Again, what right wing propaganda are you speaking of, please be specific.
I like you foggy, in spite of yourself sometimes, we agree on most everything important though. I don't mind a good debate, its stimulating and challenging at times, we grow by challenging ourselves. I hate like sin doing ad hominem attacks on good people, even to defend myself from them, I'll do it to Trumpers because it's an act of war plan and simple, they are a real and present danger to my country and yours. I'm really here as a warrior until covid-19, fighting as an ally on the side of patriotic Americans such as yourself.
When I started this thread there was virtually no information on this subject out there and I gathered what I could find that was evidence based and posted it here. There is less need for that now, the internet and YouTube abound in it, I' haven't posted the latest medcram videos because there's not much in them that the public would be interested in, it's mostly for medical professionals. I will post some in the future if there is some salient information.
I've been doing a bit of research on the health effects of pot and ran across the stuff you posted, I recently quit smoking again and I'm coughing up brown and black shit in the morning, it's a personal decision. The CNN article was the first thing I saw on it in the, though I never searched the news a lot of people are familiar with CNN as a trusted source and I wanted to see if anybody else had similar concerns. I would make a good thread and topic for debate, double blind studies became popular in the 50's, but people have been talking science before that, speculation, conjecture and half baked ideas are part of the scientific process too, usually on the front end before the studies begin. Much science is done over a few beers and a lot of loose talk, the papers are just the end product.