I took a look at the NY Times article on this and it seems to me that this story is too full of "if true"s for me to believe that the smoking gun to convict Trump lies there.
I never doubted that Russian crime family money is being laundered in the Trump empire. This has been pretty much obvious to me and many who post here since the beginning. I think there is already enough evidence to convict him in the court of public opinion. That said, until now, Trump's lawyers have done a great job of covering Trump's tracks over the years to protect him from legal action. The Mueller report shows that findings of legally proven chargeable crimes comitted by Trump isn't enough to sway the Senate to act against him too. I'll be glad when Congress has its hands on these files but I'm not holding much belief that enough evidence will come from it to convince Republicans to convict Trump in the Senate. Still, the mood music from this news is wonderful and I'm sure we'll hear more of it over the next year and-a-half.
The reporter who claimed to know that DB holds evidence that would tie Trump to Oligarch money and money laundering has back tracked, saying he only has one unverified source and there are no other sources to confirm that what he was told is true.
I'll be following this story but right now it seems to be a little too shaky for me. Also, not much is showing up in the online media. Some reports are out on the subject but there isn't the kind of feeding frenzy one would expect if the story were true. So, not news just yet.