Shake and Bake - Meth

I take speed about once every 3 months for exactly that reason, to clean my apartment and get the big shit done, I get 20 pills and toss my buddy who gets them 6, I do those 10 pills (I'll usually sell a few) over the course of 3 or 4 days getting a few hours rest on the 2nd and 3rd night, I can eat like a horse on them and the food is so fucking Delicious that that alone makes them worth doing. It gives me a very easy peaceful feeling of well being of course for the first eight hrs the stress comes and goes in waves but after that you just feel good and your focused you're in the zone and you have motivation, I'm schizophrenic and motivation is a serious issue for me.

My buddy who gets the pills does 5 or 6 a day everyday for 20 years now, you can see it in both him and his girlfriend they both look like death warmed over, I was taking them 3 days a week for 6 months but that's cuz I was getting them for free we were working together, I've also did blow every day 1.75 every single day and in the last week I did an oz, $10,000 gone in 3 months, and from my personal experience the blow is much scarier, more stressful draining and addictive, you don't crave speed like you do coke and after a few days of blow you just feel like garbage. I've never done crystal tho so I cant relate to that.

Edit: keep in mind that a few million people taking Pervatin almost defeated 4 world superpowers and almost conquered the world.
The " I do speed cause I'm lazy and makes food taste good" arguement isn't doing it for me hahaha. Probably one of the funniest things I've read on here tbh
The " I do speed cause I'm lazy and makes food taste good" arguement isn't doing it for me hahaha. Probably one of the funniest things I've read on here tbh
Ya the only thing 8s I don't care, I'm uninterested in life, so I have absolutely no motivation, it helps me get things done, if you are not so lethargic then the drug does not appeal to you.
regular use of meth almost never ends good. I've known lots of heavy drug users, and the meth heads were always the worst to be around. If they were at the point of rubbing their skin raw and/or staph infections, it was just plain gross... even if only once every three months, still respect it and know where it can lead. Weed will never take you down like meth can. (btw, if you are staying up for days just to clean, you must have a very messy living situation...)
regular use of meth almost never ends good. I've known lots of heavy drug users, and the meth heads were always the worst to be around. If they were at the point of rubbing their skin raw and/or staph infections, it was just plain gross... even if only once every three months, still respect it and know where it can lead. Weed will never take you down like meth can. (btw, if you are staying up for days just to clean, you must have a very messy living situation...)
I am aware of the dangers, I almost bought a thousand pills one time thought about selling them but then realized I would be doing them all the time so I didn't, had the same opportunity with slanging yayo but didn't take it for the same reason. I don't clean constantly I do other shit in the 3 days but I also get my grow room spic and span and the apartment is spotless and neat and tidy, but yes it does get messy quick but I do very well for a schizophrenic most cases are more severe than mine.
I am aware of the dangers, I almost bought a thousand pills one time thought about selling them but then realized I would be doing them all the time so I didn't, had the same opportunity with slanging yayo but didn't take it for the same reason. I don't clean constantly I do other shit in the 3 days but I also get my grow room spic and span and the apartment is spotless and neat and tidy, but yes it does get messy quick but I do very well for a schizophrenic most cases are more severe than mine.
yeah, I wasn't trying to give you a hard time or anything, I just want it to be clear for anybody who doesn't know, that it can go bad fast.
it's because of a several things that meth does to your skin, and what you either do or don't do that will make things worse- excessive rubbing/itching against depleted skin, and poor hygiene that can lead to infection... usually only heavy users experience it, but meth is one of those things where a little leads to a lot, which is why I say be careful using even a little, because it can quickly get out of hand.
Even if the meth were pure, there just isnt much percentage in using it.

All drugs offer a spectrum, benefits vs retractions. Harm vs help.

Mushrooms are probably on the plus column, you can potentially get more out of them than they extract from you.

Pot is in my opinion a slight positive in that the bad just isnt all that bad.

We could go through each and every substance. Heroin? Negative but it does offer pain relief and succor from existential desperstion.

Cocaine? A negative but ever so slightly, the plus is artificial joy
And appreciation for community.

But meth? What other than a sparkling clean space under your sink, has the substance to offer a life?

Contemplation? Exuberance? Insight? Relaxation? Guidance? Fellowship?

Just eventual sores, a gaunt look and premature organ failure.

Find something else, anything else.
i see u have never gone on a mad mission on meth ;)
it's because of a several things that meth does to your skin, and what you either do or don't do that will make things worse- excessive rubbing/itching against depleted skin, and poor hygiene that can lead to infection... usually only heavy users experience it, but meth is one of those things where a little leads to a lot, which is why I say be careful using even a little, because it can quickly get out of hand.
also i have known people that have been on meth a good 10-12 years and they look nothing like these meth heads dirty cunts that dont wash fall apart
also i have known people that have been on meth a good 10-12 years and they look nothing like these meth heads dirty cunts that dont wash fall apart
Same i know people who do it everday and are normal people who go to work everday and have stuff in life and not a POS

the people who do drug and become a POS are already a POS before they do the drug.