Trump's answer to El Paso/Dayton


Well-Known Member
The motherfucker wants to visit El Paso. Bullshit. Bull fucking shit. The bastard stiffed the city for over $470,000 not long ago! I guess that wasn’t enough. Notice he only wants to show up in Red Texas. Well El Paso is not red. Never has been. He needs to just shut up and stay in DC or one of his beloved personal golf courses.


Well-Known Member
The motherfucker wants to visit El Paso. Bullshit. Bull fucking shit. The bastard stiffed the city for over $470,000 not long ago! I guess that wasn’t enough. Notice he only wants to show up in Red Texas. Well El Paso is not red. Never has been. He needs to just shut up and stay in DC or one of his beloved personal golf courses.
Didn't the mayor of El Paso tell Trump point blank NOT to come?

That's why he'll do it. You can't tell him not to come. He has to come now.

Pissy little brat that he is.

It's not often I celebrate a person's death, but when that fat, perverted, pedophile asshat dies, I'm throwing a full blown kegger.

f series

Well-Known Member
Anyone hear the part about involuntary confinement, or developing software for identifying threats (people)?


Well-Known Member
The motherfucker wants to visit El Paso. Bullshit. Bull fucking shit. The bastard stiffed the city for over $470,000 not long ago! I guess that wasn’t enough. Notice he only wants to show up in Red Texas. Well El Paso is not red. Never has been. He needs to just shut up and stay in DC or one of his beloved personal golf courses.
Since the Russians can't pile all their money into the NRA, they need some ghoul to have a rally at the scene of dead people shot by guns. And they can't afford to send their own.


Well-Known Member
The motherfucker wants to visit El Paso. Bullshit. Bull fucking shit. The bastard stiffed the city for over $470,000 not long ago! I guess that wasn’t enough. Notice he only wants to show up in Red Texas. Well El Paso is not red. Never has been. He needs to just shut up and stay in DC or one of his beloved personal golf courses.
He 's going to regret it when he show's up in El Paso tomorrow, because every Dem in Texas will try to get there and shout that prick down, so he should be happy about the crowd size :)


Well-Known Member
..but interwebs, video games and mental illness are to blame.

he's right about the internet though; it's where people read. his hate filled Twitter posts.

whoopsies, conald.
I hate to say it, but this is actually something that he may have gotten right. How many of these games have online chat features? With trolling and data analysis, bad actors that would look to use our vulnerable population would easily be able to use these games to find and then slowly radicalize anyone vulnerable.

edit: I completely do not trust him or his administration to adequately or responsibly address fixing this though.


Well-Known Member
Anyone hear the part about involuntary confinement, or developing software for identifying threats (people)?
Only s simple fuck like you would take something from his bullshit as a positive and believe it. Software? The start of identifying anyone other than a loyal NRA member voting Republican. Again only an ignorant putz like you would welcome that Pandora’s box.

Instead how about the expanded background checks reasonable people have been asking for?


Well-Known Member
How about, it doesnt fucking matter what measures they make to stop this shit, Guns will be here, and available to anyone that wants them, at anytime, anywhere, that has the money to buy them. Just like the laced heroin, people dont care that they are going to die, its about that money, and thats the bottomline of it all. Always has been, always will. Until EVERY SINGLE MANUFACTURER Follow a set of rules, whether its finger print tech on the trigger, or software that internally disables the weapon on demand, or via Specified disarmament electrolysis, nothing will change.

The problem is Social Media, the constant brain washing of the people to "TOP" what was done, or "Ill show them" personalities that do these horrible crimes against Humanity. AND, consequences. Trump said last night, the death penalty should be automatic, and hasty for these individuals that do these types of crimes. And i agree, as with the peedo's and youth/elderly abusers, Life takers,..

at the end of the day, there is literally NOTHING, ANY POLITICIAN, CAN DO ABOUT IT, and 100% chance, nothing will be done over the next 20 years either.


Well-Known Member
How about, it doesnt fucking matter what measures they make to stop this shit, Guns will be here, and available to anyone that wants them, at anytime, anywhere, that has the money to buy them. Just like the laced heroin, people dont care that they are going to die, its about that money, and thats the bottomline of it all. Always has been, always will. Until EVERY SINGLE MANUFACTURER Follow a set of rules, whether its finger print tech on the trigger, or software that internally disables the weapon on demand, or via Specified disarmament electrolysis, nothing will change.

The problem is Social Media, the constant brain washing of the people to "TOP" what was done, or "Ill show them" personalities that do these horrible crimes against Humanity. AND, consequences. Trump said last night, the death penalty should be automatic, and hasty for these individuals that do these types of crimes. And i agree, as with the peedo's and youth/elderly abusers, Life takers,..

at the end of the day, there is literally NOTHING, ANY POLITICIAN, CAN DO ABOUT IT, and 100% chance, nothing will be done over the next 20 years either.
Yeah you bet. If you think private prisons won’t open to jail any offenders of gun laws you’re totally nuts. Just because you can’t picture it doesn’t mean it can’t or won’t happen.


Well-Known Member
How about, it doesnt fucking matter what measures they make to stop this shit, Guns will be here, and available to anyone that wants them, at anytime, anywhere, that has the money to buy them. Just like the laced heroin, people dont care that they are going to die, its about that money, and thats the bottomline of it all. Always has been, always will. Until EVERY SINGLE MANUFACTURER Follow a set of rules, whether its finger print tech on the trigger, or software that internally disables the weapon on demand, or via Specified disarmament electrolysis, nothing will change.

The problem is Social Media, the constant brain washing of the people to "TOP" what was done, or "Ill show them" personalities that do these horrible crimes against Humanity. AND, consequences. Trump said last night, the death penalty should be automatic, and hasty for these individuals that do these types of crimes. And i agree, as with the peedo's and youth/elderly abusers, Life takers,..

at the end of the day, there is literally NOTHING, ANY POLITICIAN, CAN DO ABOUT IT, and 100% chance, nothing will be done over the next 20 years either.
Well, yeah if you want to feel like you won the discussion, pose ridiculous statements made by the other side and then knock them down with the simple statement that they are crazy or stupid or both. That's really helpful, thanks.

Or we could start by saying gun owners could significantly reduce the incidences of gun violence by simply following the guidelines listed on NRA's site for gun safety. If they really wanted to reduce incidences where fools like this one got his gun they could push for legislation for universal background checks with an adequate waiting period and a well funded background checking system. That dweeb in Texas, for instance should never have been allowed to buy those guns.