Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't feeling well Wednesday night or Thursday so I didn't go to Whole Foods till this morning and they are taking it serious there anyway. They installed spit shields at the check out where the card reader is and they have a procedure for check out. You have to unload your cart at the end of the belt while the cashier steps away,then you step away and the cashier comes back and rings things up. Then she steps back and you either put your money up or use your card and step back then she steps up and finishes the sale and sets your change and receipt and steps back. They bag and load your items in the cart and step away and then you can step forward to get the cart and leave.
It's wartime Captain and we gotta act like it is, even if we need volunteer public health wardens like air raid wardens in WWII. Planning and organization are the keys to success in this kind of situation, you are seeing the beginnings of that now, in the few weeks the curve will rise sharply with testing and then flatten as the effects of social isolation and individual sacrifice takes hold. We are gonna push the "reset" button on this bug while we better prepare to control its spread, prepare hospitals, gather resources and protect the vulnerable.

In War sacrifices are made both in personal safety and individual freedom. This reset is to buy us time to develop better treatment options too that will hopefully keep people off ventilators. Public health education on the importance of vitamin D levels is very important for many people to avoid the worse effects of illness, there is a mountain of evidence for this and of chronic deficiency. It seems you can take a lot of vitamin D without toxicity, my sister was right about taking 10,00 IU's a day it seems, though sunlight is the best source and I'm gonna get some as soon as the weather warms up. I'm not too big on vitamins and supplements, but there are issues with the RDAs, most were established using sickness as a criteria for deficiency and used 20 year old college students for study subjects. See the video I posted on this thread on vitamin D, he's talking real science, not nonsense, he's not an expert working in the field, but his video has the approval and review of such experts. The papers he sites and sources tell the true tale.


Well-Known Member
60 and older are let in a hour early but the store was out of a lot of stuff and some stuff they had limits, strangest part of grocery shopping now in treating your items as toxic waste and coming home and washing all your groceries. There was only about 15 of us waiting to get in but by the time I left there was a lot of seniors there. I'm thinking that the limited items were sold out by the time the rest of the public was let in.
Supply chains will soon restock shelves, much of the panic is subsiding and the hoarders had their fill of toilet paper and won't be back for more for months, ditto for hand cleaner. Most of the fear and greed driven have been removed from the equation for now, they've got all that they want for now. Soon things will get more normal and as the numbers of infected drop the numbers of the immune (and dead) will rise for a time. It's still gonna be ugly in the hospitals though Captain, they have no PPE and not enough tests and so far no help from the feds. A public health Armageddon is 2 weeks away and everybody except Trump knows it and is frantically preparing. Volunteers are sewing masks at home FFS, it like the pandemic of 1918, except we are acting like St Louis and not Philly, at last.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I'm packing a few extra, like a lot of 65 year olds with a bum knee and I'm making dietary attonments for my many sins... Not quit like the feller in the picture! Pleasantly plump, not too much much of a gut, Got an exercise bike and I was gonna do a hit (High Intensity Training) program before I was stuck down with norovirus for a week and near shit myself out of existence.

Right now I gotta get on the bike and peddle my fat ass to build up better cardio endurance and I'll be doing some gardening too. I might turn this social isolation thing into a meditation retreat and go off line for a spell and zonk out on meditation so much it's like doing real good drugs! Practicing that much works very good for self regulation (discipline) after a time even a slug of a human will get their shit together.

For now I'll hide out on the back deck and get my sun in private...
Your funny. Have a nice retreat . It sounds like a lot of people are going to be porking it up the next few months . I heard it called the “tele10”... for telemarketers that work next to the fridge and the 10 pounds they are gonna gain. Comfort food for stress. Hard times and all. I am going to look into getting a personal trainer for one on one to help keep me motivated . My gym has been closed and too many people are going to the lake . I do have a nice hidden trail system close to me Which is very nice. Good luck !


Well-Known Member
Well Captain, I won't argue with the data, I'm quitting smoking pot myself and probably will advise those medical people I supply to do the same and email them what I can find on it, which won't be much. It's time for people to fortify themselves and take some individual responsibility for the state of their health, to the extent that they can. Weight loss, quitting smoking both cigarettes and pot (absence makes the heart grow fonder), getting into better physical condition and making sure we are eating right and especially making sure we are getting lots of vitamin D, it's oil based and is about the only one you won't likety over dose on, sunshine is the best source.


Well-Known Member
Dr. Fauci (and Burke) are the only credible people up there. Listen to them, the others not so much.

False hope kills later.
Every good leader knows you give the people the honest truth in these situations and you work your own nuts off to do everything you can. FDR prepared America for years before you entered WWII, lend lease meant your allies survived and were strong and that the America's arms industry was in full swing from even before Pearl Harbor, after that it went nuts and surprised everybody. Many preparations were made before Pearl harbor and when it happened America was the best prepared of all, with experienced allies who offered wise counsel.

Trump is demonstrating what dereliction of duty, intellectual and emotional unfitness and gross incompetence look like in a POTUS. He's not just useless, he's dangerous, both as a POTUS and as a human being.


Well-Known Member
I quit cigarettes a long time ago but not giving up cannabis unless I catch it, I rely on it for pain and as a sleep aide.
A feller got to have a few sins... How about edibles? You can always get some cocoa butter and make suppositories...:D Go slow though, them roids is like speed bumps!:D

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Well well well... seems us healthcare workers are finally getting the motherfuckin RESPECT we deserve. I am seeing quite a bit more appreciation for my care . getting sincere thanks for what i do is a start. Its true what they say. They are starting to thank me for my service like im a military vet. Now i expect the full package . That includes a nice hefty pay raise , free health bennys for the rest of my life , i want a mother fucking pension and much more. Lets even out the playing field now . No one is gonna wanna do my job anymore. Without me things would fall apart rather quicky where im stationed at.