)