Nutrients for soil grows

I like it - Damn FoxFarm dry creates so many gnats...I know the soil needs to dry out....So the damn gnats can eat some dry shit off the soil...must be loaded with is worth it but hard because of the delay in usable plant nutrients.
I respectfully disagree.....I've never heard of dry nutes being gnat food top dressed or amended in, and I've read the soil top needs to dry out to deter the gnats. I use Growstone Gnat Block and yellow traps and have minimum gnat issues.
Cooking soil makes the some of the dry nutes available, and some are readily available, and liquid organics would be available right away wouldn't they.
I like it - Damn FoxFarm dry creates so many gnats...I know the soil needs to dry out....So the damn gnats can eat some dry shit off the soil...must be loaded with is worth it but hard because of the delay in usable plant nutrients.
So the fox farms had gnat eggs? Ocean forest? I had a bad case last round could not figure out where they came from. Thought it was from leaving some bags in the shed?
So the fox farms had gnat eggs? Ocean forest? I had a bad case last round could not figure out where they came from. Thought it was from leaving some bags in the shed?
I would think they all do. But I’ve only used two kinds. FFOF and Nature’s care both had gnats. Just figured it was part of organic growing. Is there something safe to kill them with that won’t mess up the plant? I’ve used Neem but I wasn’t impressed with the results.
Hydrogen peroxide 1 32oz bottle and a gallon plus of water with a deck sprayer and yellow stickies had the best result. Their life cycle of larvae is 3-7 days and the peroxide kills the larvae. I would spray every 5 days. I think if i was able to dunk the buckets i would have killed them all in three treatments but my 5 gallon fabrics are too big.

Are the pineapple express plants the same from clone or individual from seed.
Seed grow, all auto flowers. One came out short and one was crazy tall both smell very similar but structure is at opposite ends of the spectrum... Im happiest with the gelato smoothie and lemon ak. Blue dream always has a place in my heart but its lacking compared to the top 3. The zkittles and pineapple can fuck off.
Sometimes I have plants that grow stout and I know it is an excess of something. I guess it must be a combination of smaller pot and higher P or K

Sannies seeds suck for me - 15 seeds and 13 rot in the soil after cracking...weakest seeds I have ever bought. Ad the soil is not hot...
Nuthin fancy for me.. this is pretty representative for my norm of late using CFL and Miracle Grow 'All Purpose' from start to end. Only other thing I have in my bag of tricks is a simple PH litmus test, alcohol and h20.

Miracle Grow? Get's the job done. Cost? I dunno.. I bought a box last year for 6 bucks, I have harvested about a lb and a half/2 lbs since and still have half a box.


I'm not a 'fan'. It's cheap and works and I use it. Had of Jacks or another all purpose been on sale that day I would of bought that instead. Like I said, I am simple and only do this for myself anymore, I don't like to bother with extra stuff and my plants don't seem to mind as long as they are getting their NPK and trace.
Dont have to justify using MG. It's just as good as any other. Only problem is that MG goes against group think. It's wrongthink.
I'm trying bio bizz for first time.
I’ve just bought two 50l bags of all mix and thought I’d have a look here for anyone else using these I’m Gna run they’re recommended nutes and schedule with them tho


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I’ve just bought two 50l bags of all mix and thought I’d have a look here for anyone else using these I’m Gna run they’re recommended nutes and schedule with them tho

I have little different schedule..


So far I dont have any complaints..
I'm using starter pack ...
Advanced Nutrients Conneiseur at 50-75% recommended dose. Adding B52, CarboLoad, Roots Accelerator (H&G) and Big Bud. Only using these at half to 75% of what they recommend and loving the results. Curious what other Advanced users are doing..
Will try to get a pic up later - only in week 3 here..

Use big bud at 100% for sure buddy, all additives should be used max strength to get the most out of them especially big bud weeks 2 n 3
I’m using advanced nutrients micro grow bloom rn @5ml mic 5ml grow 6ml bloom and 8ml of voodoo per gallon, start up the big bud in 4 days .. day 3 flower .i got a jug of bc plant products monster blaster 0-52-31 mixed very lightly for “top ups and sumtimes use it on non feed days.. it’s just a backup reserve only got a couple liters of it on deck at a time. Also I have to put 5ml a gallon of cal-max using distilled n filtered water with 0ppm start so.. I sumtimes put less calmag and a teaspoon of Epsom salt, my gorilla zkittlez likes Epsom most of the time I guess


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