Why are so many still against transgender?

Communist Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Although we've come so far with many issues, the transgender community still seems like it's a joke to many. People who you'd think wouldn't do that because they say they're anti-Trump, liberal, etc will use "jokes" against them as if what they are isn't a real thing. Even people here will make jabs about it. It's just not right.

I found this video from "What Would You Do," only one person was a transphobic. There were even two Christians who said it was wrong.

I'm not at all an Obama fan, but it made me sick how he(in the video) blamed Obama, rather than admitting no one else is to blame for his bigotry but himself.

I usually don't feel anything when seeing these SJW type videos, but the hatred she spoke, although not real, made me tear up a bit. The fact people didn't tell her to shut her mouth immediately. But that most even spoke up at all is comforting, and is at least better than before.

Bunny are you over-medicating? You seem way too speedy plus no one cares about this one off topic from another thread now that you're on your high horse..
Some people may be against transgender, because they see it and the "which bathroom thing" as an intrusion on them.

For instance, I'm good with the owner of an establishment deciding how they want their bathrooms set up. Not my business to tell anybody what to call themselves, which gender to identify with etc. Not their business (or mine) to tell a private property owner how to manage their business. If I don't like the way a particular place is run, I can spend my money elsewhere.
I'm not against trans ... but there should be a time limit.
I mean, how long does transition take?

Cut it off, dig a hole .. boom, done.
Fill in the hole, addadictiomy ... boom, done.

Even menopause only takes two or three years.
I mean, shit ... get it over with.
Personally, whatever floats your boat behind closed doors I have no issues with, as long as it doesn't involve minors or animals. Sports guys can argue about mens vs womens teams, and I grew up overseas so unisex toilets aren't really that big a deal.....
Some people may be against transgender, because they see it and the "which bathroom thing" as an intrusion on them.

For instance, I'm good with the owner of an establishment deciding how they want their bathrooms set up. Not my business to tell anybody what to call themselves, which gender to identify with etc. Not their business (or mine) to tell a private property owner how to manage their business. If I don't like the way a particular place is run, I can spend my money elsewhere.

What about what happened in the video? If you allow a transgender to use the women's restroom, but someone harasses one of your patrons with saying they're offended by them using the "wrong" one, do you kick out the one against your policy?
Personally, whatever floats your boat behind closed doors I have no issues with, as long as it doesn't involve minors or animals. Sports guys can argue about mens vs womens teams, and I grew up overseas so unisex toilets aren't really that big a deal.....

Do your unisex toilets only for one person like ours, or do they allow multiple users like our sex specific restrooms?
I'm not against trans ... but there should be a time limit.
I mean, how long does transition take?

Cut it off, dig a hole .. boom, done.
Fill in the hole, addadictiomy ... boom, done.

Even menopause only takes two or three years.
I mean, shit ... get it over with.

What you're saying is a person isn't a "real" transgender if they don't cut their junk off? The "fake" ones then need to use their equipment specific restroom? Are you going to check their equipment before entering the "wrong" restroom?
I haven’t seen the stats on who is against transgender people but it would surprise me that the most fring would be the last to be accepted.
What you're saying is a person isn't a "real" transgender if they don't cut their junk off? The "fake" ones then need to use their equipment specific restroom? Are you going to check their equipment before entering the "wrong" restroom?

Just label em "standing and sitting" use whichever makes you comfortable. I've never understood the issue outside of worrying about small children in large public restrooms but that seems a parenting issue not a public bathroom problem.
What you're saying is a person isn't a "real" transgender if they don't cut their junk off? The "fake" ones then need to use their equipment specific restroom? Are you going to check their equipment before entering the "wrong" restroom?
Lighten up buddy ... jeeze.

I don't care what toilet someone uses. Put doors on the stalls, put the urinals so the users back is to the room ... and, so what?
I too came of age in Europe (as a previous poster alluded to) and it hasn't been a problem there for a few thousand years.
Just label em "standing and sitting" use whichever makes you comfortable. I've never understood the issue outside of worrying about small children in large public restrooms but that seems a parenting issue not a public bathroom problem.

I think their problem is with the ones which have multiple stalls. Like they're going to play peek-a-boo with them or something.
What about what happened in the video? If you allow a transgender to use the women's restroom, but someone harasses one of your patrons with saying they're offended by them using the "wrong" one, do you kick out the one against your policy?

In the video, I can see that the mother is upset and that the transgender person is upset. If I were a business owner I'd want them both happy and to come back and buy my stuff, or at least that's my goal.

One solution for a smaller establishment is a unisex bathroom, where only one patron in the bathroom at a time is the norm. Maybe have two of those. Obviously a mom or dad could take babies, toddlers in for changing etc.
Lighten up buddy ... jeeze.

I don't care what toilet someone uses. Put doors on the stalls, put the urinals so the users back is to the room ... and, so what?
I too came of age in Europe (as a previous poster alluded to) and it hasn't been a problem there for a few thousand years.

I was just trying to understand what "cutting a hole" and the "addadictiomy" had to do with the topic at hand.
In the video, I can see that the mother is upset and that the transgender person is upset. If I were a business owner I'd want them both happy and to come back and buy my stuff, or at least that's my goal.

One solution for a smaller establishment is a unisex bathroom, where only one patron in the bathroom at a time is the norm. Maybe have two of those. Obviously a mom or dad could take babies, toddlers in for changing etc.

Yeah this is logical to me, as the business owner I'd prefer both customers continue to shop..... it is tough for an established location though as the expense of changing out the bathroom and fixtures probably wouldn't increase their profit margin one bit.
Yeah this is logical to me, as the business owner I'd prefer both customers continue to shop..... it is tough for an established location though as the expense of changing out the bathroom and fixtures probably wouldn't increase their profit margin one bit.

Maybe the solution for the multiple stall ones is to put a unisex sign on them too, with an added warning, "genders you don't agree with may be inside here, use at your own risk."
Personally, whatever floats your boat behind closed doors I have no issues with, as long as it doesn't involve minors or animals. Sports guys can argue about mens vs womens teams, and I grew up overseas so unisex toilets aren't really that big a deal.....
dint you support a guy who bragged about creeping in on unsuspecting naked underage minors?
Yeah this is logical to me, as the business owner I'd prefer both customers continue to shop..... it is tough for an established location though as the expense of changing out the bathroom and fixtures probably wouldn't increase their profit margin one bit.
Maybe the solution for the multiple stall ones is to put a unisex sign on them too, with an added warning, "genders you don't agree with may be inside here, use at your own risk."
Here let me fix this all for you fucktards:

Just mind your own fucking business
Maybe the solution for the multiple stall ones is to put a unisex sign on them too, with an added warning, "genders you don't agree with may be inside here, use at your own risk."

I'm fine with that solution if that's how you want to run your business. I'd be leery of that being the sole possibility though if I didn't want to lose people who that bothered. So, maybe one is unisex and others are gender specific.