Try for negative pressure, your exhaust should always over compenste your intake and negative pressure will be achieved... i cannot quote all the scientific information or calculations on here but most often people are shooting for negative pressure... just think if air is being forced into the tent at a higher rate then it was being exhausted you would be left with a portion of dead stagnent air that would be of no good use to your plants and if you were a breeder you woulndt want that pesky pollen blasting out everytime you opened the door to your room or tent cross pollenating all of your years and years of hard work as a breeder would you? Also with negative pressure you continuously cycle fresh air into your space that your plants will transpire. Your air quality and your room temps will be improved, exhaust is for heat dissapation as well not just air exchange, way more important than airflow or just as important at the very least, no air exchange is bad plants wont breath or transpire rather... air needs to be exchanged every 3-5 minutes for fresh air to be present, so therefore you want an intake that can move that volume of air and over comp ur exhaust fan by 30% more volume rating then your intake or even 50% more volume rating (cfm rating- cibic feet per minute). In short this more then garantees ur negative pressure and air exchange. Good luck