What did you accomplish today?

Emerald bay looking sexy! That big dump the other day was like salt in the wound for resort employees after a rough snow year.
today I laid off all 140 of my hourly employees.. resort isclosed until summer wedding season.. bummer
Some of the nicest blue bird ski days.....hung the skis up in the shop :( if we get a dump I'm gettin out my other skis and skining it.....
There are sex toy models available. I don't think PLA is terribly safe for body insertion but I'm willing to make you one ;)

What condoms are for!
What condoms are for!

I see you've given this more thought than I have... another customer?

I have a feeling after all the shit talking I've done, you'll just "accidentally slip" and drop your foot right on my balls... maybe we just arm wrestle.


:shock: I'd never do that. I want my leg wrestling win to be righteous