Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

Important Health Information
This is important information for many people and might be a factor in many colds and virus disappearing in spring, when we get more photosynthesised vitamin D from more sun exposure. Dark skinned people need more and most people are deficient, especially older people and those in higher latitudes have seasonal variations. I take 2000 IU's of vitamin D a day, I'm 65, caucasian live in Canada and it's winter here, 1000 IUs supplementation and good dietary sources are generally recommended. Protect yourself, get your doctor to test your vitamin D levels if you're older and or take supplements.

Think about your friends and family and spread the word, especially to the older folks in your life, buy them a bottle of pills and bug em about taking them at a meal if ya got to.

Where I live you get 70% less viral infections if you take vitamin D.

Many people are deficient in vitamin D, especially in winter, older people make a lot less vitamin D from sunlight than a younger person..
Vitamin D and immunity

Dr. John Campbell
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I'm pretty sure Donald is taking vitamin D supplements, even if his doctor has to hide it in his mashed potatoes like the cauliflower. Its his doctors job to keep the POTUS alive and I'm sure like many he hates his job!
Where Does The U.S. Response To Coronavirus Stand? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Morning Joe medical contributor Dr. Dave Campbell reports on the latest developments in the coronavirus. Aired on 03/09/2020.
Worried about the coronavirus? See this patient's advice

Novel coronavirus patient Carl Goldman, who caught the virus onboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship, speaks with CNN's Amara Walker and Christi Paul.
Here is a preview of things to come if America does not get its act together, it might already be too late in some areas. A rapid spread through society and an overwhelmed medial system causing the mortality rate to skyrocket. It won't be .06% in Italy, it will be much higher and doesn't include regular hospital patients who will die because of substandard care. Public health, we had better take it seriously or we could end up like Italy in a month or two.
Coronavirus: Death toll jumps again in Italy's 'darkest hour'

Italy's coronavirus death toll has jumped by 97 to 463, as Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte described the outbreak as the country's "darkest hour".

The number of confirmed infections in Italy also increased to 9,172, up from 7,375 on Sunday, official figures show.

Italy is the worst-hit country after China, with cases of the virus confirmed in all 20 Italian regions.

Earlier on Monday, six inmates died amid riots at prisons across Italy after authorities suspended all visits.

Italy's government has pledged to further increase spending to offset the economic impact of the outbreak as the country struggles to adapt to the most restrictive limits on movement since World War Two.

Up to 16 million people in northern Italy now need permission to travel under quarantine rules.

In an interview with La Repubblica newspaper on Monday, Mr Conte said: "These days, I have been thinking about the old speeches of [Winston] Churchill - it is our darkest hour but we will make it".

The coronavirus causes the Covid-19 disease. In severe cases, patients have pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, and multiple organ failure that can lead to death.

What happened at the prisons?
The trouble began in the northern city of Modena after inmates at the Sant'Anna prison were told that all visits had been suspended.

Three people were reported to have died at the prison, while a further three died after being transferred from there.

It is thought that at least two of the dead lost their lives to drug overdoses after they raided a prison hospital for the heroin substitute methadone.

Image captionRelatives of inmates at the Rebibbia prison in Rome protest at being denied entry
At San Vittore prison in Milan, detainees set fire to a cell block on one of the facility's six wings, then climbed onto the roof through windows and started waving banners, officials said.

At a prison in the southern city of Foggia, about 20 inmates managed to break out of the building during protests. Many were quickly recaptured, Italy's Ansa news agency reported.

There were also riots at several other prisons in northern Italy and at facilities in Naples and the capital, Rome.

Image captionOfficers guard the entrance of the Sant'Anna prison in Modena as prisoners' relatives protest

How is the government responding?
On Monday, Mr Conte said the government would pump in more money to mitigate the impact of the outbreak.

He also said Italy would overcome the virus if people followed the rules, adding that the sacrifices required were for the good of all.
So it appears to me we are getting a more honest picture from Italy of the reality of this virus. Warlike conditions where heartbreaking decisions are having to be made in who is going to be saved and who is going to be let to die.
from a politico article I just read.....
It’s so heartbreaking.....

Christian Salaroli, an anaesthesiologist in Bergamo, one of the most affected cities in Lombardy, told Italian news agency Agi: "It's a warlike situation, there's a disproportion between places available and patients in critical condition ... therefore we have to chose who to save."

I’m hoping for the best case scenario here in the United States but bracing for the worst.

this is fucking crazy crazy shit.
So it appears to me we are getting a more honest picture from Italy of the reality of this virus. Warlike conditions where heartbreaking decisions are having to be made in who is going to be saved and who is going to be let to die.
from a politico article I just read.....
It’s so heartbreaking.....

Christian Salaroli, an anaesthesiologist in Bergamo, one of the most affected cities in Lombardy, told Italian news agency Agi: "It's a warlike situation, there's a disproportion between places available and patients in critical condition ... therefore we have to chose who to save."

I’m hoping for the best case scenario here in the United States but bracing for the worst.

this is fucking crazy crazy shit.
Yep I'm screaming here and was talking to older folks about it at the grocery store and spreading the news about vitamin D, many take it, but never knew how important it can be in prevention and mitigating the worse effects of the illness. I wonder if anybody is testing the severely ill for vitamin D levels on admission, probably, might be a Phd thesis in it. Public health, hence the thread, this is a community too, information is shared and if we don't wanna end up like Italy with a very high mortality rate, overwhelmed hospitals and fucked over staff, we'd better get on the ball bigly. The longer it lasts and the worse it is, the worse it will be for the economy, the markets are a reflection of the people's confidence in the government to handle the situation, the markets crashed and are on the way down, it tells ya a lot about the government's response so far.
So it appears to me we are getting a more honest picture from Italy of the reality of this virus. Warlike conditions where heartbreaking decisions are having to be made in who is going to be saved and who is going to be let to die.
from a politico article I just read.....
It’s so heartbreaking.....

Christian Salaroli, an anaesthesiologist in Bergamo, one of the most affected cities in Lombardy, told Italian news agency Agi: "It's a warlike situation, there's a disproportion between places available and patients in critical condition ... therefore we have to chose who to save."

I’m hoping for the best case scenario here in the United States but bracing for the worst.

this is fucking crazy crazy shit.

Thought I read that with planning we have about twice as many ICU beds as Italy, problem is we have 5 to 6 times the population, it will get worse here if you go by those numbers.
Thought I read that with planning we have about twice as many ICU beds as Italy, problem is we have 5 to 6 times the population, it will get worse here if you go by those numbers.
Even when they have drive through testing in America, treat everybody like they have the plague, if you are older and have health problems, take vitamin D and zinc supplements might help too, not much evidence. Overwhelmed regional hospitals are what you want to avoid, they need temporary coronavirus treatment centers away from hospitals where people can come to be admitted or tested and instructed. Serious cases can be taken to a hospital if required or even treated there, the people at these reception and testing centers need training and proper PPE too. Abandoned malls and other similar places could be used for this purpose. Free health care one way or another I suppose...
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Yep I'm screaming here and was talking to older folks about it at the grocery store and spreading the news about vitamin D, many take it, but never knew how important it can be in prevention and mitigating the worse effects of the illness. I wonder if anybody is testing the severely ill for vitamin D levels on admission, probably, might be a Phd thesis in it. Public health, hence the thread, this is a community too, information is shared and if we don't wanna end up like Italy with a very high mortality rate, overwhelmed hospitals and fucked over staff, we'd better get on the ball bigly. The longer it lasts and the worse it is, the worse it will be for the economy, the markets are a reflection of the people's confidence in the government to handle the situation, the markets crashed and are on the way down, it tells ya a lot about the government's response so far.
I watched some of the Pence news briefing this evening and in reflection I’m bewildered on the foresight by these experts into how to handle the casualties. China built 2 new hospitals in Like 5 days to house the sick and then we heard about the hotels and motels that were being used to house the infected only after one collapsed. What is plan here? They should be have been preparing huge Buildings by now as make shift ready to go hospitals. Bring in the military to work on some more large clinics set up and ready now.
Ya know what I mean. This should be disaster preparedness in the works . I worked for an EMS in California for a couple years . We had meetings about earthquakes , fires and tsunamis but events like this pandemic were never discussed . i was talking to a drug rep today and she mentioned a nasal ointment that protects your nose from germs. I forgot the name. Have you heard about it. I’m interested in getting some.
I watched some of the Pence news briefing this evening and in reflection I’m bewildered on the foresight by these experts into how to handle the casualties. China built 2 new hospitals in Like 5 days to house the sick and then we heard about the hotels and motels that were being used to house the infected only after one collapsed. What is plan here? They should be have been preparing huge Buildings by now as make shift ready to go hospitals. Bring in the military to work on some more large clinics set up and ready now.
Ya know what I mean. This should be disaster preparedness in the works . I worked for an EMS in California for a couple years . We had meetings about earthquakes , fires and tsunamis but events like this pandemic were never discussed . i was talking to a drug rep today and she mentioned a nasal ointment that protects your nose from germs. I forgot the name. Have you heard about it. I’m interested in getting some.
Dunno, don't think polysporin ointment will help with viruses, but the grease in it might help. Perhaps Swab yer snout down with CBD oil, I here it has antiviral properties, I'll have a peek, it might be interesting, but leaving shit (just kidding) or something stinky on your hands might keep them away from your face. I mentioned that eating raw garlic will keep others at safe distance with garlic breath, though it will do your love life no good.
I watched some of the Pence news briefing this evening and in reflection I’m bewildered on the foresight by these experts into how to handle the casualties. China built 2 new hospitals in Like 5 days to house the sick and then we heard about the hotels and motels that were being used to house the infected only after one collapsed. What is plan here? They should be have been preparing huge Buildings by now as make shift ready to go hospitals. Bring in the military to work on some more large clinics set up and ready now.
Ya know what I mean. This should be disaster preparedness in the works . I worked for an EMS in California for a couple years . We had meetings about earthquakes , fires and tsunamis but events like this pandemic were never discussed . i was talking to a drug rep today and she mentioned a nasal ointment that protects your nose from germs. I forgot the name. Have you heard about it. I’m interested in getting some.
Here's a great business idea for a woman, antiviral makeup, pure poison when a virus lands on it, chemicals like silver compounds might be added to regular makeup etc. Ya'd make a fortune right now, even if it didn't work worth a fuck! :lol: Ditto for lipstick
Is it time to reconsider cannabis expo's where people routinely pass around joints and share bongs?

A little sputim dripped into a bong could infect every person who uses it after that point, even if the mouthpiece is wiped with alcohol. The virus is carried in water droplets and it isn't unreasonable to think you draw water droplets up when you pull through a water chilled bong.

Obviously passing joints with strangers isn't very wise now a days.

I don't know how many times I've heard someone say they had a mean chest infection after being to one.

But I get that smoking is a social experience. It's part of the love people have for getting together and smoking.

But really folks, if you want to share, hand me a nug fragment to put in my own pipe. ;)

Or maybe a one hit joint.....

Just a thunk.
Is it time to reconsider cannabis expo's where people routinely pass around joints and share bongs?

A little sputim dripped into a bong could infect every person who uses it after that point, even if the mouthpiece is wiped with alcohol. The virus is carried in water droplets and it isn't unreasonable to think you draw water droplets up when you pull through a water chilled bong.

Obviously passing joints with strangers isn't very wise now a days.

I don't know how many times I've heard someone say they had a mean chest infection after being to one.

But I get that smoking is a social experience. It's part of the love people have for getting together and smoking.

But really folks, if you want to share, hand me a nug fragment to put in my own pipe. ;)

Or maybe a one hit joint.....

Just a thunk.
Passing a joint around is more of an old fashioned thing, most folks go solo these days... I grow and if someone else want to smoke I'll give em a joint or even a bag, its legal here and pot is plentiful.
Passing a joint around is more of an old fashioned thing, most folks go solo these days... I grow and if someone else want to smoke I'll give em a joint or even a bag, its legal here and pot is plentiful.

I don't smoke much because I get tested for work reasons, but I still see it frequently.
I don't smoke much because I get tested for work reasons, but I still see it frequently.
Been there done that, try meditation :wink: lookup mindfulness and give it a serious whirl, after a couple of months of a hours worth a day (2or even 3 sessions)it's like real good drugs, not the meditation, that's exercise, but the rest of your life. It's a wisdom practice, though I ain't too wise around here sometimes!:lol: Evidence based, grows yer brain and makes ya happy by realizing what an asshole you are (we all are).
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Evidence based, grows yer brain and makes ya happy by releasing what an asshole you are.

My wife fills that void very well. ;)

I'm actually contemplating retirement from tech. I'm between jobs at the moment and I have to admit, not working doesn't suck. ;) I really am not missing the monday-friday out of town hussle.