Lockdowns work.


Well-Known Member
Why aiming for herd immunity to deal with the coronavirus still is a bad idea | DW News

The term “herd immunity” has been coming up a lot in the discussion of how to best slow down the spread of COVID-19. Some politicians appeared to be considering the idea. What do health experts think? And what will the human cost be?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
DR Conflict has already stated for the record that Nordic countries aren't real countries. Graphs are hereby dismissed. Stop trolling Mr Budley or you WILL be reported for spamming MY therad.
Ok ok jeesh :(. I’ve already been reported once this week...... please don’t take my posting privileges away :(. I’m still confused though and asking for clarification. So is it linear or logarithmic graphs that are all wrong? Seems it depends on what one proves lockdowns don’t work? Also if I would have included the NL’s graph would that have worked :(.


Well-Known Member
Ok ok jeesh :(. I’ve already been reported once this week...... please don’t take my posting privileges away :(. I’m still confused though and asking for clarification. So is it linear or logarithmic graphs that are all wrong? Seems it depends on what one proves lockdowns don’t work? Also if I would have included the NL’s graph would that have worked :(.
since i do have a fondness for canadians, you shall be forgiven (this time).

all graphs, charts and statistics have been banned from this therad. i want opinions and feelings. and cheeseburgers.

speaking of burgers, i watched the end of the Krystal Square Off from 2006 yesterday. Kobiyashi won by eating 97 in 8 minutes.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
since i do have a fondness for canadians, you shall be forgiven (this time).

all graphs, charts and statistics have been banned from this therad. i want opinions and feelings. and cheeseburgers.

speaking of burgers, i watched the end of the Krystal Square Off from 2006 yesterday. Kobiyashi won by eating 97 in 8 minutes.
Thank you so much! (Yes Canadians say that a lot) Today is a milestone for me and my girlfriend. We are getting takeout tonight ......woohoo! Oh FYI, we were always allowed and even allowed to go get it ourselves, using a subway even!!! I won’t say what nationality of take out as I am aware there is a call for boycotting products and some are very sensitive about these things here. We can now afford this because I’m getting 2 weeks to the gallon of gas in my truck.


Well-Known Member
A 50-state experiment: How and when will states reopen?
CNN's John King takes a look at how all 50 states are addressing reopening.


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much! (Yes Canadians say that a lot) Today is a milestone for me and my girlfriend. We are getting takeout tonight ......woohoo! Oh FYI, we were always allowed and even allowed to go get it ourselves, using a subway even!!! I won’t say what nationality of take out as I am aware there is a call for boycotting products and some are very sensitive about these things here. We can now afford this because I’m getting 2 weeks to the gallon of gas in my truck.

We all know already ...

you're getting french fries and cheese curds covered in gravy. :lol:



Well-Known Member
It is not certain. Not even close to certain. Infection rates are unknown and you're going to have to wait for the NIH seroprevalence study to come out to prove this unequivocally but it is demonstrable in several seroprevalence studies which have already been conducted that this is the case. However, I would tend to agree that lockdowns have had a very slight positive effect on the reproductive rate, as I have all along.

No, the figure you have repeatedly posted has nothing to do with the reproductive rate. Any inference that can be made in regard to the reproductive rate based on it is completely unscientific.

You keep declaring this, but it's simply fasle, as I have repeatedly demonstrated. They don't even have a final death count.

"Look how many deaths have been counted, the R0 is down" is what you're literally saying and it is quite retarded.
You haven't demonstrated anything. The only valid data coming from the early days of this epidemic are death counts. Testing has been completely under scoped and has only been used as a diagnostic tool. R0 was clearly reduced when lockdowns were implemented. This is shown quite clearly on the figure posted below.


I keep asking you to post something convincing instead of simply playing a game of rope-a-dope. You've failed to post anything convincing. I think the Swedish strategy is horrible and won't work in the US. We are nowhere near 70% immunity and neither are they. "Weeks away from herd immunity" when the cost of that is in human lives? Lockdowns clearly are working and I've also posted reasons why lockdowns are not nearly as harmful to society than as you advise, letting the epidemic ravage a community.

There are always people who can't ever get it right. It's not that they/you are stupid, it's just that the facts get in the way with how they/you want the world to be.

Lockdowns work. Letting epidemics ravage communities is more harmful. The benefits from these lockdowns are soon to be realized when we begin to open up with testing, contact tracing and quarantine protocols in place. I've presented plenty of evidence and studies to back up what I've said.

Now then, the Phillippines. Very low rates of infection going on. Why is that?


Well-Known Member
White House Coronavirus Official: Michigan Lockdown Protest ‘Devastatingly Worrisome’
Dr. Deborah Birx called on people to protect each other after hundreds of protesters ignored social distancing guidelines.

“It’s devastatingly worrisome to me personally,” Birx said, “because if they go home and infect their grandmother or their grandfather who has a comorbid condition and they have a serious or an unfortunate outcome, they will feel guilty for the rest of our lives.”
“We need to protect each other at the same time we’re voicing our discontent,” she added.

These people who oppose lockdowns are members of a death cult.


Well-Known Member
Worth the risk? Sweden bets on herd immunity

ust how big a gamble did #Sweden take when it bucked the trend in Scandinavia and opted never to lock down the country? Its death toll now far exceeds that of its less populated neighbours, with the virus most notably tearing through nursing homes. The payoff, argue the Swedes, is that more than an estimated one quarter of the population is now immune to the coronavirus. Herd immunity was never an option in France, where hospitals were quickly overrun with patients. In past pandemics, citizens never considered confinement as an option. What can history teach us about the present crisis?


Well-Known Member
Another country that was one of the first with community spread and never implemented lockdowns.
Japan’s Coronavirus Cases Fall Sharply Without Compulsory Measures
Nation hasn’t imposed a lockdown backed with fines or other penalties and has shunned widespread testing


Well-Known Member
Another country that was one of the first with community spread and never implemented lockdowns.

Are you making plans utilizing this lull in the assault of Mother Earth to further the benefit the life of the Coral Reefs?
or is your stance;
"Coral Reefs, old people of the ocean".


Well-Known Member
Are you making plans utilizing this lull in the assault of Mother Earth to further the benefit the life of the Coral Reefs?
or is your stance;
"Coral Reefs, old people of the ocean".
I don't understand what you mean. I had to leave all my nurseries behind. I imagine they're thriving and my garden may become a reef of heat resistant strains.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand what you mean. I had to leave all my nurseries behind. I imagine they're thriving and my garden may become a reef of heat resistant strains.
To what temperature may they adapt too?

I thought you were for cutting carbon emissions.

Lock downs work, I haven't died once since I started.