Trump Demands Full Embargo of China


Well-Known Member
I took a look at the NY Times article on this and it seems to me that this story is too full of "if true"s for me to believe that the smoking gun to convict Trump lies there.

I never doubted that Russian crime family money is being laundered in the Trump empire. This has been pretty much obvious to me and many who post here since the beginning. I think there is already enough evidence to convict him in the court of public opinion. That said, until now, Trump's lawyers have done a great job of covering Trump's tracks over the years to protect him from legal action. The Mueller report shows that findings of legally proven chargeable crimes comitted by Trump isn't enough to sway the Senate to act against him too. I'll be glad when Congress has its hands on these files but I'm not holding much belief that enough evidence will come from it to convince Republicans to convict Trump in the Senate. Still, the mood music from this news is wonderful and I'm sure we'll hear more of it over the next year and-a-half.

The reporter who claimed to know that DB holds evidence that would tie Trump to Oligarch money and money laundering has back tracked, saying he only has one unverified source and there are no other sources to confirm that what he was told is true.

I'll be following this story but right now it seems to be a little too shaky for me. Also, not much is showing up in the online media. Some reports are out on the subject but there isn't the kind of feeding frenzy one would expect if the story were true. So, not news just yet.
I can envision a scenario where Trump loses the election, and they impeach him in house and senate before his term is up. Let the American citizens toss his ass out of the white house first, then pile on!


Well-Known Member
buck had the best idea. The House impeaches Trump on the day before he leaves office. That way the Senate cannot acquit him.
I think the democrats and Pelosi are looking for the senate this time around and a pre-election impeachment is in the cards. They know a slam dunk case on multiple articles would put many of the 22 GOP senators up for election in a tough spot, they will be damned if the do and damned if they don't. The revelations of the public investigations, impeachment investigations and impeachment trial, will kill Trump's reelection possibilities dead. They are gonna be putting the GOP senate on record and on the spot, Nancy just wants to prime the pump (and Trump!) with investigations and public testimony before the impeachment trial begins, which she is gonna time to the best advantage in 2020. I'd like to see the GOP senate acquit him before the election in a spectacular senate trial where he is proven to be guilty of all articles beyond a reasonable doubt. As I've said, this would be on TV with wall to wall coverage of the trial of the century with the electorate as the ultimate jury for 2020. It would absolutely destroy his chances of reelection and might lead to his eventual impeachment before the inauguration of a new POTUS. BONUS: He might even be delusional enough to act as his own lawyer and testify at his trial, ranting all the while, well, one can hope!
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Well-Known Member
I think the democrats and Pelosi are looking for the senate this time around and a pre-election impeachment is in the cards. They know a slam dunk case on multiple articles would put many of the 22 GOP senators up for election in a tough spot, they will be damned if the do and damned if they don't. The revelations of the public investigations, impeachment investigations and impeachment trial will kill Trumps reelection possibilities dead. They are gonna be putting the GOP senate on record and on the spot, Nancy just wants to prime the pump (and Trump!) with investigations and public testimony before the impeachment trial begins, which she is gonna time to the best advantage in 2020. I'd like to see the GOP senate acquit him before the election in a spectacular senate trial where he is proven to be guilty of all articles beyond a reasonable doubt. As I've said, this would be on TV with wall to wall coverage of the trial of the century with the electorate as the ultimate jury in 2020. It would absolutely destroy his chances of reelection and might lead to his eventual impeachment before the inauguration of a new POTUS. BONUS: He might even be delusional enough to act as his own lawyer and testify at his trial, ranting all the while, well, one can hope!
I don't think anything is going to happen until public opinion for impeachment gets well above 60%. As of end of July after Mueller's testimony, only 37% supported impeachment. Far fewer Republicans support it. I don't think Republicans even care about Trump's treason. The ones that haven't quit aren't going to go against their base of support who see nothing wrong with Trump accepting aid from a foreign power (Russia) in his election bid. They don't care about anything other than keeping democrats out of power. I doubt any case can be brought against Trump will change their opinion.

Regarding Deutsche Bank documents, only one source has said the bank holds damning documents on Trump. Reliable news outlets are not saying much at all on the subject.


Well-Known Member
You're out of your mind.
Elaborate? What's your scenario for Donald's possible impeachment and a logical strategy for the democrats, given the current political situation?
How is this far fetched, seems reasonable enough, if the GOP senate won't convict Trump, make it hard for them to do it and make them own it. It is also an opportunity to own many news cycles while educating the public before the election, not to mention freak Donald out even more.
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Well-Known Member
On the 300 point rise today for the Dow:

“The optimism follows comments by a Chinese government official Thursday suggesting Beijing is hoping for continued trade talks with the United States.
A spokesman for China's ministry of commerce said Thursday that his country is willing to resolve the trade dispute "with a calm attitude," according to multiple reports.”

Talk about pick and choose news. The story that was originally in also went on to say this is the beginning of the 70th anniversary of the takeover of China by the Communists and how they shed being DOMINATED by the West.

The stance is now apparently don’t be aggressive but don’t be passive. The push is on in China with stimulus to encourage consumer spending. Further they made it known they’re actively seeking new sources for some of the shit they import from us now and not agricultural products. The beliefs that our shit doesn’t stink and that we ARE the biggest dog on the block and will have our way no matter what are pretty ignorant.


Well-Known Member
I don't think anything is going to happen until public opinion for impeachment gets well above 60%. As of end of July after Mueller's testimony, only 37% supported impeachment. Far fewer Republicans support it. I don't think Republicans even care about Trump's treason. The ones that haven't quit aren't going to go against their base of support who see nothing wrong with Trump accepting aid from a foreign power (Russia) in his election bid. They don't care about anything other than keeping democrats out of power. I doubt any case can be brought against Trump will change their opinion.

Regarding Deutsche Bank documents, only one source has said the bank holds damning documents on Trump. Reliable news outlets are not saying much at all on the subject.
I agree with you, but investigations and public hearings will change that, so will Trump's reaction to revelations. I want to see Donald leading the GOP senate over a cliff in 2020 and figure Pelosi does too, I figure she knows what she's doing, and however reluctant, she will probably have to impeach him sooner or later, I think she knows this too.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you, but investigations and public hearings will change that, so will Trump's reaction to revelations. I want to see Donald leading the GOP senate over a cliff in 2020 and figure Pelosi does too, I figure she knows what she's doing, and however reluctant, she will probably have to impeach him sooner or later, I think she knows this too.
I think Pelosi is right in her policy to not have the house impeach Trump without agreement from the Senate that they will convict. It would take a shift in Republican voter sentiment to move Republican Senators to convict Trump. Given Republican avoidance of the facts about Trump's high crimes and misdemeanors, I just don't see that happening before the election.

There are plenty of good reasons for continuing House investigations into Republican election fraud. Just not going to end with removal of Trump from office by impeachment.


Well-Known Member
I think Pelosi is right in her policy to not have the house impeach Trump without agreement from the Senate that they will convict. It would take a shift in Republican voter sentiment to move Republican Senators to convict Trump. Given Republican avoidance of the facts about Trump's high crimes and misdemeanors, I just don't see that happening before the election.

There are plenty of good reasons for continuing House investigations into Republican election fraud. Just not going to end with removal of Trump from office by impeachment.
They do have a lot they can hang on Trump without hanging him, but keeping the base in check as new revelations come out is gonna be tough. When they get into Trump's financials he's gonna go berserk, I got my fingers crossed on Deutsche Bank. The German government raided them a while back and cleaned out tons of documents so they have them too, which might explain why Donald was nice to Merkel at the G-7. Deustche Bank is a foreign bank with an extensive history of money laundering and criminal activity, the case is before an appeals court panel now and the panel of judges didn't sound too impressed with their nonexistent legal arguments, one mentioned a court order. Some say it will take a long time to settle, but I don't see it taking that long for congress to get the documents, just in time for the fall session I would hope.


Well-Known Member
They do have a lot they can hang on Trump without hanging him, but keeping the base in check as new revelations come out is gonna be tough. When they get into Trump's financials he's gonna go berserk, I got my fingers crossed on Deutsche Bank. The German government raided them a while back and cleaned out tons of documents so they have them too, which might explain why Donald was nice to Merkel at the G-7. Deustche Bank is a foreign bank with an extensive history of money laundering and criminal activity, the case is before an appeals court panel now and the panel of judges didn't sound too impressed with their nonexistent legal arguments, one mentioned a court order. Some say it will take a long time to settle, but I don't see it taking that long for congress to get the documents, just in time for the fall session I would hope.
Just continuing the discussion, what is it that you think will be in those files?

The only shred of information I've seen which was later retracted (not because it's proven false but because it was not verified by other sources) is documentation saying that a Russian Oligarch (or "crime boss" in other countries), signed off on some loans to Trump. Do you think that would sway Republican support to impeachment? They don't care about obstruction of justice, what is there about a loan that would change their minds? Or do you suspect there is something else? What would that be?


Well-Known Member
Just continuing the discussion, what is it that you think will be in those files?

The only shred of information I've seen which was later retracted (not because it's proven false but because it was not verified by other sources) is documentation saying that a Russian Oligarch (or "crime boss" in other countries), signed off on some loans to Trump. Do you think that would sway Republican support to impeachment? They don't care about obstruction of justice, what is there about a loan that would change their minds? Or do you suspect there is something else? What would that be?
I believe they will show a history of money laundering and tax evasion among other crimes. Russian cosigners are a very real possibility for loans in past years and probably recent ones too, the "loans" are probably part of a money laundering scheme. Would you lend Donald money with out a cosigner? And if you were a Russian oligarch cosigner, you'd want to have additional "insurance" in the form of kompromat.

If the above is true it takes the scandal to a whole new level and will be meat and potatoes for explosive pre impeachment hearings on Trump's taxes and financials and will make getting the full returns from the IRS quicker. It will also make it harder to tamp down impeachment talk with each new revelation and Donald's extreme reaction to it. Donald is very worried about this stuff and has good cause to be, it would tie him tightly to the Russians with another link in addition to Trump tower Moscow, all the meetings and other related bullshit. Hopefully this would help to whittle down Trump's support to his hardcore psychotic base of around 35% and increase support for impeachment to an acceptable level. I still figure the GOP senate should be put on the spot about Trump before the election, after all the ducks are lined up and the pump primed with multiple investigations. Ya need many more house subcommittees investigating with freshmen congress people guided by old hands, there is enough corruption, abuse of power, treason, crime, incompetence and stupidity to make sure everybody gets on a committee of one kind or another. There is much oversight and accountability to do, spread it around and delegate like Hell.
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Well-Known Member
I believe they will show a history of money laundering and tax evasion among other crimes. Russian cosigners are a very real possibility for loans in past years and probably recent ones too, the "loans" are probably part of a money laundering scheme. Would you lend Donald money with out a cosigner? And if you were a Russian oligarch cosigner, you'd want to have additional "insurance" in the form of kompromat.

If the above is true it takes the scandal to a whole new level and will be meat and potatoes for explosive pre impeachment hearings on Trump's taxes and financials and will make getting the full returns from the IRS quicker. It will also make it harder to tamp down impeachment talk with each new revelation and Donald's extreme reaction to it. Donald is very worried about this stuff and has good cause to be, it would tie him tightly to the Russians with another link in addition to Trump tower Moscow, all the meetings and other related bullshit. Hopefully this would help to whittle down Trump's support to his hardcore psychotic base of around 35% and increase support for impeachment to an acceptable level. I still figure the GOP senate should be put on the spot about Trump before the election, after all the ducks are lined up and the pump primed with multiple investigations. Ya need many more house subcommittees investigating with freshmen congress people guided by old hands, there is enough corruption, abuse of power, treason, crime, incompetence and stupidity to make sure everybody gets on a committee of one kind or another. There is much oversight and accountability to do, spread it around and delegate like Hell.
Do you think the typical Republican cares about charges of money laundering, and tax evasion by Trump? Keeping in mind that the Senate will not convict Trump unless the Republican base wants them to, I see the average Republican's belief in Trump's story about witch hunts to be the main obstacle. Trump can't be tried until he's out of office. Without a guilty verdict, I don't see even the few honest Trumplicans switching away from their opposition to impeaching and removal from office. Even with a guilty verdict, Trumplicans are likely to believe Trump was railroaded.

Trump is our first truly gangster president. In his psychotic world, laws are what fools follow. He does what he wants and lets his lawyers handle the lawsuits. The Republican Party has become much like him. A party of sociopaths.


Well-Known Member
buck had the best idea. The House impeaches Trump on the day before he leaves office. That way the Senate cannot acquit him.
Um yeah, it's a good idea. ;)
I can envision a scenario where Trump loses the election, and they impeach him in house and senate before his term is up. Let the American citizens toss his ass out of the white house first, then pile on!
Yeah I was saying before how perfect it would be if the impeachment was right at the end of his term before the Senate could even get a chance to acquit him.


Well-Known Member
China's best option in the trade war is to wait it out, experts say, as it's huge domestic economy is increasingly being driven by the power of its consumers — not trade.

Playing the long game is "probably the best and only option" that China has, said Chung Man Wing, investment director at Value Partners.”

The long game. Yeah. I’ve heard this before.

“External trade make up only a "very small portion" of China's economy — and form only about 20% of its gross domestic product, he said. "And majority of that is actually not to the U.S., so China can afford to play the long game, and play it well."

“In fact, Deutsche Bank said in a Wednesday report that as much as 80% of China's exports went to countries other than the U.S.”


Well-Known Member
Trump will now either eat shit and lose face or stick to his guns and lose the election. His choice it seems. I truly don’t understand the market optimism today when it has been becoming increasingly clear that the Chinese offered all they’re going to offer under the circumstances. But tomorrow is Friday and the optimists will want to close the week out on a positive note.


Well-Known Member
Relying on a consumer economy and a long game won't help their social stability issues while an arms race is going on. Chinese people have never been more desperate to get their money out of China. Hopefully Trump just goes all in and fucks them every way possible before he gets evicted and convicted.


Well-Known Member
Relying on a consumer economy and a long game won't help their social stability issues while an arms race is going on. Chinese people have never been more desperate to get their money out of China. Hopefully Trump just goes all in and fucks them every way possible before he gets evicted and convicted.
The army and security forces will take care of the social instability issues. If they were willing to crush protests in Beijing a few decades ago the current president for life won't be able to tolerate it, only the financial importance of the place is staying his hand.. Hong Kong has a huge banking system that is very dependent on the legal and regulatory independence of the territory, nobody trusts the Chinese legal system. With a crack down money is gonna move out and I'd look for another round of house price increases in British Columbia.

TPP was the way to deal with China, gang up on the fuckers with your fellow victims, but Donald was far too stupid for that...


Well-Known Member
The army and security forces will take care of the social instability issues. If they were willing to crush protests in Beijing a few decades ago the current president for life won't be able to tolerate it, only the financial importance of the place is staying his hand.. Hong Kong has a huge banking system that is very dependent on the legal and regulatory independence of the territory, nobody trusts the Chinese legal system. With a crack down money is gonna move out and I'd look for another round of house price increases in British Columbia.

TPP was the way to deal with China, gang up on the fuckers with your fellow victims, but Donald was far too stupid for that...
Oh they're definitely trying to invest anywhere and everywhere they can outside of mainland China. The controls that the CCP has put in place to stop this have only added to the social instability. It's not just Hong Kong college students in the protests. It's mainlanders coming in to join them as well. Hong Kong used to be the conduit by which they got their money out of the country.

That's why they're going for cryptos. The only reason they have a consumer economy is because it is so hard to get their money out.