Lockdowns work.


Well-Known Member
fun factoid:
Sweden's national dish is not Swedish meatballs. It's a Cheesburger (smoked eel topping optional)
I'll take a Swedish Cheeseburger. Hold the beef patty and cheese, please add the optional smoked eel topping. Death cult literature will be reserved as backup in case of TP shortage.


Well-Known Member
Sweden vs US in death rates.

View attachment 4555024

Sweden's population is a fraction of that living in the US. The anti-science death cult wants the US to die like they did in Sweden.
Graphed nationally, deaths per capita, with both outbreaks starting at the same point and actual infection rates unknown is a great way to ignore the rationale of the Swedish strategy. That's is the very definition of science denial.



Well-Known Member
Graphed nationally, deaths per capita, with both outbreaks starting at the same point and actual infection rates unknown is a great way to ignore the rationale of the Swedish strategy. That's is the very definition of science denial.

Oh, hi, Death Cult, have you talked to Duterte about your theory?


Well-Known Member
Here in Oregon, however, the lockdown has done a pretty good job. We have this news to report:

Pace of new COVID-19 cases in Oregon continues to slow

Oregon reported no COVID-19 fatalities on Sunday, and the state’s daily death toll remained at 109.
The pace of the novel coronavirus pandemic is slowing down, according to state figures on the caseload. Oregon added 369 cases of COVID-19 in the last week for an increase of 16 percent.
That’s the lowest number of new weekly cases in nearly a month, and the rate of transmission has declined every week since March 29.

As the title of this thread states, lockdowns work. There is no need to debate this, the debate is over.


Well-Known Member
Here in Oregon, however, the lockdown has done a pretty good job. We have this news to report:

Pace of new COVID-19 cases in Oregon continues to slow

Oregon reported no COVID-19 fatalities on Sunday, and the state’s daily death toll remained at 109.
The pace of the novel coronavirus pandemic is slowing down, according to state figures on the caseload. Oregon added 369 cases of COVID-19 in the last week for an increase of 16 percent.
That’s the lowest number of new weekly cases in nearly a month, and the rate of transmission has declined every week since March 29.

As the title of this thread states, lockdowns work. There is no need to debate this, the debate is over.
Bullshit. It's a subjective puff piece. South Dakota never had a lockdown and a similar number of cases and despite its smaller population, it had an outbreak cluster comparable in scope to what one would see in community spread in a city like Portland. Both states have sparsely populated rural areas and so they are quite comparable. Both states saw community spread at around the same time period. Nonetheless, South Dakota has seen far fewer deaths despite having an inferior healthcare system, less wealth and even with its smaller overall state population, has had fewer deaths even per capita. Nor can this be attributed to testing dispparities as Oregon has conducted far more total tests.

Considering that South Dakota has achieved this without lockdowns, they need not worry about a coming spike in cases due to an easing of such measures.
Screenshot (100).png


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. It's a subjective puff piece. South Dakota never had a lockdown and a similar number of cases and despite its smaller population, it had an outbreak cluster comparable in scope to what one would see in community spread in a city like Portland. Both states have sparsely populated rural areas and so they are quite comparable. Both states saw community spread at around the same time period. Nonetheless, South Dakota has seen far fewer deaths despite having an inferior healthcare system, less wealth and even with its smaller overall state population, has had fewer deaths even per capita. Nor can this be attributed to testing dispparities as Oregon has conducted far more total tests.

Considering that South Dakota has achieved this without lockdowns, they need not worry about a coming spike in cases due to an easing of such measures.
View attachment 4555641
I'm sorry that you didn't get any satisfaction from people dying in my state. Actually not sorry. Go sell your death cult's plans to Duterte. We won't cooperate.


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. It's a subjective puff piece. South Dakota never had a lockdown and a similar number of cases and despite its smaller population, it had an outbreak cluster comparable in scope to what one would see in community spread in a city like Portland. Both states have sparsely populated rural areas and so they are quite comparable. Both states saw community spread at around the same time period. Nonetheless, South Dakota has seen far fewer deaths despite having an inferior healthcare system, less wealth and even with its smaller overall state population, has had fewer deaths even per capita. Nor can this be attributed to testing dispparities as Oregon has conducted far more total tests.

Considering that South Dakota has achieved this without lockdowns, they need not worry about a coming spike in cases due to an easing of such measures.
View attachment 4555641
You've obviously never been to SD. There are barely any people there cause not many people want to live there. It's great for fishing and hunting though.

And it's still not immuned. Check out the meat plant shit there. You guys love the New York Times.


Well-Known Member
You've obviously never been to SD. There are barely any people there cause not many people want to live there. It's great for fishing and hunting though.

And it's still not immuned. Check out the meat plant shit there. You guys love the New York Times.
People who endorse opening this economy up without adequate containment measures in place are calling sacrifice of human lives for their consumerism. The OP was written by a person who is employed in the international tourism industry. Small wonder that from his safe seat in the Phillippines, he's pushing for the US to "just get it over with". No matter if that means millions more dead.


Well-Known Member
he's pushing for the US to "just get it over with". No matter if that means millions more dead.
Bullshit. You're appealing to emotion. That's not my position at all and you know it. Yesterday, after I eviscerated your weak arguments, you claimed I was bullying you and ran away crying, when I was arguing alone against a crowd of trolls with weaponized likes and memes and shitposting all on your side. The fact is, the evidence is simply not on your side and I have patiently and calmly rebutted every fallacy you've composed. The lockdowns have failed utterly to protect the most vulnerable.

Serosurveys have been showing that the virus is far more widespread than the number of confirmed cases would have us believe. The WHO has reported, already more than a fortnight ago, that 2% - 3% of the world is estimated to have antibodies. It's been two weeks since the samples were taken showing New York at over 25% infected. A German serosurvey from 3 weeks ago showed 15%. Sweden is claiming to be less than a month from herd immunity.

With herd immunity coming so rapidly and a vaccine so far away, it is pure folly to think that we can forestall the spread of this pandemic until there is a vaccine when there has never been a vaccine in history developed in under four years. Worse yet, if we continue to try, it will drive up the rate of death because we'll be contending with a famine AND a pandemic.

Top this with the fact that those dying from the disease need not be exposed in order to let the workforce continue to run society. By and large, those vulnerable are the elderly and comorbid and they are not part of the work force. People need to fucking eat.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry that you didn't get any satisfaction from people dying in my state. Actually not sorry. Go sell your death cult's plans to Duterte. We won't cooperate.
States are opening though, whether you like it or not. You don't have to go outside though. oregon will open long before there is a vaccine or herd immunity as well, mark my words.


Well-Known Member
Dude if you can't get a girlfriend, there's always the pocket pussy. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Dude, if you can't get a like by trolling me, in a thread that was made specifically to troll me, where my arguments are being met with memes, shitposting and trolling, then your sockpuppet has already failed.


Well-Known Member
Dr Fauci says lockdowns have slowed the rate of spread of the virus, and said we would have had even more success if we started it earlier. I know you said you dont care what he says, but he states the facts, and thats all I care about. Fauci has all the info. Fauci says lockdown HAS slowed the progression of the virus... He also says we need way more testing that is currently being done. tRUmp says theres no need for it..

You give ZERO factual rebuttal vs Fauci. Only you dont care what he says. Thats not science. Fauci only believes in science.

Ill believe what Fauci says every time. Especially from anyone on a weed forum, and is also not an Immunologist expert, or a Virologist. Especially with an man with 53 years of experience. He been doing this longer than many here have even been alive.

NONE of the states so far have reached tRUmps own administration guidelines for reopening, yet tRUmp still wants to open shit up, regardless of his own administrations recommendations.
Many meat packing companies are also not reopening regardless of tRUmps executive order.

tRUmp also wants to order people back to work, and also doesnt want the companies held liable for deaths, or not suppling adequate PPE, and distancing space in the work area.

He just wants to order people around, and expose them to potential death, and not ne held accountable..
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