The Australian Bush Fire TRUTH

Well, I bet you couldn't.
I bet you couldn't open a lemonade stand.
Not in Cali.

Lemme see ... show me.
I live in Colorado and have a business here.
But it would probably take about 12 minutes and $50 to the Secretary of State to register my business in California

which is something I can do because California is a capitalist state

you racist parasite
It's true ... the planet IS changing.
But then, it has been for billions of years.
Co2 skyrocketed to 400+ ppm in one century after being around 280-320 ppm for nearly a million years

your attempts at claiming man made global warming is natural are fucking retarded

you nazi cancer
Co2 skyrocketed to 400+ ppm in one century after being around 280-320 ppm for nearly a million years

your attempts at claiming man made global warming is natural are fucking retarded

you nazi cancer
Its ok because MY plants like lots of CO2.
If the CO2 goes up to 600 ppm, maybe we can solve world hunger, eh?