Bernie Sanders 2020

Field narrows after Super Tuesday and all of the delegates for all of the moderates get pledged to one and endorsements go out, Bernie therefore doesn't get 1991 delegates and isn't nominated to run as the DNC candidate. BernieBros go home crying and threaten to not vote because they didn't get to force their shitty candidate on the rest of us. Moderate candidate becomes president anyway and still represents their interests.
Field narrows after Super Tuesday and all of the delegates for all of the moderates get pledged to one and endorsements go out, Bernie therefore doesn't get 1991 delegates and isn't nominated to run as the DNC candidate. BernieBros go home crying and threaten to not vote because they didn't get to force their shitty candidate on the rest of us. Moderate candidate becomes president anyway and still represents their interests.
That's how the game is played. Bernie is playing the game too, trying use a plurality to brow beat Democrats, because a majority don't want him.

Much will be shown to us on March 3. The primary should be mostly decided by the end of March. I'll probably just keep my mouth shut until its all over if Bernie wins the nomination. I'll vote for him but I don't know if I can manage to defend Sanders.
That's how the game is played. Bernie is playing the game too, trying use a plurality to brow beat Democrats, because a majority don't want him.

Much will be shown to us on March 3. The primary should be mostly decided by the end of March. I'll probably just keep my mouth shut until its all over if Bernie wins the nomination. I'll vote for him but I don't know if I can manage to defend Sanders.
I want Trump out but the tax hikes will be a hard thing to support.
down . I'm laughing at you and your Muppet cuckold caveman. Thinking about going back to watching Hunters. Prime series about hunting Nazi
im gonna clean the heaps of mud and piles of wild dog shit off my floors, as I do every Sunday night

I’ll warn everyone on the job tomorrow to watch out for the bird shit in the mud too
YA probably did not even know what it was caveman. Take off your dirty jeans in the mud room or it serve no fucking purpose

Most of the mud is at the bottom of my jeans. I just roll up the ends a bunch and anything that falls off falls into the crease

You’d know this if you’d ever done a day of hard work in your life
Well it was fun talking with you UB and your Muppets. You put on a pretty good show. I hope at least I help with the hits tonight. About to finish watching some Hunter. Study up on LLC or S- corp so when you ready to make the next move in life you can take advantage of the taxbreaks.