That's actually happening in areas around the world as landraces that have traditionally been grown without the need for heavy fertilization are being replaced by higher potency hybrids. We are watching strains of cannabis that have been grown for hundreds of years being lost as the genetics are contaminated by the introduction of higher producing hybrids. It's too bad. Todays cookie cutter hybrids lack the character that landrace strains offer.
"The high yields of imported hybrid cannabis plants come at a cost however.
The strains require heavy fertilization, which can damage the soil. And their insatiable thirst threatens the region’s water supplies, according to the OFDT."
"And, while Hicham may have switched to growing Critical, he still only smokes Beldiya."
"The modern varieties," he says, "are mediocre." 
I agree.
KETAMA, Morocco: Morocco’s rugged Rif Mountains have long been renowned for their cannabis but traditional varieties are being smoked out by foreign hybrids offering higher yields and greater potency. The local strain of marijuana, known as Beldiya, is coveted by aficionados but is gradually...