Pandemic 2020

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Unfortunately, everyone in the position to take note and learn are narcissistic sociopaths who only see themselves as right at all costs, so that will not happen.

Logic, such as learning from mistakes does not take hold when the beholder accepts they never do anything wrong.

What a situation we're all in ;)
Just on the federal level with Donald and the GOP and in some neo confederate red states, wherever racist idiots managed to elect other morons like themselves to office.


Well-Known Member
They'll have too, the Nation will demand it & that should be the end of the GOP for at least 8 years
What else can/could the Pukes do?
Not hold an Election?
They're stuck in a corner & there's no fucking way out that I can see.
Very cool :)
Then again, Republican Senators backed Trump's case against impeachment when they said that Trump can break the law in order to get re-elected so long as "he believes what he's doing is in the best interests of the country".

These guys are capable of doing any and every thing in order to stay in power. It's going to get nasty this summer and fall. Like nothing we've ever seen before. Everything he does will be "in the national interest".

I'm hopeful but distrust the Republican Party and think they have something up their sleeve. They cheat.


Well-Known Member
I'm hopeful but distrust the Republican Party and think they have something up their sleeve. They cheat.
This has fucked up the game plan, even Vlad is screwed by oil prices and I'll bet the coronavirus is ravaging Russia right now. Even the Goddamn IRA trolls have been hit and many is drying up. Donald is in deep shit and knows it, his stress level gives me confidence. I still think he has no idea what is coming with the oversight hearings, just like the coronavirus, even a child would have taken precautions, Donald is brain damaged in that area. He will reach into his habitual bag of tricks, they won't work this time and if the GOP tries to carry his water over it this summer, after his popularity fades, so much the better. I think the senate might have a different attitude on this issue later this year with an election 5 months or so away. The TV hearings will have members wearing masks, even the republicans, perhaps some of those masks will have messages printed on them...
The house and senate are going to be wearing N95 masks with boxes of gloves and sanitizer on the desks and the air sprayed down between sessions with disinfectant. Let them publicly deny that reality while wearing a mask on TV.


Well-Known Member
This has fucked up the game plan, even Vlad is screwed by oil prices and I'll bet the coronavirus is ravaging Russia right now. Even the Goddamn IRA trolls have been hit and many is drying up. Donald is in deep shit and knows it, his stress level gives me confidence. I still think he has no idea what is coming with the oversight hearings, just like the coronavirus, even a child would have taken precautions, Donald is brain damaged in that area. He will reach into his habitual bag of tricks, they won't work this time and if the GOP tries to carry his water over it this summer, after his popularity fades, so much the better. I think the senate might have a different attitude on this issue later this year with an election 5 months or so away. The TV hearings will have members wearing masks, even the republicans, perhaps some of those masks will have messages printed on them...
The house and senate are going to be wearing N95 masks with boxes of gloves and sanitizer on the desks and the air sprayed down between sessions with disinfectant. Let them publicly deny that reality while wearing a mask on TV.
But like @Fogdog said, the Republicans cheat.

This virus is scary in how it is attacking the cities hard because of proximity to others, imagine standing in a line for 4 hours when in rural areas there is virtually no wait time, how will that impact the election?

And it is like watching Batman getting taunted by the villain for not be willing to go far enough to stop them. If the Democrats play by the normal rules and don't use the House to investigate Trump during an election year, he gets to just lie unchecked (and have his and Putin's troll armies amplify it online to everyone based on what they are most worried about) and continue his reign of firing anyone who stands up to him. And if they do, Trump gets to cry foul and paint the Democrats as playing politics.

It is really a scary time in America. I just hope 2018 holds true, but who knows, this virus changed everything, which is why it is hard to not go full conspiracy theory think Russia has a hand in it. It would explain why Trump is so willing to keep pushing the Lupus medication, maybe Putin told him that it is actually something that works and that he let it out in China, or shit even North Korea. It is just a conspiracy, but the alternative is the most likely, and he has no clue what he is doing.


Well-Known Member
But like @Fogdog said, the Republicans cheat.

This virus is scary in how it is attacking the cities hard because of proximity to others, imagine standing in a line for 4 hours when in rural areas there is virtually no wait time, how will that impact the election?

And it is like watching Batman getting taunted by the villain for not be willing to go far enough to stop them. If the Democrats play by the normal rules and don't use the House to investigate Trump during an election year, he gets to just lie unchecked (and have his and Putin's troll armies amplify it online to everyone based on what they are most worried about) and continue his reign of firing anyone who stands up to him. And if they do, Trump gets to cry foul and paint the Democrats as playing politics.

It is really a scary time in America. I just hope 2018 holds true, but who knows, this virus changed everything, which is why it is hard to not go full conspiracy theory think Russia has a hand in it. It would explain why Trump is so willing to keep pushing the Lupus medication, maybe Putin told him that it is actually something that works and that he let it out in China, or shit even North Korea. It is just a conspiracy, but the alternative is the most likely, and he has no clue what he is doing.
These clowns are reeling and rolling with the punches like everyone else, Russia is gonna end up exactly like Iran, crippled for even longer than America. You only have Donald and some of the GOP to contend with, but by in large have good leadership in all the blue states and even in some of the red ones run by adults. You will deal with this in spite of Donald, but at a cost that is 5 or 6 times higher than that of Canada per capita, that's Trump's fault alone.

They aren't masters of the universe, though they think they are sometimes, not lately though, everybody's plan is in disarray and many of the oligarch's are vulnerable and a few might die. It's a lot worse in Russia than they are saying and it will get a lot worse, Iran works better as a democracy than them and they are on their knees right now.


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Here Are The 9 State Governors Who Have Refused To Issue Stay-At-Home Orders

Topline: While a vast majority of states have issued statewide stay-at-home orders in response to the coronavirus outbreak spreading across the United States, a handful of Republican governors have resisted mounting pressure to do so from many, including from the country’s top authority on infectious disease, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
  • Nine different states in the South and Midwest have yet to announce statewide orders as of Saturday: Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota have all resisted issuing any kind of stay at home orders, while Wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma and South Carolina have only issued orders in part of their states.
  • The governors, all Republican, have often defended their actions out of a belief in smaller government, despite many calls from within their own states to do so.
  • South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, for instance, told reporters earlier this week that “the people themselves are primarily responsible for their safety” and that state and national constitutions “prevent us from taking draconian measures much like the Chinese government has done.” She also added, "South Dakota is not New York City.”
  • Governor Kim Reynolds, of Iowa, rejected Fauci’s recent calls to implement a nationwide stay at home order: “I would say that maybe he doesn't have all the information," she told reporters this week. “I can’t lock the state down… people also have to be responsible for themselves,” she said.
  • Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson also dismissed Fauci’s comments, calling the typical stay at home order a misleading “illusion,” because people would still go out in public. He argued against issuing an order because it would leave thousands in his state without jobs and the CDC has “not indicated that's an appropriate or necessary step.”
  • Similarly, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum has questioned the necessity of a statewide order, while Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts said he hadn’t issued one because he was listening to medical advice from his own experts rather than national health officials.
  • Other state governors, such as those in South Carolina, Utah, Wyoming and Oklahoma, have implemented some partial restrictions in cities and counties, but have stopped short of issuing statewide mandates.
Big number: Over 300 million people. That’s how much of the U.S. population, in 41 states across the country, is under mandatory stay-at-home orders, according to The New York Times. Some nine in ten Americans are now under instructions to not leave their house unless absolutely necessary.

Crucial quotes: In an interview with CNN on Thursday, Fauci made it clear that he believes all states should have stay at home orders. "I don't understand why that's not happening,” Fauci said. “If you look at what's going on in this country, I just don't understand why we're not doing that. We really should be." He recommended that the federal government should enact a nationwide stay-at-home order to curtail the spread of the virus. But President Trump and his administration have been reluctant to do so: "I leave it up to the governors. The governors know what they are doing," Trump reiterated at his press briefing on Friday.

Key background: Some states, like Alabama and Missouri, had held out on issuing statewide orders for several weeks, before reversing course and doing so yesterday. Other states, such as Maine and Georgia, similarly issued stay-at-home orders earlier this week, amid mounting pressure from medical experts and lawmakers. In Florida, for instance, Governor Ron DeSantis for weeks resisted calls to impose a statewide order, despite a surging rise in coronavirus cases. He abruptly changed his stance earlier this week, citing President Trump’s “demeanor the last couple of days” as the reason for declaring a stay at home order, not because of warnings from health officials.

Chief critic: “What are you waiting for?” California Governor Gavin Newsom of California asked governors who hadn’t issued statewide stay-at-home orders. His state was the first to do so. “What more evidence do you need?”


Well-Known Member
Anybody else notice a pattern of GOP government incompetence and irresponsibility in the red states?

‘It is terrifying’: Wisconsin leaders warn of coronavirus disaster with Tuesday’s vote
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, elected officials and activists are trying to keep voters home during Wisconsin's Tuesday election.

Voting-rights advocates are doing the unthinkable in Wisconsin: urging voters not to go to the polls on Tuesday.
The coronavirus epidemic has turned their calculations upside down in the state, where the federal government has declared a "major disaster," Gov. Tony Evers has ordered residents to stay home — and in-person voting is still scheduled to take place Tuesday in the presidential primary and state and local elections, barring a last-minute intervention from the state Legislature, which Evers called into a Saturday special session.

A federal judge on Thursday ordered the state to expand absentee voting ahead of Tuesday's elections, but he declined to postpone the election because he said he did not have the authority to do so. That has left a number of politicians and voting-rights advocates having to weigh a public health crisis colliding with a crisis of democracy — and they are coming down on the health side.

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who is running for reelection, urged voters not to go to the polls Tuesday, a call joined by some other local elected officials and activists. Jay Heck, director of Common Cause Wisconsin, a voting-rights group, likened the spring election to a cosmic calamity.
"The upcoming election is hurtling toward the state of Wisconsin like some unstoppable meteor," said Heck. "It is terrifying, because nobody knows what's going to happen."
Evers announced Friday that he would call a special session of the Legislature the next day and asked legislators to take an “up-or-down vote to send a ballot to every registered voter by May 19 … and to extend the time for those ballots to be received by May 26.” Evers had in the past rejected calls for postponing the election, infuriating Democrats in the state, but has previously called for a mail-in election on April 7. The governor called for the vast majority of in-person voting to be suspended, save for limited availability for disabled voters and voters who struggle with reading or writing in English.
The governor has maintained that his hands were tied by the Republicans who control the Legislature. They have bucked calls to postpone the election. But Sam Munger, a Democratic political consultant and former aide to Evers who has talked with several Democratic legislators, said “nobody thinks that it is very likely that the Republican Legislature will seriously take up the governor’s proposal.”
Wisconsin House Speaker Robin Vos and state Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald released a joint statement rejecting Evers’ call, calling the governor’s leadership “feckless” and ineffective.


Well-Known Member
this virus changed everything,
Yes indeed it has changed everything, including how the Federal government will conduct business in the Age of COVID-19
This ain't 1776 anymore & the need for a voice vote on the floor of the House for example, is going to be a relic of a bygone era.
The adjustments needed in just the apparatus of governing are going to be something to behold, that's for sure


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The new war for soft power hegemony

The new war for soft power hegemony

© Getty Images
The U.S. and China are engaged in a war to claim the coveted spot of soft-power hegemon. Thankfully, no bullets — or even tariffs — are involved. Yet, in no uncertain terms, there is a war afoot. While more than a million people worldwide have been infected with COVID-19 and nearly 50,000 have perished, China and America are locked in a public relations battle over who is to blame.

In the U.S., Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reportedly insisted that a United Nations Security Council resolution should contain language stating that the virus originated in China and on what date. Republican senators are competing with one another to demonstrate who is more emphatic in blaming China with their calls to “make China pay.” Only recently did President Trump — wisely — drop the term “Chinese virus” from his public lexicon.

In the meantime, Beijing has been pushing conspiracy theories on the international stage to cast doubt on the origins of COVID-19 while, domestically, state media reports that cases in China have been reduced to near zero. This is despite the fact that China does not factor asymptomatic cases into its official tally, which brings into doubt the veracity of China’s claims about no new domestic cases. Additionally, for benevolent reasons or otherwise, China has become the world’s medicine cabinet, airlifting vitally needed equipment to struggling nations such as Italy and France in wartime fashion.

Beijing threw a wrench into the works on March 28 by temporarily banning foreign nationals from entering the country, a remarkable step for a country that claims to have beaten back the virus. Ostensibly, Beijing moved in order to cut off a source of new transmissions. Yet, closing the border also has signaling effects that suggest foreigners are the cause of the new cases, despite the Chinese foreign ministry stating on March 24 that 90 percent of imported cases had been brought in by Chinese passport holders.
The drastic step of closing the border makes it clear that Chinese officials are extremely concerned about a second wave of cases. Until the last week of March, Beijing classified asymptomatic carriers as unconfirmed cases so as to not overwhelm its medical institutions with people who do not require immediate attention. But with nearly 75 million people — who have accepted the government’s propaganda that everything is fine — returning to work in cities such as Shanghai and Shenzhen, it is all but certain that domestic transmissions have occurred.
In the immediate term, the Communist Party is aiming to achieve several milestones, chief of which is hosting the annual meeting of the National People’s Congress. Dubbed the “Two Sessions,” it is the marquee political event of the year. Communist Party officials are making preparations to host the meeting — possibly in early May — after postponing it for several months. The gathering will take place under extraordinary circumstances, but Beijing is intent on signaling to its constituents that the government is fully functioning. Similarly, Chinese officials had hoped to throw the country’s struggling exporters a lifeline by hosting the Canton Fair in Guangzhou. But with international travel ground to a halt and the new ban on international arrivals, Chinese factories will need to find other sources of business.
With its economy in the drink, Beijing now finds itself in a position where it must double-down on its propaganda salvo to rally nationalist sentiment at home, while touting the successes of its quarantine program abroad.
A second wave would deliver a tremendous blow to Beijing’s message that China is open for business, even as the nation still calculates the economic and social costs of a two-months-long nationwide shutdown. Perhaps more importantly, it could call into question the effectiveness of the Chinese Communist Party’s top-down approach to crisis management, not to mention test the patience of the Chinese people.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought front and center the destructive path toward which the U.S.-China bilateral relationship is heading. One month into the outbreak in the U.S., Washington still has not formally requested assistance from China, despite Beijing’s overtures to supply critical medical supplies. Once the dust settles, the Trump administration will use executive orders to lean on U.S. medical companies to divest from China, while Beijing will double down on its Belt and Road Initiative.
The real question is how the rest of the world will respond to the soft-power struggle between Washington and Beijing.
With the U.S. engulfed in a worsening outbreak, China has gained strategic advantage. And, unlike most conventional wars, there may not be a clear victor in this fight, at least not immediately.
Kyle Sullivan is China Practice Lead at Crumpton Group, a global risk intelligence advisory firm based in Arlington, Va. He previously spent 12 years in China, including at the U.S.-China Business Council and APCO Worldwide, advising multinational corporations there on market entry, reputational due diligence and government affairs.


Well-Known Member

Here Are The 9 State Governors Who Have Refused To Issue Stay-At-Home Orders

Topline: While a vast majority of states have issued statewide stay-at-home orders in response to the coronavirus outbreak spreading across the United States, a handful of Republican governors have resisted mounting pressure to do so from many, including from the country’s top authority on infectious disease, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
  • Nine different states in the South and Midwest have yet to announce statewide orders as of Saturday: Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota have all resisted issuing any kind of stay at home orders, while Wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma and South Carolina have only issued orders in part of their states.
  • The governors, all Republican, have often defended their actions out of a belief in smaller government, despite many calls from within their own states to do so.
  • South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, for instance, told reporters earlier this week that “the people themselves are primarily responsible for their safety” and that state and national constitutions “prevent us from taking draconian measures much like the Chinese government has done.” She also added, "South Dakota is not New York City.”
  • Governor Kim Reynolds, of Iowa, rejected Fauci’s recent calls to implement a nationwide stay at home order: “I would say that maybe he doesn't have all the information," she told reporters this week. “I can’t lock the state down… people also have to be responsible for themselves,” she said.
  • Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson also dismissed Fauci’s comments, calling the typical stay at home order a misleading “illusion,” because people would still go out in public. He argued against issuing an order because it would leave thousands in his state without jobs and the CDC has “not indicated that's an appropriate or necessary step.”
  • Similarly, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum has questioned the necessity of a statewide order, while Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts said he hadn’t issued one because he was listening to medical advice from his own experts rather than national health officials.
  • Other state governors, such as those in South Carolina, Utah, Wyoming and Oklahoma, have implemented some partial restrictions in cities and counties, but have stopped short of issuing statewide mandates.
Big number: Over 300 million people. That’s how much of the U.S. population, in 41 states across the country, is under mandatory stay-at-home orders, according to The New York Times. Some nine in ten Americans are now under instructions to not leave their house unless absolutely necessary.

Crucial quotes: In an interview with CNN on Thursday, Fauci made it clear that he believes all states should have stay at home orders. "I don't understand why that's not happening,” Fauci said. “If you look at what's going on in this country, I just don't understand why we're not doing that. We really should be." He recommended that the federal government should enact a nationwide stay-at-home order to curtail the spread of the virus. But President Trump and his administration have been reluctant to do so: "I leave it up to the governors. The governors know what they are doing," Trump reiterated at his press briefing on Friday.

Key background: Some states, like Alabama and Missouri, had held out on issuing statewide orders for several weeks, before reversing course and doing so yesterday. Other states, such as Maine and Georgia, similarly issued stay-at-home orders earlier this week, amid mounting pressure from medical experts and lawmakers. In Florida, for instance, Governor Ron DeSantis for weeks resisted calls to impose a statewide order, despite a surging rise in coronavirus cases. He abruptly changed his stance earlier this week, citing President Trump’s “demeanor the last couple of days” as the reason for declaring a stay at home order, not because of warnings from health officials.

Chief critic: “What are you waiting for?” California Governor Gavin Newsom of California asked governors who hadn’t issued statewide stay-at-home orders. His state was the first to do so. “What more evidence do you need?”
Well, if they don't want to obey Federal recommendations & want to contaminate themselves, go right ahead, but don't expect help from the Feds when your dying.
I say fuck 'em, I wouldn't give them a nickel of the Federal Corona Relief Fund.
Not one penny.


Well-Known Member
Well, if they don't want to obey Federal recommendations & want to contaminate themselves, go right ahead, but don't expect help from the Feds when your dying.
I say fuck 'em, I wouldn't give them a nickel of the Federal Corona Relief Fund.
Not one penny.
You need a change of government for that, Trump is hoarding supplies for them including thousands of ventilators, at your expense. America could have a mobile reserve(s) of ventilators and personnel ready to move to hot spots, but won't. Canada might provide such a reserve for America with a thousand or few thousand ventilators and personnel in the future, if we get a handle on it here and the models say it's safe to do so. I can't see us not doing it, no matter how much trump pisses off Canadians, it would be unthinkable to do otherwise. Perhaps spare ventilators are going to NY now, I don't know, they say our need shouldn't exceed the healthcare system's expanded capacity. Don't look for the border to be reopened this summer though, you've got to tame the monster at home first jimmy, stay home and stay safe. Order a bunch on N95s from aliexpress, this is gonna go on for a spell, they say until July in Canada before we're back up and running with tons of testing and masks for all.


Well-Known Member
Trump is gonna it find it hard to blame all the governors.
U.S. Death Toll Tops 8,000 As States Frustrated With Testing And Supplies | NBC Nightly News


Well-Known Member
Donald should get an orange mask, or maybe one with a turd attached.
CDC Recommends Wearing Cloth Face Coverings Or Masks: What You Need To Know | NBC Nightly News


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It's ok. Canada is the forgiving kind of country. Maybe when this is over Americans will take back America.
We could put in a good word for them with Her Majesty, she's a nice old lady, but that uncouth Trump fellow will have to go first, before the queen would even consider it. The prodigal son may yet return to the anglo family, broke and fucked over, their crazy experiment in government over, George started it and Donald ended it... Uncle Sam blew his brains out with a 45 and committed suicide.


Well-Known Member
If you never saw this, invest some time...
Maddow to Trump: You Had One Job. Virus Response Needs Competent Leadership | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow points out for Donald Trump the failures of the George W. Bush administration in dealing with the disaster of Hurricane Katrina and encourage him to recognize his own administration's fecklessness as COVID-19 is killing thousands of Americans and put someone competent in charge of the federal response. Aired on 4/3/20.
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Well-Known Member
I think we should buy PPE and medical supplies from China or wherever we can get it, for now. Canada and the USA need to be self sufficient in this area at least, they are vital to national security, this pandemic should have taught us that much at least. For now China is gonna be selling a lot of medical supplies to us both and we better hope they do, until we can get our own production up and running. On January 20, 2021, the real war on this pandemic will begin, not before unless Trump is removed from office or dies of covid19 or some other cause. Until you have an election, a new president and senate, the best you'll do is hold on through a rolling disaster with repeated failures at premature economic restarts.

The republicans will want to create a second wave of sickness to peak for the election in order to suppress the vote as much as possible, so it will be a factor in the restart. The republicans want as many citizens crowded as closely as possible, voting in person with long close packed lines at few polling stations operating for reduced hours. There will be a gauntlet of coughing Trumpers in MAGA hats for voters to run in some places, the virus will be used as a political weapon to intimidate voters. Their reelection hopes will depend on killing as many Americans as they can, Donald will hear of it and will drive the "plan" forward.

Trump put American lives in China's hands

(CNN)American lives are in China's hands.

Sam Vinograd
China: A country that the White House has called a "strategic competitor"; a country engaged in active influence operations against us; a country the State Department describes as an authoritarian state that engages in gross human rights abuses; a country that the White House said has "consistently taken advantage of the US economy"; a country whose leadership Secretary of State Mike Pompeo described as a "substantial threat to our health and way of life"; a country Trump administration officials are blaming for covering up the truth about the coronavirus outbreak.
China: The country the United States is relying on to supply equipment to save American lives.

In a perverse -- and avoidable -- twist of fate, the country that was arguably responsible for the virus' spread because of its attempts to cover up the initial outbreak is now the one best positioned to profit from its fatal impact.
The US intelligence community has warned that China is intent on expanding its global economic reach. Now, as the epicenter of the pandemic has shifted to the United States with more than 300,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 as of April 4, Trump's lack of preparation has given China an opening to expand that reach quickly.
The Trump administration should have had a strategy in place to adequately stockpile and distribute key supplies before the pandemic hit the homeland. It did not.
To make matters worse, President Donald Trump hesitated for weeks to use the Defense Production Act, which he finally invoked to help direct materials and other resources to domestic manufacturers to produce ventilators and N95 masks. On Friday, he moved to curtail the export of lifesaving personal protective equipment -- after more than 7,000 Americans already died.

Jared Kushner's spine-chilling new role

Despite Trump's latest moves, the United States is still not producing enough equipment to meet the needs of health care workers and the sick.
The administration's failure to prepare for the pandemic has left people with no other choice than to find supplies where they can. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who said Saturday that the Chinese government helped facilitate the donation of 1,000 ventilators to the state, already ordered 17,000 ventilators from China. Meanwhile, private citizens such as Patriots owner Robert Kraft have desperately sourced masks from China.
China's top medical device maker said that the demand for ventilators, for example, is now 10 times higher than what's available at hospitals globally. While data from Chinese sources is far from reliable, a Chinese government official indicated that China has 21 invasive ventilator makers and that Chinese manufacturers have orders for 20,000 ventilators from abroad. At this rate, orders for Chinese products will continue to surge.
China is cashing in on a crisis they played a large part in creating.
This is both a boon to China's economy and a great propaganda point for the Chinese Communist Party. Their disinformation attacks of late have tried to paint the Party as a global leader when it comes to crisis response, despite the fact it is directly responsible for suppressing information about the outbreak, which allowed the coronavirus to spread for weeks.

While the United States is struggling to contain the virus, treat those who have been infected and get enough medical supplies, China, claiming to be "post-virus," is manufacturing supplies at a rate we can't. After months of lockdowns, China can start to bounce back by filling the economic void while we scramble just to contain the virus. They have a strategy -- and we don't.

I'm a doctor in NYC. This is what I need to feel safe
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