Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Well, one outcome from this disaster is a whole lot of new information for those who survive it to benefit from.

Hang in there buddy. Self-isolating here too. Week 1 is in the books. My kids might not survive it though.
Heard someone quip that if scientists don't come up with a vaccine or cure, parents will.


Well-Known Member
Heard someone quip that if scientists don't come up with a vaccine or cure, parents will.
Many busy couples who are both working and who spend little time together are discovering that they don't actually like their spouse. It's the same with their kids, they're really assholes once you get to know them better... :D


Well-Known Member
Coronavirus Pandemic Update 43: Shortages, Immunity, & Can a TB Vaccine (BCG) Help Prevent COVID-19?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update 43 with Roger Seheult, MD of

Research by the British Medical Journal and others has suggested that a century-old vaccine against tuberculosis (BCG) may also provide some protection against other infections. A variety of trials around the world are investigating if this TB vaccine may help prevent COVID-19. Dr. Seheult illustrates how our innate immunity differs from acquired immunity and how these systems work in tandem to fight infection. Recent coronavirus developments in New York and monitoring tools are also discussed.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I use cannabis for my restless leg syndrome. Other than a few times a year, I use it only medicinally, and about an hour before I go to sleep.

I split up the usage... sometimes vape, the rest, edibles. If you're concerned with smoking it, I would suggest you give edibles a shot for what you use it for. Edibles are ideal as a sleep aid.
I bought a 20 pack of 50mg gummies yesterday and eat one. I took it at 1pm and was fucked up for 3-4 hours. This was the first time I have eat an edible since the hash brownie days ...... I’m making gummies lol.


Well-Known Member
That is scary, wish you the best of luck in this. Stay as safe as possible.
thanks r
That is scary, wish you the best of luck in this. Stay as safe as possible.
That is scary, wish you the best of luck in this. Stay as safe as possible.
Thanks bro anyways situation got even worst were at 60 thousand lombardia hit 30,703. At least the regione Im in has alot less cases here In Sicilia were only 835 cases


Well-Known Member
Nope not one upside to this shit :( but yup I’m alive lol.
Stay safe Budley, things will be a lot safer in public in a month, hunker down as much as you can. I figure when the PPE shortages are addressed, N95+ masks will be available for the vulnerable and grocery store workers etc. A month of personal isolation will push the reset button on this bug and we've got the borders closed and the overseas people back soon. When we go back at it again it will be with massive testing, of both those who have it and those who are immune, they will be very valuable for a time. The longer you can avoid this bug the better your odds of survival as nursing and treatment protocols are improved and experience gained. Just avoid getting sick during the worst of it and do what ya got to to survive, me too.

I'm hoping we can keep a lid on it here in NS and send resources out to places harder hit, once we know where we stand and have a handle on it. Other places less hard hit have a moral obligation to do this so we can mobilize resources to meet other local needs nationally, we need to manage things carefully for awhile.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the perfect solution for the billionaires, bleed victims in return for money. Once they are all immune they will be braying for the economy to get going again, after they and their families are immune of course... Sounds like a treatment Donald will be getting, wonder what infected toadie he's gonna suck blood from? He's probably got some poor bastard in a fever locked it the WH dungeon now and is waiting for his cure...


Well-Known Member
Cases which had an outcome:
114,718 (84%)
Recovered / Discharged
21,302 (16%)


Well-Known Member
Coronavirus Pandemic Update 44: Loss of Smell & Conjunctivitis in COVID-19, Is Fever Helpful?

There is new evidence that loss of smell (anosmia) may be an indicator of COVD-19 infection. New reports also suggest that COVID-19 may cause conjunctivitis (pink eye), and be potentially spread through contact with the conjunctiva. Dr. Seheult discusses evidence about how untreated fever may be beneficial for fighting viral illnesses such as coronavirus.