Mayor Pete!

Strange enough my Dad told me that he likes Trump because he is a troll and is only in it for the entertainment. He then tried telling me it doesn't matter who becomes president because it's all a joke but I disagree, I'm voting Bernie.
Get him an Amazon Fire stick or Apple TV lol, there is plenty to watch without having our nation ripped apart and handed over to the highest bidder.
What are you going to post after Nevada and South Carolina when Pete faceplants with the minority vote, donate to Bloomberg's campaign?
Anyway to answer your question, Biden will very likely take the lion's share of the delegates pledging the day after tomorrow. That's 63 out of SC and 48 out of Nevada. The polls really don't mean much. Moderate candidates will have, combined, more than double the delegates that Sanders will have. Then, the field will narrow and some of that will be consolidated into one moderate candidate. Maybe Warren will call it and half her delegates (if even that) will go to Sanders, so maybe 3. I predict that by Wednesday, Sanders will have 50+ delegates and moderate candidates will have more than 100. After Super Tuesday, it will be just 3 or 4 candidates, maybe Sanders, Buttigieg, Biden and Bloomberg. Sanders will have less than a quarter of the candidates that the moderates have combined. By the time the race narrows to one moderate candidate against Sanders, it will be a complete slaughter and Bernie will be desperate to convince us that he still has a chance of winning the nomination despite having less than a quarter of the delegates pledged to him that the moderate candidate has, be it Buttigieg, Bloomberg or Biden.

Sanders WILL NOT be nominated by the DNC. That's my prediction. Furthermore, I predict that he will not concede his utter defeat and will continue to tear the party apart in a desperate attempt to hand Trump the presidency.
Go Mayor Pete, @7:30 he tears up Trump and Rush about his 'family values'.

Doesn't Trump have to own everything Rush says since Trump gave him the Medal of Freedom? If that is not a full throated endorsement of everything about him, I don't know what is.
Go Mayor Pete, @7:30 he tears up Trump and Rush about his 'family values'.

Doesn't Trump have to own everything Rush says since Trump gave him the Medal of Freedom? If that is not a full throated endorsement of everything about him, I don't know what is.
I absolutely Love Pete! He is amazing and really nails the questions with simple straight up to the point powerful answers. Absolutely brilliant with great insight . He is inspiring and energizing and a very cool guy.
You have a knack for finding the best video clips hanimmal! Have a beautiful day!:peace::p
The Dems are in trouble face it. I like mayor Pete but he didn't take care of his own city!!????? Trump has obviously changed since becoming president he's a grown up finally I don't mind his quircky remarks or Twitter junk at all. Go around the media.... ! I liked Yang even though im an Independent. But I am Trump all the way so many good things! We are a military family my brother was Delta force 18 he went in and 50 he got out and he's a doctor now so! My nephew was marine. Army for me four yrs and out my dad's brothers or my uncle's out of 9 Bros and 3 sisters 8 Bros were in Vietnam cousins. My son just turned 18 and will be a Florida swat team member or dea anything with some excitement.
The Dems are in trouble face it. I like mayor Pete but he didn't take care of his own city!!????? Trump has obviously changed since becoming president he's a grown up finally I don't mind his quircky remarks or Twitter junk at all. Go around the media.... ! I liked Yang even though im an Independent. But I am Trump all the way so many good things! We are a military family my brother was Delta force 18 he went in and 50 he got out and he's a doctor now so! My nephew was marine. Army for me four yrs and out my dad's brothers or my uncle's out of 9 Bros and 3 sisters 8 Bros were in Vietnam cousins. My son just turned 18 and will be a Florida swat team member or dea anything with some excitement.
You must not mind being lied to straight faced from a draft dodger, huh?

Also, vwf just came out against trump for downplaying injuries suffered by service members in Iraq.
It's VFW by the way. I know so many draft dodgers from Vietnam it's crazy! It was like a 95% death factor back then you were gonna die most likely if you were drafted. No training and throw them in a jungle lol they ain't coming back
The Dems are in trouble face it. I like mayor Pete but he didn't take care of his own city!!????? Trump has obviously changed since becoming president he's a grown up finally I don't mind his quircky remarks or Twitter junk at all. Go around the media.... ! I liked Yang even though im an Independent. But I am Trump all the way so many good things! We are a military family my brother was Delta force 18 he went in and 50 he got out and he's a doctor now so! My nephew was marine. Army for me four yrs and out my dad's brothers or my uncle's out of 9 Bros and 3 sisters 8 Bros were in Vietnam cousins. My son just turned 18 and will be a Florida swat team member or dea anything with some excitement.
What did it burn down or something? I didn't hear about that.

Maybe you mean he sold it out to the Russians or Saudi's? nope.

Seriously, how can you be ok with how he just rolled over and showed Putin his belly?

He has lied to the citizens of our country nonstop in order to try to save his own butt. He pushes Russian conspiracies and throws his own people under the bus.
The Dems are in trouble face it. I like mayor Pete but he didn't take care of his own city!!????? Trump has obviously changed since becoming president he's a grown up finally I don't mind his quircky remarks or Twitter junk at all. Go around the media.... ! I liked Yang even though im an Independent. But I am Trump all the way so many good things! We are a military family my brother was Delta force 18 he went in and 50 he got out and he's a doctor now so! My nephew was marine. Army for me four yrs and out my dad's brothers or my uncle's out of 9 Bros and 3 sisters 8 Bros were in Vietnam cousins. My son just turned 18 and will be a Florida swat team member or dea anything with some excitement.
no one gives a shit you uneducated racist