Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

Do you know what a strawman argument is?

I ask because you just made one and I'm not playing.
This was to point out how your statement was in conflict with it's self.
Not playin games, not playin you.

In short if you force someone against their will it is in line with fascism.
If you protest the use of force that is the opposite of fascism.

That is all I was saying.
I hope you understand.
Think about it a moment, please
Prove it, it's a baseless accusation,

I proved it in my post (linked below). That article was useless opinion and most definitely contained all the false bullshit that the right has thrown at MJ ever since Nancy's "this is your brain on drugs" ads in the 1980's. You posted yet another one of their meaningless propaganda attacks on MJ that was repackaged to appeal to today's crowd with it's need for information on how to avoid covid-19. I showed countervailing facts that easily refuted the "expert's" opinion about how "inflammation" due to smoking MJ is linked to contracting coronavirus WITHOUT ANY FACTS to back up the claim. That same expert probably knew about those facts but powered right through them and you were the chump who passed it on to us as "information". It was not information and that was not an opinion from an expert. It was an opinion from a zealot.

I don't think you are intentionally promoting propaganda. I think you have fallen prey to it. That medcram sciency bullshit and that one with a zealot's view on MJ making people more susceptible to the virus are just examples. I again ask you to stop posting stuff about health because you have no clue. You study meditation and self awareness, other more spiritual aspects of humanity. That's what you spend time on. So, post what you know about, leave medical science alone. Do what you are good at.

Prove it, it's a baseless accusation,
Foggy posting an article from CNN about pot is nothing to get bent out of shape about. Are you going to tell Abandon he shouldn't post science because he has no Phd in the field and knows nothing?

Your continual slagging of an American hero for emotional and political purposes is Trumpian behavior. You tell me not to post health information after posting a half links to poor studies. Stop the hypocrisy and stop the attempted censoring. If you think I look foolish, imagine what I think of this bullshit. Also stop slagging an American hero who is putting it on the line because you don't like something Donald said about hydroxychloroquine. Since you arrogated to yourself the role of site censor and figure you can tell others what to do, I can do the same to you and will.

You wanna keep attacking my posts with personal insults and bullshit like that fine. You are acting like Trumper and will be treated like Trumper, keep slagging America heroes and impugning their character, it just reveals your lack of one, or of any kind of emotion control. You won't have any luck play social dominance games foggy, you must have a lot you're compensating for.

You want to counter the posts, stick to the facts and leave the ameteur hour personal attacks out of it. You can't seem to do it though, your head is not clear enough for it.
i said you’re a biological terrorist and threat to humanity because your tard brain is chock full of shit stupid conspiracy theories
Because the govt. is our best friend and always has our best interest at heart?
They would never do anything by force, right?:D
Because the govt. is our best friend and always has our best interest at heart?
They would never do anything by force, right?:D
vaccines have eradicated deadly diseases

Well, they did until the advent of shit stupid tards like you who have mush brains full of conspiracy theories
how is willingly choosing to infect others with deadly and preventable viruses anything other than biological terrorism?

This is an assumption that you came to on your own.
How did you come to the conclusion that I feel that way?
You seem to know a lot about me, have we met?
Foggy posting an article from CNN about pot is nothing to get bent out of shape about. Are you going to tell Abandon he shouldn't post science because he has no Phd in the field and knows nothing?

Your continual slagging of an American hero for emotional and political purposes is Trumpian behavior. You tell me not to post health information after posting a half links to poor studies. Stop the hypocrisy and stop the attempted censoring. If you think I look foolish, imagine what I think of this bullshit. Also stop slagging an American hero who is putting it on the line because you don't like something Donald said about hydroxychloroquine. Since you arrogated to yourself the role of site censor and figure you can tell others what to do, I can do the same to you and will.

You wanna keep attacking my posts with personal insults and bullshit like that fine. You are acting like Trumper and will be treated like Trumper, keep slagging America heroes and impugning their character, it just reveals your lack of one, or of any kind of emotion control. You won't have any luck play social dominance games foggy, you must have a lot you're compensating for.

You want to counter the posts, stick to the facts and leave the ameteur hour personal attacks out of it. You can't seem to do it though, your head is not clear enough for it.
I'm not challenging you because you have no degree in the subject. I'm just asking you to stop forwarding right wing propaganda. I don't blame you for being affected by it, I'm just pointing out that you have.

I also suggest that you stick to subjects that you know something about.
I'm not challenging you because you have no degree in the subject. I'm just asking you to stop forwarding right wing propaganda. I don't blame you for being affected by it, I'm just pointing out that you have.

I also suggest that you stick to subjects that you know something about.
Again, what right wing propaganda are you speaking of, please be specific.

I like you foggy, in spite of yourself sometimes, we agree on most everything important though. I don't mind a good debate, its stimulating and challenging at times, we grow by challenging ourselves. I hate like sin doing ad hominem attacks on good people, even to defend myself from them, I'll do it to Trumpers because it's an act of war plan and simple, they are a real and present danger to my country and yours. I'm really here as a warrior until covid-19, fighting as an ally on the side of patriotic Americans such as yourself.

When I started this thread there was virtually no information on this subject out there and I gathered what I could find that was evidence based and posted it here. There is less need for that now, the internet and YouTube abound in it, I' haven't posted the latest medcram videos because there's not much in them that the public would be interested in, it's mostly for medical professionals. I will post some in the future if there is some salient information.

I've been doing a bit of research on the health effects of pot and ran across the stuff you posted, I recently quit smoking again and I'm coughing up brown and black shit in the morning, it's a personal decision. The CNN article was the first thing I saw on it in the, though I never searched the news a lot of people are familiar with CNN as a trusted source and I wanted to see if anybody else had similar concerns. I would make a good thread and topic for debate, double blind studies became popular in the 50's, but people have been talking science before that, speculation, conjecture and half baked ideas are part of the scientific process too, usually on the front end before the studies begin. Much science is done over a few beers and a lot of loose talk, the papers are just the end product.
To confirm here:
You are of the opinion that those how protest being forced to to something against there will are the fascists?
And those who oppose laws that force people to to things against their will are a danger to humanity?
Is that correct?
Well now you’ve just confirmed your as stupid as a stump. Do you like watching children die, their death caused by some imbecile that believes fact free dribble?
Again, what right wing propaganda are you speaking of, please be specific.

I like you foggy, in spite of yourself sometimes, we agree on most everything important though. I don't mind a good debate, its stimulating and challenging at times, we grow by challenging ourselves. I hate like sin doing ad hominem attacks on good people, even to defend myself from them, I'll do it to Trumpers because it's an act of war plan and simple, they are a real and present danger to my country and yours. I'm really here as a warrior until covid-19, fighting as an ally on the side of patriotic Americans such as yourself.

When I started this thread there was virtually no information on this subject out there and I gathered what I could find that was evidence based and posted it here. There is less need for that now, the internet and YouTube abound in it, I' haven't posted the latest medcram videos because there's not much in them that the public would be interested in, it's mostly for medical professionals. I will post some in the future if there is some salient information.

I've been doing a bit of research on the health effects of pot and ran across the stuff you posted, I recently quit smoking again and I'm coughing up brown and black shit in the morning, it's a personal decision. The CNN article was the first thing I saw on it in the, though I never searched the news a lot of people are familiar with CNN as a trusted source and I wanted to see if anybody else had similar concerns. I would make a good thread and topic for debate, double blind studies became popular in the 50's, but people have been talking science before that, speculation, conjecture and half baked ideas are part of the scientific process too, usually on the front end before the studies begin. Much science is done over a few beers and a lot of loose talk, the papers are just the end product.
Stop trying to be informative about medical science. You are promoting right wing nonsense.
Because the govt. is our best friend and always has our best interest at heart?
They would never do anything by force, right?:D
By government you mean we, and if we decide you need to be vaccinated, you will be, likewise if we think you should die, you will, they do people in every day in America, death row is a busy place. Only the constitution protects you and that is open to interpretation by the SCOTUS.

Democratic societies can force to do things you don't want to, Millions were drafted and sent to Vietnam a few decades ago, I'm old enough to remember it and if I was and American I would have been old enough at 18 in 1973 to fight in the tail end of it. A lot of people didn't like getting drafted, some went to jail and some went to Canada, a lot stayed.
Stop trying to be informative about medical science. You are promoting right wing nonsense.
I've made no posts concerning you know what for awhile because of the controversy, but I will post a study when it comes out, make of it what you will. Nobody knows about HCQ yet there have been no studies done and to make a claim about it one way or another at this point would be foolish. There is a ton of shit about that online now, there is no fresh ground to be tilled and nothing to post about it.

As for hot and cold showers say, there is an evidence base and serious people are taking a serious look and results can be quantified using blood tests. Specific instructions for this are all over the internet and I never paid much attention, I thought it was pseudoscience, until I investigated the evidence base. Other than getting into shape, eating right and sleeping enough, I've found just 2 things that are evidence based that might help someone to survive (me). Vitamin D, but only if you are deficient (many are) and hot cold, which can be as simple as alternating hot and cold showers. (proper instructions are found many places online), the risks are similar to exercise.

Here is another piece of speculation based on evidence, what do you think, I think it might be a likely scenario.
They are moving into production of an antibody treatment in Winnipeg that apparently works. Assuming they and the two US biotech companies they signed on are successful and the treatment is deployed, it will most likely be used on hospitalised covid-19 patients who are going down hill or who are on a ventilator (first). Let's say that this treatment causes 90% of people who would normally progress to need ventilation, not too. People get sick and feel like shit, but only a fraction actually die. Let's say the treatment drives the mortality rate down to flu levels.

What would be the implications of this?
Would it be a game changer in terms of getting the economy back up?
Cheaper than a a couple of billion virus tests and and another billion antibody tests?

I hope Canada saves yer ass, and mine too! :D

This is from a month ago, I posted it before and this is also for the benefit of others who read this post.

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Well, I've had a tickle in my throat since yesterday, feels like a hair at the base of my tongue, it could be, I've got two cats! Temp is normal and I feel fine, chipper in fact. Covid-19 paranoia! I got some zinc lozenges to suck on, hope and pseudoscience. I've been careful with the personal separation and treat things when I go out like I'm living in a nuclear waste dump, but the CDC just said it was more contagious than they thought. I don't think I have the bug and I do a temp check a couple of times a day 36.6C just now ( I run low like a lizard and that's my normal range).

The captain said he didn't have a fever though, but a sore throat and congestion, I don't have much congestion, just my lungs cleaning themselves out of pot tar ( I quit a week ago). I wouldn't say my throat was sore either, just feels like a stray hair, only in my throat and not up my ass...
Well, I've had a tickle in my throat since yesterday, feels like a hair at the base of my tongue, it could be, I've got two cats! Temp is normal and I feel fine, chipper in fact. Covid-19 paranoia! I got some zinc lozenges to suck on, hope and pseudoscience. I've been careful with the personal separation and treat things when I go out like I'm living in a nuclear waste dump, but the CDC just said it was more contagious than they thought. I don't think I have the bug and I do a temp check a couple of times a day 36.6C just now ( I run low like a lizard and that's my normal range).

The captain said he didn't have a fever though, but a sore throat and congestion, I don't have much congestion, just my lungs cleaning themselves out of pot tar ( I quit a week ago). I wouldn't say my throat was sore either, just feels like a stray hair, only in my throat and not up my ass...
This might raise your spirits. Only 42 active cases (known) in your province so your chances of having it a pretty small, minuscule even. I’m sure it’s a cat hair :(.
Here’s a public health tip form Oregon.

I’m assuming the rimming thing is legit concern and not speculation!!!


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