Trump will kill us all

I will.

I said it works both ways sir. You cant say millions havent died, because all kinds of people that have died world wide with symptoms were never tested.

Literally thousands, possibly Hundreds of thousands around the world, and USA that died with Codvd-19 symptoms were never tested.

More than 2,200 coronavirus deaths in nursing homes, but federal government isn't tracking them

As COVID-19 afflicts thousands in nursing homes, officials are pushed to disclose details

The numbers are likely a significant undercount, given the limited access to testing and other constraints, state officials and public health experts say.

Nearly 2,500 long-term care facilities in 36 states are battling coronavirus cases, according to data gathered by NBC News from state agencies, an explosive increase of 522 percent compared to a federal tally just 10 days ago.

The total dwarfs the last federal estimate on March 30 — based on “informal outreach” to state health departments — that more than 400 nursing homes had at least one case of the virus.

The full scale of the virus’ impact is even greater than NBC News’ tally, as key states including Florida did not provide data, and nursing homes across the United States are still struggling for access to testing.
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What you just said makes absolutely zero sense.

What someone is trying to tell me is that in about 3 months since covid came about, millions of people have died from it, but haven’t been counted as a covid death.
None of the comparisons to flu make sense.

I jumped into the middle of a thread and interpreted what you said without context of your discussion. @jimihendrix1 doesn't reply, he just posts, which makes it impossible to go back and read a thread like that from beginning to end. So, I'm just going to apologize for jumping in the middle of your discussion without knowing context.

That said, millions have not died of either the flu or covid. I can't point at data, but I'm not willing to say our healthcare system is so fucked up it would fail to recognize a misdiagnosis of the cause of deaths of millions. US death rate has not spiked this year, Coronavirus is taking a toll but there aren't millions more dead showing up in mortality statistics.

OTOH, recent data shows millions have been exposed and now contain antibodies to Covid-19 without ever being tested. We don't know what the real number is but whatever death rate people calculate from existing test data and death certificates for cause of death is in error to the high side.

I don't think I'm telling you anything new or controversial.
I wonder why the CDC is bases the progress of this disease by number of deaths. It couldn't possibly be the best available metric, right? It couldn't possibly be that they have assessed various metrics and decided number of deaths to be the best available metric. (sarcasm font. we need a sarcasm font)
I’m not arguing the number of deaths. I’m arguing the death rate by percentage when calculated by only using the confirmed cases by testing.
I’m not arguing the number of deaths. I’m arguing the death rate by percentage when calculated by only using the confirmed cases by testing.
Sorry but I'm unable to follow the thread, so I have no idea what you are arguing.

I do know that confirmed cases are hopelessly correlated to the number of people who are sick enough to be admitted to the hospital and so death rate calculated using that number is actually just a reflection of death rate of people with severe symptoms. The actual mortality rate due to this virus is much lower. I'm not claiming to know what that is. I just know that case rates and death rates due to CV are poor metrics for tracking this disease.
Sorry but I'm unable to follow the thread, so I have no idea what you are arguing.

I do know that confirmed cases are hopelessly correlated to the number of people who are sick enough to be admitted to the hospital and so death rate calculated using that number is actually just a reflection of death rate of people with severe symptoms. The actual mortality rate due to this virus is much lower. I'm not claiming to know what that is. I just know that case rates and death rates due to CV are poor metrics for tracking this disease.
This is exactly what I was trying to say.:cool:
I will.

I said it works both ways sir. You cant say millions havent died, because all kinds of people that have died world wide with symptoms were never tested.

Literally thousands, possibly Hundreds of thousands around the world, and USA that died with Codvd-19 symptoms were never tested.

More than 2,200 coronavirus deaths in nursing homes, but federal government isn't tracking them

As COVID-19 afflicts thousands in nursing homes, officials are pushed to disclose details

The numbers are likely a significant undercount, given the limited access to testing and other constraints, state officials and public health experts say.

Nearly 2,500 long-term care facilities in 36 states are battling coronavirus cases, according to data gathered by NBC News from state agencies, an explosive increase of 522 percent compared to a federal tally just 10 days ago.

The total dwarfs the last federal estimate on March 30 — based on “informal outreach” to state health departments — that more than 400 nursing homes had at least one case of the virus.

The full scale of the virus’ impact is even greater than NBC News’ tally, as key states including Florida did not provide data, and nursing homes across the United States are still struggling for access to testing.
In 2019, month of March, 253,000 died. We don't have that number for March 2020 but I'm willing to say right now that millions did not die unnoticed last month. About 4500 people were certified as dying from CV in March 2020. I could see that number being off by by as much as 10x, but not by more than 1000x. We are fucked up in the US, but not that fucked.

Hundreds Of U.S. Hospitals Join Convalescent Plasma Study To Treat Coronavirus


A lab technician freeze packs donated convalescent plasma donated by recovered COVID-19 patients for ... [+]

Hundreds of U.S. hospitals are beginning to collect plasma from their patients who have recovered from the coronavirus strain COVID-19 as researchers search for a treatment for the deadly virus.

Though no effective treatment or vaccine for COVID-19 is available, use of a plasma therapy that might be able to help patients recover is widening from early test sites at academic medical centers and the Mayo Clinic, which is leading the current study of convalescent plasma, to community hospitals. Mayo is coordinating the effort supported by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration at more than 1,600 sites across the country.
On Friday, HCA Healthcare, the nation’s largest investor-owned hospital chain, said 172 of its affiliated hospitals are “participating in a national study to test whether plasma from convalescent, or recovered, COVID-19 patients may help in the treatment of individuals currently sick from the virus.” These hospitals are seeking “qualified plasma donors in 20 states,” the company said.

The massive effort is significant because there can be plasma shortages and cases of COVID-19 continue to surge across the U.S. And success of the study will be measured in part on a massive plasma collection effort, those involved say.
“We’re encouraging the communities HCA Healthcare serves to join us in this important effort to help identify donors,” HCA Healthcare chief medical officer Dr. Jonathan Perlin said.
I’m not arguing the number of deaths. I’m arguing the death rate by percentage when calculated by only using the confirmed cases by testing.
so can somebody confirm/deny: i've read that those that die at home are not tested posthumously for covid? wouldn't that skew the death rate higher than what is being guesstimated? either way, this will not be gone in 15 days as told to us by Orange Leader.
I thought it was Obama that left him a bad test for a virus that did not exist in the human population yet? And left the cupboards bare after warning him that this was “inevitable!!” that’s a big word, maybe the stable genius should look it up!
Feels like Bizaro land, just waiting for him to Bring Kramer pup at one of his “Press Conference Rally’s. He’s more worried about his ratings when he saw Pense getting the spotlight daily....3days and he flipped on that, bit can still blame Mike as the fall guy.
"Inevitable" has too many syllables for a child with a 35 word vocabulary. He has to reach his "base".
I'm in the UK currently and sorry to disappoint you but I have no intention of locking down in my basement.

USA is the laughing stock of the world simply because you have a BS President and he is only there because he was voted there because of all his idiot supporters. They voted for this "one person" and he rules your land with his delusion, nonsense and self bleating BS!

Nothing has changed for basements, no maga hats and no netflix. Just the lovely English countryside on this pleasant summer day and great homegrown in plentiful supply.

The world will be fine except for some stupid deluded yankee who likes to hear his own voice so much and has no idea what it will produce until it open!

Disinfectant anyone to go with your spliffs?
And Boris is the Trump of Europe Someone buy that guy a comb, The Donald could teach him how to do a side comb over instead of a Beatles Mop top.

As we vote Dump out you will still be dealing with your version... all I can say is good luck... and I pray for you.
None of the comparisons to flu make sense.

I jumped into the middle of a thread and interpreted what you said without context of your discussion. @jimihendrix1 doesn't reply, he just posts, which makes it impossible to go back and read a thread like that from beginning to end. So, I'm just going to apologize for jumping in the middle of your discussion without knowing context.

That said, millions have not died of either the flu or covid. I can't point at data, but I'm not willing to say our healthcare system is so fucked up it would fail to recognize a misdiagnosis of the cause of deaths of millions. US death rate has not spiked this year, Coronavirus is taking a toll but there aren't millions more dead showing up in mortality statistics.

OTOH, recent data shows millions have been exposed and now contain antibodies to Covid-19 without ever being tested. We don't know what the real number is but whatever death rate people calculate from existing test data and death certificates for cause of death is in error to the high side.

I don't think I'm telling you anything new or controversial.

Im not speaking of USA only. The stats I quoted for death rate was world wide.

The Worldwide death percentage of known cases is 6.9% is what I first stated. Not just a stat for USA. Worldwide. I said nothing about USA only.

What I posted.

As of right now..4-24-2020 the World Wide Death Rate of the virus is 6.98%

191,791 Worldwide Deaths is 6.98572812%....... of 2,745,469 Infections Worldwide.
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Covid-19: Why is America’s death toll so high? | The Economist

America's covid-19 death toll is higher than anywhere else in the world—and is continuing to mount. What’s behind the country’s coronavirus pandemic failings? Read more here:
And Boris is the Trump of Europe Someone buy that guy a comb, The Donald could teach him how to do a side comb over instead of a Beatles Mop top.

As we vote Dump out you will still be dealing with your version... all I can say is good luck... and I pray for you.

Such a thoughtful sensible reply.

Rather have a guy with scruffy hair than that fucking clown you have.

Look beyond the hair ffs, your supposed to be an adult right?
Im not speaking of USA only. The stats I quoted for death rate was world wide.

The Worldwide death percentage of known cases is 6.9% is what I first stated. Not just a stat for USA. Worldwide. I said nothing about USA only.

What I posted.

As of right now..4-24-2020 the World Wide Death Rate of the virus is 6.98%

191,791 Worldwide Deaths is 6.98572812%....... of 2,745,469 Infections Worldwide.
So, I like you and don't want this to come off as a flame or anything.

I just want to point out that millions of dead are not easy to miscount. Several thousand world wide? absolutely and I don't disagree that the total dead are undercounted. But not enough to offset the millions we know were not counted as infected because we were only testing and counting those who are showing symptoms.

We know for a fact that millions were exposed and have antibodies to the virus. We don't have the same certainty about the number of dead but it's not nearly as bad as you say.

That said, absolutely agree that IF somebody is sick enough that they got tested, then their death rate is high, something like 7%. But it's a conditional probability.
I’m not arguing the number of deaths. I’m arguing the death rate by percentage when calculated by only using the confirmed cases by testing.
Yeah I have been saying that shit for weeks. People don't even realize that "case fatality rate" and "infection fatality rate" are actually academic terms used by experts to describe something in particular. One guy was even trying to predict that 30 million people would die in the US alone and I was yeah dude, chill the fuck out and finish digging your fox hole.
Healthy people in their 30s and 40s, barely sick with COVID-19, are dying from strokes
"We are used to thinking of 60 as a young patient when it comes to large vessel occlusions," Raz said of the deadliest strokes. "We have never seen so many in their 50s, 40s and late 30s."
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so can somebody confirm/deny: i've read that those that die at home are not tested posthumously for covid? wouldn't that skew the death rate higher than what is being guesstimated? either way, this will not be gone in 15 days as told to us by Orange Leader.
They are not tested in most cases, however, they are tracked and many are added to the counts in revisions of official numbers, which are regular. The last time they did a revision as such in New York for example, they simply added about 3700 to the death count in mid April.

N.Y.C. Death Toll Soars Past 10,000 in Revised Virus Count
The city has added more than 3,700 additional people who were presumed to have died of the coronavirus but had never tested positive.

The city of Wuhan did something similar and so has Italy. In the 1918 flu pandemic, scholars were revising stats for years afterward.
Sorry but I'm unable to follow the thread, so I have no idea what you are arguing.
Then stop being a windbag, fuckdog.
they have assessed various metrics and decided number of deaths to be the best available metric
We need a citation for that. Also, we need that scientifically correlated with the measures that have been taken to contain the spread of the virus.

As I have understood those measures from the start, they were about measuring the spread of the virus. Measuring the spread of the virus is kind of like measuring the spread of the virus. So when you measure the spread of the virus, what you're measuring is the spread of the virus. That's what I would measure, if I was measuring the spread of the virus. Maybe they're not measuring the spread of the virus though.