How about, it doesnt fucking matter what measures they make to stop this shit, Guns will be here, and available to anyone that wants them, at anytime, anywhere, that has the money to buy them. Just like the laced heroin, people dont care that they are going to die, its about that money, and thats the bottomline of it all. Always has been, always will. Until EVERY SINGLE MANUFACTURER Follow a set of rules, whether its finger print tech on the trigger, or software that internally disables the weapon on demand, or via Specified disarmament electrolysis, nothing will change.
The problem is Social Media, the constant brain washing of the people to "TOP" what was done, or "Ill show them" personalities that do these horrible crimes against Humanity. AND, consequences. Trump said last night, the death penalty should be automatic, and hasty for these individuals that do these types of crimes. And i agree, as with the peedo's and youth/elderly abusers, Life takers,..
at the end of the day, there is literally NOTHING, ANY POLITICIAN, CAN DO ABOUT IT, and 100% chance, nothing will be done over the next 20 years either.