Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

Well I've had some chest congestion all day and a bit of a scratchy throat, no fever so far. The only way to get a test here is if you need to be hospitalized basically because they are in such short supply. I've had a runny nose mild cold for weeks so I'm hoping it's just part of that.
Best of luck man, it is scary times. My allergies are hitting hard, and dogs are shedding, it is hard not to panic.
Well I've had some chest congestion all day and a bit of a scratchy throat, no fever so far. The only way to get a test here is if you need to be hospitalized basically because they are in such short supply. I've had a runny nose mild cold for weeks so I'm hoping it's just part of that.
I know, right? Every time I cough or my nose is runny, I start to worry.

I took a few hits off my pipe (I'm a lightweight so more than one and I'm done). An hour or so later in my semi paranoid state I realized my throat was dry and scratchy. OH NOES. Then I remembered I was high after toking.
Trump says he won’t comply with key transparency measures in the coronavirus stimulus bill
He has proven he can and will say whatever he wants as President. He is completely willing to lie cheat and steal to get his way. And this is yet more proof of that.
Not freaking out, yet. I knew the runny nose was no big deal but today on the other hand has me concerned. If we had available free drive through testing I would be in line now but that's not going to happen. Just going to be more careful about possibly spreading it if I have it and hope for the best, not really another option anyway. I've been following this since January so I was being careful long before the herd got spooked.
Well I've had some chest congestion all day and a bit of a scratchy throat, no fever so far. The only way to get a test here is if you need to be hospitalized basically because they are in such short supply. I've had a runny nose mild cold for weeks so I'm hoping it's just part of that.
I've had a runny nose and moring nasal congestion for weeks too, so have a lot of folks around town, one of those persistent spring sniffle things.
Jesus Captain I hope you're alright and don't have this bug, the hospitals in michigan don't look like a good place to be right now. Good luck old feller.
I'm not going anywhere near a hospital or doctors office. If it turns out I have it I'll opt to ride it out at home, don't think I'd qualify for a ventilator anyways so what can they do for me. Guess I'll know one way or the other in the next few days.
Sounds like ya got a "die in place" order from the governor and no help from the feds. You knew it was coming before most too, a Canadian vacation might have been a good idea last week...

It's bad across the border in Canada where you are, but not desperate as far as I know, we appear to have a third of the case as the US, so far.
Well I've had some chest congestion all day and a bit of a scratchy throat, no fever so far. The only way to get a test here is if you need to be hospitalized basically because they are in such short supply. I've had a runny nose mild cold for weeks so I'm hoping it's just part of that.
Maybe allergies. I hope you get better soon. Are you old with any of the dangerous risk problems?
Maybe allergies. I hope you get better soon. Are you old with any of the dangerous risk problems?

Thanks, only allergy I have is too bee stings and I didn't have that till after I was attacked by a swarm of hornets and I looked like I had chicken pox. I'm not even allergic to mosquito bites, no bumps or itching. I'm over 60 with some health problems so no soup for me. I've been paranoid about my precautions with everything for a long time so I'm just going to hope it's something normal, not really another choice anyway lol.
I'm not going anywhere near a hospital or doctors office. If it turns out I have it I'll opt to ride it out at home, don't think I'd qualify for a ventilator anyways so what can they do for me. Guess I'll know one way or the other in the next few days.
I'm looking at some stats from Canada pop 38 million vs Michigan (pop 10 million)
We have had testing, but not enough IMHO, You might just be further along in this epidemic, but I don't think so, if numbers stabilize in Canada soon, perhaps we might be able to help out south of the border, we need to lock down to do so however. I can't see the government passing up the opportunity to help America in Michigan, and New York, if we can and I'm hoping we can.

Dead ---- Cases ---- Daily increase
111 ---- 4,650 ---- 27.15%

Dead ---- Cases ---- Daily increase
60 ---- 5,502 ---- no data

Draw your own conclusions from the mortality rates between Canada and Michigan bearing in mind Canada has almost 4 times the population.
A look across the border from Michigan in Ontario (pop14.7 million) reveals:
Dead ---- Cases ---- Daily increase
18 ---- 1,144 ---- no data
Yeah, I'm in the hot zone here so I've been following the numbers, you're not very good at being reassuring lol.
I hope we will see the curve flatten a bit up this way in a week, there are an awful lot of mild cases 98% and few serious ones 2% critical so far, it's still going straight up for now. Perhaps it's a younger more socially active demographic, or perhaps it's early days and those who are sick will get worse. Probably a lot of globetrotters in the bunch who came back home too.
If your talking to me I'm just trying to keep a positive light outlook about my situation because I literally don't have any other options other than freaking out, there's no real testing here, can you get a test?

Best of luck and hope it is something minor sir. Keeping a positive attitude and stress down as much as possible will surely give you the best chance to fight it off, if it really is something to fret.

I work in a grocery store and have been mobbed by people for three weeks straight pretty much. Other than the basics of more hand washing/sanitizer, I have been making some fresh ginger "tea" if you can call it that. I just chop some fresh ginger root and throw it in some boiling water for like 15 minutes. Also been trying to add tumeric/black pepper to as many things I eat as possible and trying to get some probiotics everyday. I'm no nutritionist or health expert by any stretch of the imagination and am probably naive to thinking these have any effect on whether I stay healthy or not though. If nothing else at least I'm getting a few more nutrients in my diet.

I didn't read through much of this thread, but truly hope you all are staying healthy and well through all the madness.
Best of luck and hope it is something minor sir. Keeping a positive attitude and stress down as much as possible will surely give you the best chance to fight it off, if it really is something to fret.

I work in a grocery store and have been mobbed by people for three weeks straight pretty much. Other than the basics of more hand washing/sanitizer, I have been making some fresh ginger "tea" if you can call it that. I just chop some fresh ginger root and throw it in some boiling water for like 15 minutes. Also been trying to add tumeric/black pepper to as many things I eat as possible and trying to get some probiotics everyday. I'm no nutritionist or health expert by any stretch of the imagination and am probably naive to thinking these have any effect on whether I stay healthy or not though. If nothing else at least I'm getting a few more nutrients in my diet.

I didn't read through much of this thread, but truly hope you all are staying healthy and well through all the madness.
Maybe you and a few others who post tips on health supplements on this forum should get together and write a book.