First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
why would i take clones now?? i dont have room for them anyway haha. i have another 5 fem seeds anyway ill probably do more next time. i think ill let these go 1 more week theyll be 6 weeks tomorrow...


Well-Known Member
so i took a look at one of my skywalkers today and its got pistols coming out all over the top or about 1 node down from the top. should i just start flowering them now or can i leave them to veg another week or two??
you can veg a little longer if you want to.


Well-Known Member
why would i take clones now?? i dont have room for them anyway haha. i have another 5 fem seeds anyway ill probably do more next time. i think ill let these go 1 more week theyll be 6 weeks tomorrow...
thats me to . i want to take cIones but aint got no where to go with them . wen the BM is done , mite do aIternate grow rooms goin for cIoning.


Well-Known Member
every thing is being used here no space Ieft.wat i thought about was on my next grow, wiII keep one maIe in the other grow room have the girIs in the garage goin. wen the femaIes are 5 weex into fIowering , wiII bring one girI into the other grow room and poIinate with the maIe, remove the maIe, one thousand seeds ,haha. does that sound good? i have fIoresecnt tubes for cIoning but thier reaIIy onIy good for 3 or 4 weex at most , then wiII start stretching after any ideas DK? :roll:


Well-Known Member
no idea man i got less space than all of you haha and its about to be all used up next week... plan on putting the skywalker and purple wrecks to flower next weekend and then start up 9 more in the tent... im thinking 2 fem bb, 3 fem strawberry blue and 4 bb x nl...


Well-Known Member
haha yup thats the idea. 13 plants/4 fem already so hopefully at least 8 fems will get me a 1/2 pound or so by xmas... first harvest i got set for 12/7 and the rest two weeks later probably...


Well-Known Member
thanks man. sure hope i get some girls haha so far only 1 of 4 shown i think 1 looks male although im not quite sure takin pics here in a minute...


Well-Known Member
thanks man. just transplanted the skywalker and haze into 5gal decided to just start flowering them. they were running out of room and showing pistols already anyways. so i got 7 flowering now and the 6 purple wrecks left in the tent ill leave in there until they all show sex...


Well-Known Member
3 days after i transpIanted mine into 3.5 gaI. bukets ,, you wont beIieve how fast and big those bad boys are gonna get... by the way started fiowering my g13s tonight and the HP. the g13s are 16" taII and theHP are jus 6" o weII . better get ready for the taII bIoks ,haha,...


Well-Known Member
haha i had to flip over pots to put the skywalker on top of theyre only 12" and the cali indica i plated 4 days earlier are almost 2 feet... they been flowering one week now and grew like crazy already