What did you accomplish today?

I made some stumps today, it was time for the Napali Pinks to come down. Put up a yellow card in case the bugs didn't understand they weren't wanted. The Straw Cheez still have some time. Happy Harvest Moon. View attachment 4394073 View attachment 4394074
If you put some inside out masking tape on the line in between plants and on the main stalks you will capture all the crawlers. I did this when i harvested plants with aphids. Caught hella and had to keep changing out the tape lol.
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I’d leave them alone. But a good thing about those fabric pots is you can just bury them. No need to remove them. The roots will just grow right through. Zero transplant shock.
This is how I'm going to start doing it. I heard the rootballs rip a bit when transplanting from 10-65 galllon. No transplant shock though, but breaking roots isn't a good sound.
This is how I'm going to start doing it. I heard the rootballs rip a bit when transplanting from 10-65 galllon. No transplant shock though, but breaking roots isn't a good sound.

I remember sprouting some very expensive seeds in paper towels once (the last time I used paper towels ever).

There were tiny hair roots off the tap root that penetrated the paper towel somehow and I heard that disturbing ripping sound and ruined one taking it off the paper towel. Didn't grow.

The others I just cut around the paper towel and burried the little paper towel chunk with it and they worked.

Never again for that shit.
Made waffle batter, boiled three eggs.

Thinking about making a picnic lunch to take somewhere with my daughter, but it’s gonna be hot as balls today...at least for me. I melt when it hits the mid 90s, and I’m sure my 16 month old doesn’t like it either.
Yes it’s too hot for me here in the 90’s as well. I was outside walking around the lake at 730 am with thick overcast by 9 am the clouds broke . The sun came out and it was mighty uncomfortable. So I’m staying in and painting today. I mixed a color I never mixed before. Gold and yellow.
Oh yeah. I told y'all a couple weekends ago I needed to get supports around the plants that following week. Finally did it lol. I think I'm going to have to invest in a fogger. No way am I going to fit in this thing and be able to spray. View attachment 4394439
View attachment 4394440
I lost two fogger/atomizers in the fire :-( I bought another one a couple months ago. But when the outdoor plants are large we fill a garbage can with what we want to spray, and feed an electric pressure washer with a sump pump inside that garbage can. Dial it in with the right tip and go to town. You’ll most likely use more of what you mixed up doing it like this vs. the fogger but Omg, it’s way faster than a fogger/atomizer.
I would think a Wagner power painter with the pickup tube would work on a smaller scale and atomize the spray a lot better than a tank sprayer.
Yeah those work ok(the small ones) I tried that before the atomizers became popular.
A fogger/atomizer is 100X’s faster than a pump tank sprayer but an electric power washer is even WAY faster. Def not always practical though, like indoor lol.