What did you accomplish today?

Daughter (helped a little) and son in law dragged our old secondhand couch out into the driveway so I could hack it up. It almost kicked my SIL's ass, and he is a big boy. He looks like the caber toss Scotsmen. I will never buy a recliner couch again. I used my better judgement and stood back for moral support. It is hacked into 3 pieces now so it is movable and I'll schedule pickup this week.
Forgot to grab a new lighter so I'm using a BBQ one, I have to sit next to myself to light something. Dinner is Mi Po burritos. Buds and suds time.
Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.
Fetched the aluminium stock for my LED workshop. I have like 20 meters of my wide channel in stock, that should keep me busy for a week or two.
Also sent in my order for LEDs, Digikey prices dropped a little overnight, so holding off until this morning was a good move, even if it meant a few more hours at the spreadsheets again.